Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1151: Qin State Movement

"Brother, something happened in the honor theater again, do we want to go over and take a look?" Xia Feng chuckled, but this guy is very much looking forward to something else in the theater.

"We? Can you get in?" Su Mu gave Xia Feng angrily.

"I can't get in, but you can get in. I heard that it was not Washima that caused the trouble this time..."

"American Emperor? Or Northern Russia?"

"Neither, it's Han Fei."

"Han Fei?" Su Mu hung up a smile, and the trouble was always in some unexpected countries, the Wadao country, a place the size of a bullet, but now it's good, and there is another Han Fei, a Chinese neighboring country that is smaller than Wadao.

"How about Qin? Did I ask you to find Poppy?"

"Looking for it, Somnus said that Qin's internal changes are being made, and it is estimated that he will not do it on us within seven days.

Because Qin was defeated, Su Mu also anticipated that Qin would be changed internally. At least, Dong Mingkun would no longer be in charge of Qin this time. Everything was normal before God's Domain appeared, but now it is abnormal. .

God’s Domain entered the continent. The incident of Director Qin was not unsuccessful. In addition, the people of Qin State in Qiongming Qinan Mountain were PKed by Su Mu. In the resident war a week ago, Qin State attacked with 2 million elites. The hundreds of thousands of the Qin State itself lost its share to the State of Qin, and this time the resident battle was directly lost to God's Domain, so the old president of the State of Qin naturally has to question...

In other words, it is not Dong Mingkun who will be in charge of Qin State, but his father.

"Hehe seven days, after seven days, Qin State still doesn't know if they will be there." Su Mu stood up and walked directly to the entrance of the hall.

Su Mu became excited when he heard this sentence.

"Brother, brother, wait for me, what did you just say? What did Qin State say otherwise after seven days? Do you have any plans? Tell me..."

Su Mu directly spread the blade wings and flew into the air instantly, Xia Fengqi stomped straight below.

Nima, there are plans not to tell us, this is a rhythm that drives people crazy.

However, Xia Feng was excited, because what Su Mu said just now probably meant that he was about to make a major decision about Qin in seven days.

Yesterday, most of the elite leaders of the Hall of the Gods were deployed, and many people including Xia Feng didn’t understand at the time, because this is the time when the focus is on defending Qin, why are the main teams mobilized?

Although Xia Feng didn't figure this out, he was clever. He directly found the madness and tears, and then asked the answer.

Later, Xia Feng came to understand that Su Mu's actions were targeted.

"Hey, don't you tell me, I know what you are going to do!" Xia Feng smiled and walked towards the resident hall.



E area station city.

Qin State.

Dong Mingkun, the proud son of heaven, Gu Lao, and some of the Qin elders all sat on both sides of the long table in the conference hall, and at the top of the long table stood a middle-aged man, about forty years old.

Turning his back to Dong Mingkun and others, he muttered: "A command summoned 40 small and medium-sized guilds in the four continents of China? And merged with God's Domain on the same day?"

"Yes, seven days ago, God's Domain applied to attack our C-region resident city, and then shouted in all continents, as if looking for someone. In the following seven days, a strange phenomenon of the migration of small and medium guilds in the four continents occurred because It's impossible to think of being a person from God's Domain, so I didn't care. I didn't expect to merge directly into God's Domain yesterday, and then successfully landed our Resident City.

The middle-aged man turned around, and the ID on the top of his head: Dong Yuan.

"In that case, did Poppy just tell you to defend with all your strength?" asked Dong Mingkun and Gu Lao frequently.

Dong Mingkun lowered his head and said: "I was careless. I didn't expect that there are so many people in a small God's Domain. The responsibility for this incident lies with me, and it has nothing to do with Old Gu and the others."

"Long Shisan didn't give you advice?"

"Father, I am in charge of the whole thing, I..."


Waiting for Dong Mingkun at every turn: "Don’t you know what the nature of poppy is? Huaxia poppy has a great reputation all over the world. Since the appearance of this guild, there has been no inaccurate information about poppy. How many do you have? Years of experience in holographic games? Can Poppy’s news fall on deaf ears?"

Dong Mingkun knew that this incident was caused by his underestimation of the enemy, so there is nothing to say now.

And Dong Yuan looked at Old Gu again, and said, "Old Gu, when I handed over Qin State to Xiaokun, I was afraid that something like this would happen, so I entrusted a few experienced veterans to lead him, this kid Did you let him do such a ridiculous thing?"

Huaxia Poppy, the news accuracy rate of this guild is well-known in the world. Although the map of the country is not open, it is only in reincarnation. Among other holographic games, the news of Poppy is very important all over the world. War estimation capability.

Dong Mingkun was so young that he couldn't even look down on Poppy, which made Dong Yuan extremely angry, especially when he made such a decision under the leadership of Old Gu.

"Remember that in the last game, Poppy's news was that China was bound to lose?"

Old Gu was startled and sighed: "How can you not remember that the total number of Huaxia on the map of the country had exceeded 10 million, but in the end it was lost to the 5 million people of Northern Russia. No one expected it. ."

This is the terrible thing about poppy. As long as the news of poppy is basically certain, this is why poppy is so popular in the world. Dong Yuan knows that Dong Mingkun is young and vigorous, and he is still angry with the old ones. what.

"Old Gu, come to Poppy with me."


When he walked to the door of the hall, Dong Yuan looked at Dong Mingkun and said, "Relegated to the general leader, reflect on it!"

What else can Dong Mingkun say? Can only accept his father's arrangement.

It's just that Dong Mingkun can't swallow this tone of God's Domain, this is Laozi Yin!

Obviously it's just a god's realm of hundreds of thousands of people, and suddenly it has become a few million elites. Isn't this the **** planned before? Just want to yin my Qin country!

If there were more than two million people in God's Domain at that time, plus poppy's eight-character news, would he be so dismissive of the enemy? Therefore, everything is caused by God's Domain!

"God's Muying! I will kill you myself! Destroy your God's Domain!!" Dong Mingkun clenched his teeth and clenched his teeth. Originally, leading Qin was his chance to become famous this year, but now everything has been disrupted by God's Domain. If this goes on, let alone become famous. I am afraid that people from Qin Guo's board of directors will soon be accused.

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