Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1179: Old Man Long (5 more)


Kyoto Airport.

Su Mu and Mei walked out of the airport hand in hand. By their side, Mei also pulled another teenager.

The young man looked at the buildings around him and the elegance of Kyoto with a look of surprise. At this time, he had completely subverted the idea in his heart. All the information about China came from the rumors between them, etc. But now that he saw the sight of Huaxia personally made him understand that Huaxia was not as rumored. Although Huaxia’s high-rise steel forest appeared in TV dramas, Han Fei thought that Huaxia was only a city to watch. Other places are poor...

Only now, looking at Kyoto from the plane, the bustling scene, the area of ​​Kyoto, just within the Fifth Ring Road, there are high-rise buildings with various steel forests, it is simply dizzying, which is nothing like Seoul, because it is just a Kyoto Sijiucheng is already about half the size of Han Fei...

Moreover, even if Han Fei hears that Huaxia is poor, there is another city in Xiahai besides this Kyoto. It is almost needless to say about the two cities of Huaxia...

From entering the territory of China to the airport, Park Jiejun was in a sluggish state, and he felt as if he had come from the countryside to the city...

"When will you return to Huangtianzhou area?" Su Mu stood in the waiting room with her charming little hand.

Mei wants to take Park Jiejun back to his hometown, so Su Mu can't tell anything. After all, after many years of separation, he will return to his hometown to recognize his ancestors. Besides, Mei is still a minority, so he has to go back.

It’s just that Su Mu knew that Mei’s walk would probably disappear again as before. This woman is always like this, making Su Mu elusive to come and go without a trace.

"I will show up when it's time for me to show up." Mei has restored her original temperament. At this time, her smile and free and easy face directly pulled Pu Jiejun to the security checkpoint.

Su Mu hung a smile, one day I will let you stay by my side, just walk around.



Outside the airport.

An amazing Kaiwei Cody sports car parked outside the airport. The sports car attracted countless people's attention. The car was so amazing, the whole body was dark, and the front portrait was like an F1 car, which was very domineering.

And beside the front of the car, a young man wearing sunglasses, dressed in casual formal wear with no sign, put his hands on his chest, and watched Su Mu approaching with a smile.

This person took off his sunglasses, and then came to a bear hug with Su Mu with a smile.

"Brother Su, you have finally come to Kyoto!"

Su Mu smiled and let go of the humanity: "I've been here before, you don't know it."

"Come on, get in the car, my old man has been waiting for you."

The two got in the car and started to go straight to the center of Kyoto.

On the way, Su Mu said while looking at the surrounding street scenes: "Long, is your grandfather named Long Zhewen?"

With a look of surprise on Long's face, he said while controlling his direction: "Brother Su, you actually know my grandfather's name?"

Long was stunned. Few people knew his grandpa's name. Except for some families in Kyoto, almost no one knew his grandpa's name because no one dared to call his grandpa's name directly. His qualifications were too old. , Family members who are under sixty years old in Kyoto must call Long Lao. If Long is not a descendant of the Long family, I am afraid that he would not know the name Long Zhewen.

So now Su Mu actually directly said his grandfather's name, which shocked Long.

He knows that Su Mu is the shadow of God, but he doesn't know what Su Mu's identity is in reality. The fact that Wen Renzhiyuan awarded Major General Su Mu Long knows, but that is also a recent thing, so this is not the true identity of Su Mu in reality. conflict.

In China, people like Su Mu's age will never know the name of grandpa except the Long family...

Su Mu smiled, more than just knowing...

However, Su Mu did not continue to talk about this topic, but talked about some of the dragon's achievements in the game over the years. The two met each other late, and it was the end of the conversation all the way to the Long Family Courtyard.

After stopping the car, Long led Su Mu into the courtyard.

What surprised Su Mu was that there were not many hidden cards in the courtyard, and Su Mu could hardly sense the existence of any bodyguards hidden in the courtyard. This point made Su Mu a little surprised and bright.

Compared with Wen's courtyard house, the difference is too big.

Siheyuan has no characteristics, almost all the same, Su Mu was taken to the living room by the dragon...

The guard of the living room, an old man holding a dry tobacco rod and smoking slowly, Su Mu and Long's entry did not seem to bother him.

"Grandpa...people are coming." Long glanced at Long Zhewen secretly.

The latter hummed, and then continued smoking, Su Mu and Long directly sat on the side chairs.

Originally, the Dragon Society thought that Su Mu would be restrained, but what surprised the dragon was that Su Mu actually sat in place and looked around the surrounding arrangements, and even played with the cups and teapots on the coffee table. Those are all porcelain, like Nima. Don’t be afraid to miss when playing...

These things should be careful even when drinking tea by yourself...

"Boy, how confident are you this year?" Long Zhewen said suddenly.

Long's heart tightened, it is estimated that this is about to be straightforward.

Regarding the fact that God's Domain was selected by the Huaxia Long Family and Wen Renjia, Kyoto was about to conceal it, so at this time the Long Family had to make a statement, and Su Mu also needed to make a statement.

But what surprised Long again was that Su Mu said faintly, "Not sure."

The dragon is going crazy! Is this talking to the old man? Not to mention Su Mu, even Long’s uncles answered their grandfather’s questions tremblingly, but Su Mu said four words without pain, and it’s still these four words, Nima Is this going to surprise people to death?

"Haha, your kid is honest."

Long's eyes widened even more, mmp! The world is going to be in chaos!

Before, he was surprised when Su Mu directly spoke out his grandfather's name, but now, his grandfather is laughing and chatting with Su Mu? I have never seen this kind of dragon, nor have I heard that his grandfather would be like this when he meets others. The worst thing is that he burst into a few swear words when chatting with an old monster of Wenren Zhiyuan's level...

At this time Su Mu stood up and said, "If the Long Family must let Brother Long join God's Domain by himself, even if he expresses his position, then I'm really not sure that I can win the first place in the world."

Long Zhewen smiled, then knocked on the cigarette stick and said, "What if I let go of the restrictions of those brothers around you?"

Su Mu was overjoyed upon hearing this!

What you want is this promise!

If this is the case, things seem to be a bit simpler, so Su Mu looked at Long Zhewen with a smile and said, "Then, now I have one more question to be determined."


"How much does Heyang's death have to do with your Long Family? Who are the people involved in this matter?"

The atmosphere changed instantly. Long Zhewen stopped smoking and looked at Su Mu, while the dragon beside him stared at Su Mu blankly. Nima, is this going to offend the old man? Asking this question in front of the old man, Su Mu's courage is a little too fat...

[PS; It seems that most book friends still like to update regularly every day, and then occasionally burst rhythm, so let's do it. Regarding the update time, I would like to tell you that no matter how many times it is updated, it will not satisfy all book friends. If it is updated at noon, then most of the book friends who like to stay up late will have to comment again, so zero is the best time. Updates at a time, book friends who like to stay up late can watch it directly, and book friends who don't like to stay up late can see it the next day. 】

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