Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1434: China's public fury

At this time, among the spectators, a large number of Chinese players covered their mouths and looked at Xia Feng in the middle.

Countless female players began to sob, because the news that Xia Feng had fallen to level 1 was for the spirit of God's Domain and the glory of China!

Players who watched Yin San had to admit that this God's Domain is the hardest guild in China in the history of the game!

"God Come on!"

Suddenly, someone who was watching the game in China screamed.

At this time, the members of Huaxia watching the game were mobilized.

"God Come on!"

"God Come on!"

The roar of millions of people instantly resounded through the audience, but in reality, Xia Feng was left alone in God's Domain, but the sound of cheering was louder than ever before!

"Hahaha!" Xia Feng laughed wildly!

Come on, God Domain!

There are still people cheering for themselves when they are left alone! This battle! Do not lose popularity!


boom! boom!

The crowd once again drowned Xia Feng's figure, and this time no one saw Xia Feng appear again.

The quiet scene lasted for more than ten seconds. The people in the center of Yinsan slowly separated. Xia Feng had disappeared. I don’t know if the equipment in one place was exploded by Xia Feng or the surrounding players. The entire scene Quiet to the extreme.

The players who were supposed to cheer in the Indian tour spectators were silent at this time, there was nothing to cheer, and nothing to be proud of.

A million-person God's Domain froze a three-million-person Yinsan team and now it is less than one million!

What cheers are there? What kind of pride is there?

God Realm, once again explained what it means to be glorious despite defeat!

God's Domain, once again proved that losing means winning!

The team stopped at the border. The people of Yinsan did not rectify the team, but quietly looked at the place where the hall of the gods died in the center. Mi Gil Khan felt uncomfortable. In this battle, Yinsan lost!

The loss was very thorough!

I'm afraid no one in the whole world will forget God's Domain, but what about Yin San's team name? Zach? Or so and so?

"God's Domain is great!"

With a bang, the Huaxia spectators shouted angrily!

"God's Domain is great!"

"God's Domain is great!"

The buzzing shouts filled the entire border, but the players who watched the match were unable to refute them. They didn't know what to shout, is Yinsan winning beautifully? Is it exciting to win? It seems not!

God's Domain has become the cry of Huaxia spectators.

at the same time.

In Huangtianzhou District, Forbidden Island District and other four continents, the payment announcements exploded in an instant.

"Ding! Huangtianzhou District Paying Announcement: XX: I'm just an ordinary Chinese player! I just want to ask! What is the Mythical Empire doing when the Divine Realm is attacking and printing the Three Frontiers? Are you watching? Are you gloating? Still have the slightest idea to help God's Domain? Is there?"

All four continents have such questioning voices.

At the same time, the peripheral members and even the core members of the Mythical Empire, all players excluding the elite, began to discuss, question, and even question their bosses.

The condemnation of the entire Huaxia region began.

The extent of the explosion at the scene was the biggest since the beginning of Samsara.

The paid announcements have been lined up for an hour, but there are still people who keep making announcements, questioning Mythical Empire, what are you doing? This is a national war, this is not a trade union war within China!

Ren Jia Yin San united several guilds to defend God's Domain, and even had the support of Han Fei, but what about China? Even though God's Domain was arrogant and domineering before, the things God's Domain did were very pleasing. Yin San first attacked China, and it was God's Domain who successfully defended it. The God's Domain backhand attack, which must be reported, was printed 3. This was for the tone of China and the face of China. And glory!

Just ask, what are you doing in the mythical empire?

Laozi asked, what is your mood when you see God's Domain being destroyed? Is it cool?

The exploding Huaxia players instantly drowned the mythical empire.

The German resident city in the Forbidden Continent was surrounded by Chinese players.

"The mythical empire gives an explanation!"

"We can't participate in the national war, but what about the first guild in China? Do we still have the first guild in China?"

"Mythical Empire! You give Lao Tzu an answer! What were you doing when God's Domain Guild was destroyed?"

"A Divine Realm Xia Feng makes Yin San shudder! Mythical Empire, do you deserve to be the No. 1 Guild in China?"

"Mythical Empire! I despise you!"

"The mythical empire, there is a way to fight the country!"

"An explanation to Lao Tzu!!"

The buzzing sound rang around the real resident city, and groups of people from the mythical empire stood on the wall and pulled their long bows to prepare magic and fortifications to prevent players from rebelling!

After seeing this battle, China's players became even more angry.

"Fuck! If you don't plant it to others, you will know the nest is horizontal? From the mythical empire, if there is a plant, you will beat Laozi!"

"Do you want to beat us? People from the Mythical Empire are so powerful!"

"Grass, mud, horse mythical empire, there is something you fight!"

The hula-la crowd began to squeeze forward, and it was a mess. This result made all the guilds never thought that the anger of the Chinese players was actually implicated in the Mythical Empire...

At this time, all the high-levels within the Mythical Empire frowned, and all the news received by everyone was the voice of questioning within the entire country.

Tonight I want to get drunk and look at the middle-aged humanity in the hall: "If you can't, just send out troops as a symbol?"

The middle-aged man turned his head and glanced at what he wanted to be drunk tonight: "Why send troops symbolically?"

"President, what do you mean..."

"The time for the border war is not over yet, right?"


"How many people can be teleported?"

"Since Yinsan's defense is 3 million, plus Han Fei's 3 million, and God's Domain transmits less than 3 million people, the current transmission rules allow us to transmit about 1 million people."

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "With the four elite groups of the Mythical Empire, attack the border!"

"The elite of the four regiments?"

"Yes, pull it all over! The border war must be won before the time is over, and the Yinsan Opera will give China a map."

The order was issued, and if you want to get drunk tonight, you can only start deployment according to the order.

However, the conspiracy behind this incident is unknown.

However, wanting to get drunk tonight is a quick reaction.

Now it’s attacking the printing three. Although it has destroyed the previous alliance status, at least the Mythical Empire faces the anger of Huaxia players first. If this anger is not calmed, the public opinion of the Mythical Empire in Huaxia will become a big trouble.

Therefore, when troops are sent to attack the border of the three borders, regardless of whether the three sides will be sent to defend, this battle must be fought.

"You really have your realm of God! A mythical empire fought by a border war has become passive." Tonight wanted to be drunk and smiled bitterly.

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