Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1447: The Ninth Element

The goddess Lieyu suddenly came behind Su Mu, and breathed slightly in Su Mu's ears, and Su Mu couldn't help but be surprised and hot.

On the shoulders came the finger of the goddess Lieyu, Su Mu couldn't help frowning, is this goddess Lieyu the real body?

If this is the case, Su Mu must subdue this goddess anyway today. After all, she is concerned with too many things, and 20% of the toxins in Su Mu's body have not been eliminated. This must be for Xiao Mu Ling to recover to its heyday, and Lie Goddess Yu is the only traction.

Su Mu's long sword instantly pierced through the gap in the waist.


The long sword did not have any resistance, as if it had pierced the air, but at this time the goddess Lieyu was still behind Su Mu, the long sword passed through her body, but it was empty.

Su Mu slowly turned around, and his eyes widened as he watched the long sword pierce through the abdomen of Goddess Lie Yu without any harm.

"Are you a clone?"

Goddess Lieyu smiled: "You would have killed the clone a long time ago. The clone cannot use this ability. Honorable Lord, did you become stupid after losing your memory?"


Goddess Lieyu walked slowly, her long skirt and white hair are very elegant, she stretched out her hand to comb her long hair and said: "There is no **** in this world, let alone ghosts, everything is imagined by you humans. No matter, you said, I call you a god, is it a sense of accomplishment?"

"What are you trying to say?" Su Mu frowned. Since this Lie Yu is a real body, how could he not hit her? If Lieyu's real body cannot be hit, then how can we conquer her?

So at this time Su Mu must find a way to hit her, at least not as passive as he is now, so Su Mu feels a little bit as uncomfortable as being tricked.

Goddess Lieyu nodded and said: "Respected Lord God, you are the head boss of our Elemental God, haven't Feng Xi and the others told you all this? Oh, maybe their memories have not been fully restored, but Lie Yu I can tell you that you are the deity of reincarnation, the supreme being, but unfortunately for some reason it became the current situation. You can understand that we are aliens. This is easy to understand, right?"


"Our world can be called an alien planet. It's better to understand that there are some people in our world who have the divine powers you call...Well, you can understand the ability to become the kind of fantasy novels, practice, upgrade, and extend Lifespan is aging, so after we come to reincarnation, we become what you call NPC, but in fact we are physical existence. Haven't you been firm in this regard?"

Su Mu is indeed very determined that the Goddess Shuilan and the others completely exist, so they have not regarded Shuilan as data, but now the goddess Lieyu explained Su Mu in this way.

They can be called aliens, and the life on their planet is different from the life on the earth. Their genes are superior to life on the earth. They can cultivate and extend their life. They can also be understood as the kind of gods in fantasy novels. Combat power and so on.

"But, what is the significance of the existence of reincarnation? Is it a way for you to show off? Or is your planet no longer able to survive and need to come to the earth?"

"Huo Huo humans? Ha ha, dear gods, don’t you feel that the future world is very powerful now? Many people on earth have genetic changes. They have the skills of reincarnation. They can also fly in the real world and release powerful offensive skills. , Even the destruction of various buildings. Isn't this result what you humans have always wanted?"

Su Mu really wanted to slap her to death.

"Do you know what civilization is? Although humans do not have your genes, humans have technology, and humans have a human lifestyle. It's like humans want to change the way of life of animals. Is it possible? You have no right to dominate us. Earth civilization."

"Whatever you say, it is not entirely our responsibility that the matter has reached this point. It is also your humans who opened this wormhole barrier. Our ability to enter the cycle is completely caused by the technology in your mouth. Therefore, everything has cause and effect. It's related. You don't need to stand on the moral high ground to sanction us, and you can't sanction us. The entire cause and effect can be said to be caused by your past life."

"Past life?"

"Well~~ I don’t know how to explain it to you now, nor is it the kind of reincarnation that you understand. In short, you will understand when you unblock all the God’s Domain suits. Now, you want to subdue Lieyu, it’s a bit fierce. Yu knows very well, and Lie Yu himself should be your servant, but Lie Yu, Shui Lan, including the Empress, should be free after breaking free from your shackles. Therefore, Lie Yu will not be at your mercy~ "

Su Mu frowned again, things became clearer, but the complexity became more and more difficult to explain.

In short, Su Mu now feels that an alien civilization has invaded the earth!

"By the way, you should have always been curious, besides the seven elements, there is another element besides Lieyu that you don't know now, right? Ha... Your Lord, don't think you can truly control Lieyu if you subdue Lieyu. Reincarnation, this last element is what you need to care about most, because this last element can kill Lie Yu and the existence of the seven elemental Supreme Gods in your God's Domain Tower in a second..."

Su Mu stared at the goddess Lie Yu and said, "The most important thing is that you surrender to me first!"


God's Domain Ten Thousand Swords!

Su Mu knew that these ordinary skills could not kill Lie Yu, but this attack was only tentative, because Su Mu didn't know how to attack Lie Yu's body.


Sword Qi fell on the ground, and Goddess Lieyu swayed like a phantom, without hitting any position of her body.

She still stood there looking at Su Mu and said, "Master God, instead of looking for the Ninth Element first, you embarrassed Lie Yu, don't you feel very ridiculous?"

"The Ninth Element?"

"Lie Yu is the eighth element, what do you think the ninth element should be?"

"Don't you know if you accept it?"

"Hehe, Lie Yu doesn't know who he is..."

"Then you still waste so much talk?"

"But Lieyu knows that even if the ninth element is Lieyu plus Shui Lan and the seven of them, they will not be able to fight back at all. We will be killed in a second within one round."

"Don't **** bullshit!"

"God's Domain! Scourge!!!"


A dark cloud instantly condensed in the temple, while the goddess Lieyu stood there watching Su Mu with a smile: "Useless Lord God, not only will you not subdue me like this, you will lower your level..."



Click! Click!

The sky thunder of God's Scourge fell instantly, and the entire temple became white, and the light of thunder and lightning illuminated the entire temple!

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