Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1481: Set yourself a goal first

"Is the master boss Lie Yu?" Su Mu suddenly realized a problem. Lie Yu should be the most difficult boss Su Mu encountered. If this reincarnation is the most powerful, this Lie Yu will not let him go.

The water blue goddess was startled, and then chuckled, "What do you want, Susu? When the God's Domain suit is completely unblocked, even the eight of us together won't be your opponent..."

"So hanging?"


"Well, if it weren't for Lieyu, would it be the ninth element, or something of the dark type?"

The goddess Shuilan shook her head and said, "Shuilan doesn't know, but she will definitely not belong to Sister Lieyu."

Feihuo Meteor suddenly said at this time: "Speaking of the Supreme God, I remembered that there were also many **** pets in our reincarnation. In the end, they all showed their faces during the national war. The national war Huaxia won third. But the first one is Washima, a super **** pet that destroyed the American empire, only one..."

Su Mu glanced at the Feihuo Meteor unexpectedly. In fact, Su Mu had thought about this a long time ago.

The supreme gods in China are all based on the five elements, plus some other elements, so there will definitely be their favorites in ancient legends abroad, such as the gods of the American Empire, such as Zeus, the sun **** and so on. I'm afraid that the Eight-Different Serpents will also appear, so don't think that Su Mu has seven supreme gods now, however, there must be a rivalry with Shui Lan and the others abroad.

It's just that these people are relatively low-key, not as helpless as Su Mu.

If Su Mu has a certain foundation in the country, why should he expose Shulan them? This is the main reason for the national conditions. If it hadn't been for the recall of a large number of members of the Gods Pavilion, Su Mu might not have achieved his current achievements even with the Supreme God.

The goddess of water blue smiled and said: "Of course, this world of reincarnation has many people from our world, but in reincarnation, our abilities are infinitely expanded because of the time difference, so the secret of reincarnation still needs Susu. To discover, this is just the beginning."

Su Mu sighed. It was just the beginning. It was indeed just the beginning. So far, Su Mu has just learned the secret of reincarnation. It is a product from outer space rather than the earth. Therefore, if you want to discover the secret of reincarnation, you need to become stronger!

At least it's like what the goddess of water blue said, at least we have to make the national war first. In the whole reincarnation, there is no opponent to be able to develop the background story of reincarnation and the water blue from... 'Humanity'!

"Hey, who the **** would have thought the world would become like this? Blue girl, is there a way to remedy it?"

The goddess of Aquamarine shook her head after hearing the words: "Your Earth II has become the end of the world. The only solution is to destroy the console in the real world. Each super country should have four. The specific operation depends on yours. Now, moreover, the zombies and monsters in the real world will provide you with food and drinking water..."

Speaking of this, Su Mu suddenly asked: "Since the people in your world want to destroy the earth, why do they set up monsters to explode food?"

This in itself is the existence of conflict.

The water blue goddess smiled mischievously: "So, what did Su Su think of?"

"You can't control the direction of reincarnation."

"Susu Ruizhi, because of this principle, no one can control reincarnation, only time can control the direction of reincarnation. Therefore, what this world will become in the future has a lot to do with you at present. So, Susu, don’t give up. The struggle for hegemony in reincarnation, not to mention that the future will change the earth and give up reincarnation. Doing so can only make the earth worse. You don’t often say that the left hand is worse than the right hand, and the money in anyone’s pocket is better than in your pocket Are you at ease?"

Su Mu smiled slightly, he understood the meaning of the goddess of water blue.

Instead of waiting for the world to change, it is better to change the world yourself. Although the world is difficult to control, it is not uncontrollable. Instead of allowing reincarnation to control the trend of the earth, it is better to let yourself lead the reincarnation to change the appearance of the earth you want!

So, give yourself a goal first, first in the world!

Finding the master boss of reincarnation will reveal the truth.

Feihuo Meteor sighed again, their world has become that way, and now they are helpless, so Feihuo Meteor can only pat Su Mu's shoulder and said: "Come on, Brother Su, don't let your world change. Be like us here."

Su Mu nodded.

The three chatted for a while, and then Su Mu and the goddess Shuilan left Hundred Years Reincarnation, and took away countless fortifications and some game props that could be used in Earth Reincarnation from the Luotian Guild.

A hundred years of reincarnation is considered a waste, and these things are useless to keep, so Su Mu can only be cheaper.

Back to the four-dimensional reincarnation, Su Mu and the goddess Shuilan returned to the real world after a few simple words.

At this point in the afternoon, whether you can log in to the game today can reveal the secret.

However, Zhou Wenling at the dinner table said that the dynamics on the side of the Mythical Empire have changed quite a lot. The Mythical Empire has recalled many game elites, and it seems that they want to fight God's Domain Ultimate.

Because the people of God's Domain are determined to attack the mythical empire with a mortal decision, the fighting power erupted from this last stand is unimaginable.

Therefore, the people of the mythical empire did not dare to underestimate the divine realm with only a few million people.

Su Mu sneered. Sooner or later, the mythical empire was the meat in his mouth, whether it was because of Heyang or Su Tianwen!

Then Su Mucong got the fax from Mr. Two.

The content of the fax was only a few lines, but Su Mu smiled after seeing these lines. Since the second wanted to do this, Su Mu let him do it.

After eating, Su Mu returned to the room and directly locked the door to tell Kuanglan that they were going to study the blocked account today.

Xiaomu Ling appeared in Su Mu's room, and then directly summoned the life gate of reincarnation.

"Brother Su, entering Samsara from the gate of life will also be discovered by the Game General Administration, so you must be careful after entering."

Su Mu nodded.

In fact, at this time, Su Mu can feel the mood of the game directorate. If he enters the game today, then the game directorate will not be able to reappear even if they know it, because they know that the game manager cannot completely seal themselves, so they will not come out and play by themselves. Face, once he appears in the game today and is known to the players in the world, where should the face of the general game be placed?

So Xiao Mu Ling meant to keep a low profile, and just don't meet people who shouldn't meet.

Therefore, in the future, Su Mu must be cautious in reincarnation. As long as he doesn’t show up and does not let the players know his existence, then they must keep one eye closed to save the face of the game. Gang has always found a way to completely seal Su Mu.

So now Su Mu and the Game General Administration have reached some consensus.

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