Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1667: Vomiting blood

The big man Daikin's eyes widened at this time, and he was stunned.

Su Mu’s strength surged instantly, and he even directly leveled his wrist. This was something he hadn’t thought of. Not to mention that Su Mu was just a person in the early Yuan Dynasty, even if his level wanted to win him at his wrist. Impossible, so Su Mu instantly equalized his wrist and surprised Daikin.

The three of Liang Shaohui also stared at the strength of their wrists at this time, and began to shake, it was obvious that Daikin was trying his best to use his strength.

It's just that this wrist can't be pressed down anymore, even Su Mu's face starts to smile at this time.

"Daijin, what are you doing? Give Laozi hard!" Liang Shaohui shouted.

Why doesn't Daikin know how to use force at this time? But now it's like holding onto a big mountain, I can't press my wrist down at all.


Dai Jin suddenly yelled, but still couldn't press Su Mu's wrist down. The people on the scene were completely shocked. Even the subordinates brought by Liang Shaohui had their mouths grown at this time. Who didn't know the big gold power beside Liang Shaohui Great infinity? Few people in the entire ninth district can win him with a wrist wrench, but the current situation is completely unexpected, Su Mu's small body can actually make Daijin drink so much?

At this time, Fuchu Wan'er was the most shocked. She thought she was going to waste her time, but she didn't regret it, because Su Mu would not agree to what Su Mu said just now!

He also said that Wan'er was not an object and could not be used as a bet. These two sentences really surprised Fuchu Wan'er, and also made Fuchu Wan'er's view of Su Mu significantly changed. He is not only Su Gui's'illegal son', He is also a very courageous president! At least, isn’t it because he said to himself that he wanted to say, ‘If you don’t even dare to go to this occasion, talk to the first family in the nine districts’?

Moreover, this person frequently surprises himself.

From the first meeting, because of Qi Jianyou and Yan Jiexing’s dissatisfaction, he took his four to play a guild dungeon mission that had not been passed for more than ten years. Once succeeded, it was Pang Zhihu’s league again. No one expected to win. Now, in addition to what Su Mu said today, Fuchu Wan'er felt that there were too many mysteries in this person these days, and there seemed to be many mysterious things like his unique character waiting for him to discover. .

Now, he is so weak and able to wrestle with the masters of the Dzogchen period in the early Yuan period? Moreover, the other party is still a boxer occupation, this is what shocked Fuchu Wan'er most.

An assassin profession may be able to single-handedly challenge a more advanced master than himself. This is the case with the head of a district. At the beginning of the year, Yuanqi won the Zhongyuanqi. These are all things that have happened, but this kind of strength is a bit unbearable. Up.

"What kind of person is he?" Fuchu Wan'er thought to herself.

"Daikin! Didn't you **** eat today? Hardly!" Liang Shaohui's voice suddenly yelled.

At this moment, the big guy had exhausted his whole body, but he still couldn't equalize Su Mu's wrist. After hearing Liang Shaohui's duties, Dai Jin was shocked again, and even his lips were bleeding, and even his eyes were congested and wanted to win. Su Mu.

It's just that the time has dragged on too long, and Su Mu's grip of the gods has begun to climb north of the city. At this time, Su Mu is not only a bonus power attribute, but also a divine power attribute of this world.


Click! boom! ! !

Everyone backed away because the coffee table under the elbows of Daikin and Su Mu shattered in an instant.

Everyone was taken aback. How powerful is this? However, Daikin still failed to pull Su Mu's wrist down...


puff! ! !

A mouthful of blood was spit out from Dajin’s mouth, Su Mu subconsciously leaned his body to avoid it. At this moment, the hard palm in his hand loosened instantly. Su Mu also directly released Dajin’s wrist, and saw the big head with bloodshot eyes, and then slowly Fell back to the ground...


Daikin fell on the ground motionless. Everyone on the scene stared at Daikin's huge body in shock.

Fuchu Wan'er also widened those nice eyes at this time, is this possible?

"How is this possible?!" Liang Shaohui stared at Daikin, who had fallen on the ground and vomited blood, and challenged so many people. Daikin has never failed, but today he used too much force to block his blood. ? But still did not win this weak Su Mu? How can this be?

Even Su Mu's natural divine power can't make the persecuting Daikin in such a situation, right?

But in fact, no one knows what it feels like to wrestle with Su Mu. The arm is almost like a steel pillar. With constant strength, Su Mu’s wrist is almost a mountain. Su Mu has never known how many times he used it. This skill uproots the boss, let alone a human?

Although Liang Shaohui said that it was impossible, the fact that Daikin spit out blood and fainted is unquestionable, let alone Daikin deliberately cheating...

"You!" Liang Shaohui stared at Su Mu angrily and shouted: "You dare to hurt people here? Su Mu! Don't want to leave here today!"


Numerous thugs rushed into the room in an instant. Everyone was of the strength of the late Yuan Dynasty and armed with various weapons. It was obvious that he wanted to force Su Mu, or to force Chu Wan'er.

At this moment, a loud laugh came.

"Hahaha! How can I be missing from such a lively? Let me see who is making trouble in this West Lake restaurant?"

A man in white shirt walked in from the outside, and the two men in front of him continued to push the surrounding thugs away. These thugs did not dare to resist after seeing this man, and one by one gave way.

"Pang Zhihu? Why are you?" Liang Shaohui was shocked when he saw Pang Zhihu, why did he come? And it happens at this time!

Pang Zhihu glanced at Fuchu Wan'er next to him, and then walked to Su Mu and said, "Brother Su, didn't we say we are going to drink? Why are you here with Young Master Liang? You are not interesting enough. Huh? What's wrong with Daikin? Did you break your wrists with Daikin?"

Su Mu is still in the dark. He glanced at Pang Zhihu. Although he knew that Pang Zhihu was here to rescue, it was just a coincidence, right?

"Oh, Daikin wants to compare strength with me, so he just wrestled his wrist. No, one accidentally made Daikin vomit blood."

"Haha! Brother Su, you have such a big tone, do you know that this big gold in our nine districts is famous for its infinite power, and the wrist has never lost, haha!" Even though Pang Zhihu said so, he was slandering Su Mu. Damn you, it was so light that you accidentally made Daikin vomit blood? Why don't you say that Dajin vomited blood by blowing his breath? This big gold has won even the masters of Zhongyuanji Dzogchen, of course it is a wrist!

Su Mu smiled and said nothing.

Pang Zhihu said: "Then what, since your comparison is over, then I have a drink with Brother Su, do you want Young Master Liang to come together?"

Liang Shaohui frowned and stared at Pang Zhihu and said, "Pang San, do you want to take people away from me like this?!"

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