Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1683: One hit kill

"Keep talking!" Liang Fulong couldn't help but furious when he heard Su Mu's words.

A small Sumen, a small player in the early Yuan Dynasty actually uttered a wild word to destroy the Liang family?

In the ninth district, how many people dare to speak so much? No!

The reason why it is the lowest-level area of ​​Tianyong City is because the players with high strength go to higher-level areas, so even in the ninth area, it is very difficult to find a few masters of the Great Yuan period, and the Liang family has two One!

Therefore, in the ninth district, there are only a handful of families that can shake the Liang family. Even the Pang family and the Bai family can only be in between!

The long spear struck again, Liang Fulong stabs Su Mu's chest with a single shot, then quickly changed his body and turned horizontally in the air, and Su Mu also quickly changed his body at the moment of being shot into the air, using his long sword to directly beat his long spear. !

However, at this time, there was a dull pain in his chest, and Su Mu almost staggered and fell down quickly in mid-air.


Although the spear didn't stab Su Mu, it swept through but hit Su Mu's chest, and was knocked off again!

A mouthful of blood was spit out, and Su Mu fell directly to the ground.

And Liang Fulong on the side smiled coldly: "Just you, this rubbish, still want to fight the Liang family in the early days? You still want to fight with me Liang Fulong? Are you worthy? Huh?!"


The spear was exposed in front of Su Mu's eyes, Liang Fulong looked arrogant and angry.

In the early Yuan Dynasty, this was only the lowest level of time reincarnation, and Liang Shaohui described such a myth, which in itself made Liang Fulong disdain, so when he learned that Su Mu was fighting today, he still thought that Su Mu would definitely abstain. , I didn't expect it to actually come.

This was beyond Liang Fulong's expectations, but Su Mu's arrogant words made Liang Fulong intolerable!

"You **** Su Sect's highest level is Su Gui? It's just a trash mid-Yuan period, even our housekeeper is not as good as our housekeeper. Why do you fight against Liang's family? Also, Shaohui is fond of your Su Sect's Fuchu Waner It is the blessing of your Sumen, I don't know what it is!"

Hurry up!

The long sword lifted Liang Fulong's spear away, and Su Mu stood up and sneered.

People, sometimes they are so self-righteous, and Fuchu Wan'er is Sumen's blessing? Go to your mother's blessing, I think it's bad luck!

"Liang Fulong, you said, in this Tianyong City, what is your Liang family?"

Tianyong City, from the eighth area, has been the world of masters of the Zhongyuan period. Nearly all people in the eighth district are in the Zhongyuan period, and in the seventh area, you can't see the players of the early yuan period. Areas, almost all of them are areas where only experts above the profound spirit can survive.

Therefore, the Liang family counts almost nothing in Tianyong City, but it is a first-class family in the ninth district.

"If you say that, then what are you Sumen? Not even scum! Go to hell!"


The spear was spinning in the air, and huge auras began to be released. Almost all the Dzogchen players in the early Yuan period can more or less have the shadow of the middle Yuan period, so releasing aura is also reasonable.

And this time Liang Fulong was obviously going to kill Su Mu with a single blow, so the aura was released instantly and went straight to Su Mu's chest.

boom! ! ! !

The spear hit Su Mu's body instantly, but Liang Fulong didn't feel the sound of Su Mu being killed. On the contrary, it was like a spear stabbing the air...


Su Mu's figure directly disappeared in the same place, replaced by a puff of white smoke.

Liang Fulong's eyes widened in shock. This is... Clone technique? The ability of an assassin in the mid-yuan period?

Isn’t he the early Yuan Dynasty? How is it possible to use the ability of Zhongyuan Period? This caused Liang Fulong's head to numb in an instant, because he hit the opponent's clone, so the real body should not be able to reach the position in his line of sight.

So, the next moment Liang Fulong turned around almost subconsciously, and then waved his spear in front of him trying to shoot Su Mu out!


Liang Fulong's eyes widened, then slowly looked down at the long sword pierced through his chest...

"Sometimes people are too smart but not good. You think I will be behind you, but in fact I am right in front of you. Do you really think of me as a master of the mid-yuan period?" Su Mu's sneered voice came.

Liang Fulong was regretful at this time, he was still preconceived, because this clone can only be used in the Zhongyuan period, so he thought that Su Mu would come behind him in an instant, so he turned around and attacked behind him, but he just ignored it. , Su Mu is only a player in the early Yuan period, his speed is not as fast as a master in the middle Yuan period, so Su Mu can only be in front of him instead of behind!

Su Mu must also admit that at this time, after Su Mu turned on the Phantom Body Technique or the Ten Shadow Body Technique, he could only look at the masters who could be comparable to the Mid-Yuan Period, but that was too wasteful of energy. In addition, Su Mu was seriously injured yesterday. Su Mu's combat effectiveness has been reduced a lot, so if Liang Fulong hadn't been scared by Su Mu's clone, he would definitely not be killed so easily...


Pulling out the long sword, Su Mu directly pushed Liang Fulong's body forward, and then he saw him lying on the ground with a thud, and then slowly disappeared.

"Ding! Congratulations on your promotion to the Top 100 in District Nine."

The system prompt came, Su Mu can be considered as a direct promotion to the top 100, but the pain in his chest still makes Su Mu a little unbearable, so Su Mu can't help but sit directly on the ground, and then run the God's Domain Heart Art!

It took a few minutes for Su Mu to slowly stand up, then teleported out.

"How about the vice president?"

"The vice president is out!"

The people of Sumen began to move forward to meet Su Mu, and Yan Jiexing and others were naturally among them.

After waiting for everyone to converge, Su Mu was held back by Fuchu Wan'er and said, "Does it affect the wound?"

Su Mu smiled and shook his head and said, "It's okay, go back first."

"Okay." Fuchu Wan'er directly took Su Mu's arm, and then walked back with a group of people. After learning that Su Mu was promoted on the road, she naturally inevitably cheered.

Because too many guild members participated in the ninth district, Sumen's cheers can be seen everywhere. If there is a game, there will be victory, and if there is a victory, there will be cheers. A guild like Sumen will not naturally pay attention to too many people.

Teleport to the attic south of Tainan.

Liang Shaohui sat at the window watching Su Men's cheers and frowned, then slapped him on the table.

"Liang Dong, let the housekeeper know, Liang Fulong's grandson lost!" Liang Shaohui said fiercely.

Liang Dong nodded, and then quickly walked out of the attic to the direction of Liang's house.

Liang Shaohui sat at the window alone, staring coldly at the far away Sumen team with a sneer: "Sumen, I won't be called Liang Shaohui unless you get rid of you. Wait for bankruptcy!!! Fuck!"

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