Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1726: Re-advanced (6 more)

The long sword was chopped down, and Uncle Zhang's two daggers blocked again!


There was another sound like a cutting machine but more harsh than a cutting machine.

"Ah..." Uncle Zhang roared loudly, because the remaining metal of the two remnant daggers melted again at this time and began to break down, and the next moment Su Mu's long sword was about to hit his hands...

However, at this moment, Su Mu turned around, and the Ten Shadows Body Technique rushed back crazy!

Sitting on the ground, Pang Zhihu didn't have any extra thoughts to be distracted at this time, so the two masters of the Middle Yuan period instantly attacked and Su Mu directly retreated.

He must ensure that Pang Zhihu will not be disturbed within this minute.

The Liang family's mid-yuan masters are not vegetarians, so at this time they want to take the opportunity to kill Pang Zhihu.

The two long swords instantly fell on top of Pang Zhihu's head.


The two middle-aged middle-aged men were startled, and then they heard a buzzing vibration.


The two long swords began to shatter in an instant, and then a terrifying picture appeared.

The two middle-aged men in the Middle Yuan period held swords in their right hands. Their weapons were instantly shattered due to the shaking sword, and they began to be distorted and shattered after being cut off at the position of Su Mu’s long sword, but this shattering was completely It's not the same as the long sword... I saw that the long sword shattered, and the arms of the two middle-aged middle-aged masters... instantly twisted...

When a person’s arm is twisted in a circle, it is broken. It is the kind of break that can be seen, but when the force of the vibration is brought to the person’s arm, the arm instantly seems to be stretched into the meat grinder... …


These two people saw their arms turn into blood mist...shattered!


The two fell to the ground in an instant, the entire right arm disappeared completely, and there was a pool of blood on the ground.

Su Mu stood beside Pang Zhihu coldly looking at the surrounding masters of the Middle Yuan Period and said, "This is the next person to attack him!"

Uncle Zhang, who stood at the farthest point, was astonished at this time.

Is he in the early years? Just colliding with his weapon caused the arms of the two masters of the Middle Yuan Period to shatter in an instant? What kind of trick is this? He had never seen such a strange move for most of his life, and this made Uncle Zhang hysterical in fear.

However, the pride of the Great Yuanqi period made Uncle Zhang involuntarily walk down, and then directly threw away the only dagger hilt in his hands, and then took a breath, took a long sword on the ground directly in his hand, and shouted while walking. : "No matter what kind of tricks you are, the early Yuan period and the Great Yuan period will always be a dead end!"


A huge spiritual energy filled Uncle Zhang’s body. At this time, Su Mu knew that the sword could only bring shock to them, but not despair to Uncle Zhang. Therefore, Great Yuanqi really started his hands, and Su Mu was still not his opponent. .


boom! ! !

Boom boom boom! !

Su Mu's long sword block still had a shaking sword. The long sword in Zhang Uncle's hand shattered again, but Su Mu's body flew upside down in an instant, and then hit the plaque in the living room of Pang's family.



Su Mu, who fell on the ground, felt like his whole body was broken up again, and even unable to get up, but this was when he heard the footsteps of Uncle Zhang falling on the ground, Su Mu involuntarily raised his head.

"Boy, with such strength, if you don't offend the Liang family, your future achievements will be limitless. I have to say, it's a pity."

Although Uncle Zhang's hands were trembling, he was in the Great Yuan Dynasty after all, so under the release of aura and the attack of the elements, Su Mu had no power to fight back.

And Su Mu, who was lying on the ground, shook the sword of God's Domain again at this time, and the stone bricks on the ground began to shatter, and got up again. Su Mu lowered his head, the corner of his mouth was bleeding, and even his eyes were flushed and looked at Uncle Zhang with a smile. : "What happened to the Great Yuan Period? The Great Yuan Period is no longer a human? You want to kill me? You are not qualified!"

"Shenyu Wanjian!"

boom! ! !

The sword energy fell, but it was blocked by the elemental shield on Uncle Zhang's body. After Su Mu's attack fell, Uncle Zhang rushed again and went straight to Su Mu's front door.

Hurry up!


Su Mu, who was knocked into the air again, directly hit the stone pillar with his back, as if stuck on it, and the sword of God's Domain in Su Mu's hand fell to the ground with a bang.

At this time, Su Mu had completely lost his combat effectiveness, at least as it is currently.

Uncle Zhang landed on the ground, without giving Su Mu a chance to breathe, jumped again, and the long sword came straight to Su Mu's chest.



Seeing the long sword hit, Su Mu smiled. Although this sword will definitely kill him, there is nothing to regret. After all, this time it is really lacking in strength, and it is still a big deal. It was Su Mu's greatest limit that the battle between masters of the Yuan Dynasty could continue to this day.

To put it bluntly, Su Mu was the most unwilling to be the goddess of water blue.

It's just that Su Mu didn't know whether he would really die after the death of the cycle of time, or would trigger something else. After all, the goddess of water and blue were all people in this world, and the arrival of Su Mu was also caused by the goddess Lieyu.

But everything is too late.


when! ! ! ! !

At the moment that the sword tip pierced Su Mu's chest, a long sword blocked the front with a strong golden element light.



The figure of Uncle Zhang retreated instantly.

With a clatter, Su Mu slid down, and in front of him, Pang Zhihu's figure stood proudly.

"Brother, I'm fine, can you still persist?" Pang Zhihu said lightly with his back to Su Mu.

Su Mu hung up a smile, and finally persisted.

Pang Zhihu was so sad that he was promoted from the early Yuan Dynasty to the early stage of the Middle Yuan Dynasty. Su Mu thought of the fruit of the Jade Girl just now, so he directly handed it over to Pang Zhihu Refining, because the two brothers knew that if they didn’t do this, they They are all going to die here, so Su Mu can only block Uncle Zhang's attack while Pang Zhihu refines the fruit of the Jade Girl.

Now that he exudes gold elements, he has already advanced to the Great Yuan period!

Moreover, the long sword in his hand is Pang Xiuwen's previous long sword inlaid with eight-level gold elemental gems. In this way, even though Pang Zhihu has just been promoted to the Great Yuan period, he can also fight against this uncle Zhang who has been promoted to the Great Yuan period for decades. .

"Dayuanqi?" Uncle Zhang widened his eyes, and then suddenly said: "The fruit of the jade girl? But what about this? The old man has been promoted to the Greatyuanqi for more than 20 years. How can you wait for the juniors who have just been promoted to match? ?"

Su Mu squatted on the ground, and then ran the Divine Venerable Heart Secret Art, saying: "The third child, kill them all."

Pang Zhihu grinned and said, "Brother, won't you kill with me?"

"Ha ha……"

"Ha ha……"

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