Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1788: Still your body

"Let's go, who are you?" Su Mu pressed Long Xueji tightly.

At this time, Long Xueji did not dare to look at Su Mu, because she knew that she had lost her aura. From the first meeting to now, Long Xueji did not care about her body as much as possible, even if she was seen by Su Mu. It will not be as sad as an ordinary girl, but a feeling of indifference.

This kind of thing seems to only happen in the European and American regions of the earth, so when Su Mu first thought that Long Xueji was a special girl, but today Long Xueji was too artificial.

Even if she is a soul traversing, even if this body is not hers, but after all, this body is the body where her external senses are. Whether it is pain, itching, or even comfort, it is transmitted from the body to the nerves and soul. If she didn't care if Su Mu was forcibly done that thing, it was tantamount to her having a relationship with Su Mu.

So at the beginning, Su Mu was strange, but when Su Mu reacted, she understood what abacus the girl was playing. Long Xueji was also quite smart. She almost fooled Su Mu. After all, this abnormality would bring Su Muyi. This kind of incomprehensible state, but women always can't understand men, just like men can't understand women.

Long Xueji was particularly afraid that Su Mu would make aggressive moves now, even now that Su Mu was close to her would make Long Xueji feel her heart beating faster. So at this time Long Xueji had already given up on her idea and was completely controlled by Su Mu.

She slowly raised her head, then looked at Su Mu's facial features up close and said, "You, can you step back a little?"

Su Mu smiled and said, "Where is that energies just now? I just mean it casually. Now I can't stand it if I'm sticking to you?"

Long Xueji's face flushed. It was indeed a bit too much just now. She took the initiative to take off her clothes and let Su Mu watch it ‘casually’. It was indeed a bit embarrassing to think of it.

So Long Xueji stopped talking nonsense, she said: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that we belong to the same camp, right?"

"Not necessarily." Su Mu sneered.

In the time of rebirth, the people of the earth will make Su Mu rush to be kind, but it depends on who it is. If it is from Wadao, Su Mu will be kind to the other person? Also, this Long Xueji knew too much, and Su Mu felt that she was a spy.

So at this time, Su Mu was still pressing Long Xueji, with her body close to her, even staring at her eyes in a Bidong posture. In this case, Su Mu could clearly tell if she was lying.

Long Xueji sighed helplessly in her heart. She knew that talking to and playing with the shadow of God was basically a dangerous game, but all she wanted to know was in Su Mu's body, and she had to do this. do. That's why we have the current dilemma.

So Long Xueji could only sigh in her heart, and then suddenly raised her head. The bridge of her nose almost touched Su Mu's nose. She stared at Su Mu and said fragrantly, "It doesn't matter what my name is, right? Call me Long Xueji. My identity on the earth can be said to be a confidant of Sister Yue, so can you understand it?"

"War soul person?"

"No, because I searched for that army and found the soul of war. I had some affinity with Dead Moon, so I started to chat slowly. I didn't know the identity of Dead Moon at first, but later I found out, so I became a confidant of Dead Moon in that area, and I also listened to them about the shadow of God and the shadow of the remnant soul."

"Who are they?"

"It's a member of War Soul."

"Then how did you come to the cycle of time? What opportunity did I ask."

Su Mu came here through a traverser, and Su Gui was also a staff member of Huaxia's senior management in Time Reincarnation. According to them, besides Su Mu, there are probably more than 100 people in Earth Reincarnation who can enter this time cycle. Yes, that is, the more than a hundred people who cannot be controlled in the game of reincarnation, and this Long Xueji, she also belongs to one of them?

"I don't know how I came. The earth data is messy. I wrestled with the boss in reality, and then passed through it strangely, and it was the same as the soul, or exactly the same as mine." Long Xueji said. .

Su Mu shook his head, where is there any soul crossing in this world? Su Mu didn't believe this, because doing this thing evolving from the game to outer space, if it is the soul crossing, then it does not meet the data, so this Long Xueji is probably preconceived.

She traveled through the body, that is, just like Su Mu, her body was directly transmitted to the reincarnation galaxy and entered the time cycle, and because the mass of the body became strange when crossing, after all, the route was too long, like a wormhole in time and space, so it caused She believes that the individual is a soul crossing.

Su Mu slowly backed up a few steps, then looked at Long Xueji strangely and said, "Are you sure it's the soul crossing?"

"Isn't it? You are not a soul crossing?" Long Xueji asked strangely.

Su Mu knew that he had changed the subject, but Su Mu had to tell her clearly about this, otherwise she couldn't encounter anything in the future that would make her feel that this body is not her own, right?

Su Mu smiled and said, "This body is exactly the same as yours on the earth, right?"


"In addition to your face, what are the characteristics of your body on Earth? For example, the steps on your body, and the signs of moles?" Su Mu asked.

Long Xueji said with a look of surprise: "Isn't this a parallel universe? Isn't this so-called reincarnation star synchronized with the earth? If this is the case, my body characteristics should be the same as the earth, right? "

"Parallel universe? Do you feel that the cycle of time is like the cycle of the earth? Do you know the cycle of a hundred years? Do you know the cycle of negative years? Do you know where the NPCs above the gods of the cycle of earth come from? How parallel?" Su Mu couldn't help but laugh.

Long Xueji widened her eyes when she heard the words, then stared at Su Mu and muttered, "You mean, this body, or me?"

Su Mu nodded: "Yes, you originally brought this body from the earth, it's just that some strange phenomena occurred during the crossing. What soul crossing, have you read more fantasy novels?"

At this time, Long Xueji suddenly understood one thing. When she came here from the earth, she was too preconceived. As a result, many things were ‘thinking’ based on her subconscious mind! Instead of thinking in a sensible way, because, as Su Mu said, there are some characteristics in her body that are completely synchronized with the earth, such as a small birthmark on the buttocks, details of the beginning of the secret, etc...

"You mean! I have always been myself?!" Long Xueji was surprised again.

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