Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1790: Angel Hung

"Su!" The woman widened her eyes when she saw Su Mu, and then blurted out the word Su.

Standing in the same place, Long Xueji was a bit shocked to meet a woman here, and she was still a perfect woman, but she did not expect that this woman would directly call out Su Mu's name, which shocked Long Xueji involuntarily, and also I could see the dying flame bird lying beside this woman.

Su Mu was standing behind Long Xueji at this time and couldn't help but ran forward, then came to the jade bed and directly picked up the woman! Do not! This angel!

Although there is no wings, although there is no angel makeup, but this blond hair, and the silver armor, red selvedge and red skirt, is this not an angel's costume?

"Su..." This angel was lying in Su Mu's arms. Although the whole body was naked, she didn't care at all. Although all three points were covered by feathers, she was still a little bit at this moment. It appeared naked in front of Su Mu's eyes, especially the angel's beautiful body that day, with almost no flaws.

"What's your name?" Su Mu's heartbeat started to speed up, not because the angel was not wearing clothes, but because this might be the first time he had received the news of the angel burning flame when he came to the time cycle.

Seeing Su Mu directly asking her name, the angel understood that all of Su Mu's memories were there. She smiled weakly and said, "My name is Hong, and I am the new guard of Queen Burning Flame."

Angel Hong's eyes were a little moved at this time, and tears appeared. Although her breath was very weak, she could feel the joy in her heart, but Su Mu looked at Angel Hong nervous, scared, and worried.

At this moment, there was a deep wound at the position of the snow-white jade neck, and there was blood lying there, and I could feel the angel Hong's breath violently weakening, and the breath of life was constantly disappearing.

"You endure it first!" Su Mu placed one hand directly on Angel Hong's chest. At this time, he didn't care about whether men and women were giving or receiving marriage. Su Mu madly conveyed his spiritual energy to this Angel Hong, and mobilized the godly heart art. Of mind.

"Zhiwei! Come out for me!" Su Mu shouted.

With a burst of colorful light, Zhiwei's figure instantly stood in front of Su Mu.

At this moment, Long Xueji who came by was completely shocked.

Not to mention that Su Mu knew this girl, but how did this girl with colorful long hair appear? Who is she?

But at this time Long Xueji knew that Su Mu would not answer her questions, so she could only stand still and watch.

Zhiwei frowned involuntarily after she appeared.

"Master Saint..." Angel Hong said to Zhiwei with a smile.

"Angel tribe, why do you appear here? What happened in the city of angels?" Zhiwei sat directly on the jade bed, and then together with Su Mu gave the angel Hong aura.

Angel Hong was slightly depressed when she heard this. While looking at Zhiwei, she said: "The city of angels...destroyed...the city of angels in the cycle of time is already the last line of defense for the angels...Master, you, you It should be back..."

Zhiwei glanced at Su Mu, and then said to the angel: "Don't you know my current ability? The gods have not returned to the position, how can I return?"

"God?" Angel Hong looked at Su Mu, and then said with a smile: "Now, isn't the Lord God also the guardian of Queen Burning Flame? Why can't he return?"

Su Mu is now in the mist. From the beginning, Su Mu didn't know who the Holy Venerable and the God Venerable was. Now he was a little confused listening to the conversation between the two girls.

"Don't talk about it, how about Zhiyan? How is she now?" Su Mu is most concerned about the safety of Zhiyan. After separating from the earth, Su Mu has never seen her again. Now this angel Hong said that the angel of time The city is destroyed, so what about burning?

"Queen Burnt...she should be fine...but...but the queen has notified all the angels...let us tell you a word after we meet you..."

Su Mu's heart was shocked, what does Zhiyan mean? Are you leaving a last word? Otherwise, why should I tell all the angels to convey a word to myself? Although Angel Hong said that Zhiyan was fine now, Su Mu always felt that things were not that simple.

Angel Hong looked at Su Mu and said, "Queen Burning Flame, let us convey to you... I'm sorry!"

Su Mu's eyes were startled.


Where do these three words start?

Zhiwei suddenly said: "God, your coming to the cycle of time is caused by burning fire, right?"

Su Mu suddenly said: "Yes, it seems to have been used by others, so I opened Lieyu's time gate ahead of time, and the earth data was chaotic, so I came to the cycle of time."

Zhiwei hummed, and said to the angel: "This matter will happen even if there is no burning, you insist, and convey the meaning of the godly to your queen, the godly master will not blame her... "

"Yes! Hold on and tell me Zhiyan! I don't blame her! I miss her very much!" Although she was a little rough, it perfectly expressed Su Mu’s feelings. People, Su Mu has always believed that civilization is built on In many unspeakable emotions, vulgar language is the beginning of the multiplication of human civilization, and does not represent barbarism and rudeness!

Angel Hong suddenly shook his head: "No, it's useless...this hurt..."

As Angel Hong slowly covered the wound with one hand, Su Mu and Zhiwei's eyes widened, because the wound turned black and the blood became black.

"Dark element?!" Zhiwei blurted out.

Su Mu was also shocked, didn't the dark element refer to the ninth element?

Is Angel Hong’s wound from the Ninth Element?

"So, the person who attacked the City of Angels is the Ninth Element?" Su Mu muttered.

Zhiwei raised her head in disbelief, and then nodded again to indicate that Su Mu was right. This is the masterpiece of the ninth element, so Angel Hong's meaning was right, and it was irretrievable...

"Can't the wound created by the Ninth Element be healed?" Su Mu asked while looking at Zhiwei.

And when she did not speak, Su Mu was getting more and more angry at this time, because no matter it was Angel Hong or any angel, they were all Zhiyan’s sisters. At this time, seeing her injured and unable to heal was like seeing Zhiyan lying. In my arms...

Angel Hong put a smile on his face, then looked at Zhiwei and said, "Master Saint, can you let me and Su say a few words alone?"

Zhiwei glanced at Su Mu, then slowly stood up, and then glanced at Long Xueji, who was standing on the side with wide-open eyes.

The two of them slowly left here, and after walking to the corner together, they waited until they couldn't see Su Mu and Angel Hong before stopping.

"Who are you?" Long Xueji stared at Zhiwei and asked.

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