Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1792: Chase (6 more)

The Divine Domain ring is unblocked, and Su Mu can now be summoned through the attribute panel. The skills on the ring are still limited, but the ring can now be used.

And also opened up space capabilities.

Zhiwei was referring to the ring's ability to store Angel Hong's body, so Su Mu did not hesitate to put Angel Hong into the ring.

After that, Long Xueji collected the feathers of the flame bird. This time the task was the feathers of the flame bird, so the three of them paused here for a while, then turned and left. Zhiwei returned to the sword of the gods, and Long Xue But Ji followed Su Mu and remained silent.

The conversation with Zhiwei just now gave Long Xueji a new level of understanding of Su Mu. Although there are still many things that make her very incomprehensible, she has further understood the identity of the shadow of God and the shadow of the remnant soul.

So Long Xueji didn't say anything along the way, but instead glanced at Su Mu's back from time to time.

Long Xueji had been waiting to walk to the meeting place, suddenly said: "Hey, I'm sorry."

Su Mu slowly moved forward.

Su Mu's mood at this time can only be described in anger.

Whether it’s because of the death of Angel Hong or the disaster in the City of Angels, all of this has a huge relationship with the Ninth Element, and the goddess of the water blue must also be controlled by the Ninth Element. Su Mu now has a heart to spare. The feeling of inadequacy seems to be to find the Ninth Element and do a big fight, but he does not have this strength.

Although Su Mu's current abilities are rarely rivals on Earth, there is still a feeling of helplessness in this reincarnation star.

So at this time Su Mu just hated his lack of strength!

When Long Xueji saw that Su Mu didn't speak, she continued: "My understanding of you is only on the earth. Although I know a little bit about the cycle of time, I still seem to misunderstand you."

Su Mu suddenly said: "It has nothing to do with me if you misunderstand or misunderstand. I don't have to explain anything to you. You are not my woman either."

Long Xueji was startled when she heard the words, and then laughed at herself. Su Mu was right. Su Mu's identity, Su Mu's person, Su Mu's past, she didn't need to listen to Su Mu's explanation, because Su Mu didn't need to explain anything to her either. , To put it bluntly, it doesn't matter at all.

The two stopped talking, and it was dawn, just because they couldn't see the sunlight in the cave.

However, after waiting for the two of them to come to the assembly location, they were surprised to find...

At this fork position, there is no one, Long Xueqing and Pang Zhihu are not there!

Su Mu and Long Xueji looked at each other, then looked around, and then took another look at a fork, there was still no Pang Zhihu and the others. Su Mu and Long Xueji even shouted a few times without any response.

They met Angel Hung in this fork for some time, so even if Pang Zhihu, who hadn't found the Flame Bird, they should have come back long ago.

"Su Mu, look at this." Long Xueji suddenly squatted in the puddle, then picked up a red cloth strip in the water and stood up.

Su Mu glanced at Long Xueji, who nodded and said, "Maybe Yun's chaser tomorrow."

Su Mu felt tight, and then quickly walked out of the cave.

The two rushed all the way to the exit of this cave, and finally saw Pang Zhihu and others.


"Brother Su!"

Pang Zhihu, the big bald head, the fat pig, the beard, and Long Xueqing were all tied to the big tree outside the cave, and they were all in a coma together with Long Xueqing's guards.

At this moment, the two middle-aged men stood there and looked at Su Mu and Long Xueji with cold eyes.

"You dare to be so rude to Madam Six!" Long Xueji's aura exploded in an instant, and she disappeared into the same place in a short time in the profound spirit stage!


boom! ! !

One of the elders instantly exuded aura to block Long Xueji's figure, knocking Long Xueji back with one move.

Long Xueji frowned and stared at the old man in front of him, at the same level, Xuan Lingqi! And still two people! It's no wonder why Long Xueqing's so many guards can't protect her.

Not to mention Pang Zhihu and the others, they had no fighting power at all when they were suppressed, so it made sense for the two middle-aged people of the profound spirit stage to capture them all.

Long Xueji wanted to continue forward at this time, but Su Mu grabbed her arm and saw Su Mu slowly move forward.

"Your order is to take me back or kill it on the spot?" Su Mu looked at the two old men in front of him, and under the skill of insight, all the information of these two men was presented in Su Mu's eyes.

Liu Fude, Xuanling period, early stage.

Liu Fucai, Xuanling stage, early stage.

Two super masters, in this death penalty prison, Xuan Lingji is almost invincible. If it weren’t for Long Xueji’s special identity, I’m afraid no one could catch up with the strength of these two men. As for Gale, that’s a special one. The presence.

Liu Fude took a step forward and said, "Kill on the spot."

The two old men are both black robes, their hairstyles and weapons are the same, even their looks are very similar, they should be twin brothers.

"Brother Su, don't worry about us, you go!" Fat Pig shouted after struggling a few times at this time.

"Go! Go!" Pang Zhihu also shouted, because they knew the strength of these two middle-aged men, Su Mu was not their opponent at all, and the order they received was to kill Su Mu on the spot.

However, Su Mu was indifferent, and the two middle-aged men didn't seem to be afraid of Su Mu's escape. They stood there and looked at Su Mu and Long Xueji.

This is Liu Fucai suddenly said: "This mission will kill you alone. If you escape, everyone here will die."

In fact, Long Xueji understood that in the forbidden area of ​​the island, even if she and Long Xueqing were dead, no one knew it. After all, it was the island of the death penalty prison, and too many masters had fallen here.

Tomorrow Yun's meaning was obvious. He wanted to kill Su Mu. He didn't dare to touch Mrs. Six in front of the people in the death penalty jail, but it was easy for some accidents to happen in the heart of the island.

And tomorrow Yun this person will directly send two masters of the profound spirit stage, this is obviously to completely punish Su Mu, leaving no chance at all.

So at this time, Long Xueji glanced at Su Mu, but Su Mu smiled slightly: "Just rest, I haven't reached the point where a woman can help me."

Long Xueji's eyes widened. What kind of machismo can this be? If the opponent's two profound spirit stages, if you don't make a move, you will be killed instantly.


The figure, Su Mu, who disappeared in an instant, shocked Long Xueji, because she was in the profound spirit stage, so she should be able to clearly capture the body style of the great yuan stage, but now... there is no breath of Su Mu.

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