Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1921: My chest is collapsed

"Do you care if your harem is stronger?" Long Xueji smiled enduringly.

Seeing Long Xueji’s expression, Su Mu knew that this woman was not at ease, so he simply stopped looking at her and said, “Long Xueji, you have to know that excessively molesting a man will set you off.”

"Have I molested you? I'm serious." Long Xueji stopped smiling at this time.

Su Mu frowned: "What the **** do you mean?"

Su Mu doesn't think that Long Xueji will confess herself at this time. It is impossible. How unruly this woman is, she is comparable to Zhou Wenling. If it weren't for Zhou Wenling and Wenren Zihan to be lilies, it would not have been easy to be Su Mu. Take it, so this woman can't indulge herself like Fuyu and Fuchu Wan'er.

Su Mu is still very clear about this.

Long Xueji looked serious. Although she was falling at this time, her hair was hanging down like she was standing on the ground. One can imagine how terrifying the gravity here is.

Thinking of this Su Mu couldn't help but startled, something was wrong.

The guidance of gravity is for all objects, even a hair is the same. When falling, Long Xueji’s hair and clothes should be floating, instead of standing on the ground as it is now. Looks the same...

"Hey, I'm asking you seriously, can you be more serious? Can it work?"

"What exactly do you mean?" Su Mu asked again.


Long Xueji laughed out of her voice, and then looked at Su Mu and said, "You, huh, don't you think I am telling you a confession?"

"No? Is there a third person here?"

"Hey, can you be a little self-aware? How many wives are you still thinking about this girl? You all say that your man is a big carrot, and you still scorn me." Long Xueji smiled disdainfully, then turned around and said .

Su Mu couldn't laugh or cry, just now you obviously asked Lao Tzu's harem if you care about one more, right? How come you look down on people again now?

"Hey, forget it, let her ask you about this in person, as if I am in love with you." Long Xueji waved her hand.

The whispering wind is still there. Since Long Xueji doesn't continue this topic, Su Mu doesn't bother to care about her. Now Su Mu's thoughts are all in Long Xueji's hair.

Su Mu raised his hand at this time, and then touched Long Xueji’s hair slightly. The latter suddenly withdrew his head and said, "What are you doing? I tell you Su Mu. Although everyone is a human being on earth, This doesn’t mean you can mess around at will. I’m not a random woman. Even if you are the shadow of God or the shadow of the remnant soul, I can’t force... Ah... what are you doing?"

At this time, Su Mu pinched Long Xueji’s long hair, and then lifted it up, only to see Long Xueji’s head leaning backwards like being lifted by dozens of kilograms of stones, that is, the weight of this hair As a result, Long Xueji could not straighten her neck.

Su Mu said after putting it down, "Have you noticed?"

"What? You pervert, don't you want to be in the air? I tell you, even if you want to forcibly occupy me, I should be on a big bed covered with petals. How could I be in the first time A place like the sky?"

"You're a pervert! What are you thinking about in your head? Forget it, I can't tell you this idiot, I'll know it in a moment."

"Who are you stupid?"

"Who knows who is an idiot."

"You say it again! Who is an idiot!?"

"I'm an idiot!"

"You just clearly said that I was an idiot!"

"That's you idiot!"

"You are an idiot!"

"Fuck! I said I was an idiot and you didn't want to, and I said you were an idiot and didn't want to, are we both idiots?"

"You're an idiot!"





Long Xueji screamed. At this time, Su Mu directly hugged Long Xueji, and then saw that the parachute cloth seemed to be hung by something. Su Mu understood that it should be the end, otherwise The block will not hang on to something.


Bang bang!

Su Mu turned around and hugged Long Xueji directly and then turned his back to the ground!


"Ah!" Long Xueji exclaimed again, but she was lying on Su Mu's body.

At this time, Su Mu felt like a fat pig weighing several hundred kilos on his body, and the pain from his back made Su Mu's face flushed.

"Get up... you're so heavy..."

Long Xueji was unhappy when she heard the words, she firmly supported the ground, then straightened up and rode on Su Mu's body and cursed: "Who said that you are so heavy? Grandma and aunt are exactly one hundred catties! Su Mu! You **** mother's My chest is crushed, look!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at least five times the gravity here, one hundred catties is equal to at least five hundred catties, okay? Ayeah..."

"Ah! I'm sorry, sorry!"

Long Xueji quickly stood up, but her chest was indeed a little deflated. Whether she admits it or not, the bra was squashed, and gravity caused the flesh on her chest to become deformed. She waited to stand up. It was restored only afterwards.

"Come on, get up quickly." Long Xueji stood up hard, and then stretched out one of Su Mu's hands and slowly pulled him up.

However, just after Su Mu stood up, the rope of the'parachute' suddenly banged...



This time, it was Su Mu who pressed Long Xueji's body, and the two came into a bear hug again, and it was still under five times the gravity.

Long Xueji's face flushed, almost out of breath...

"Su, Su Mu, you are about to die... crush and crush me..."

Long Xueji cursed vigorously while pushing Su Mu, but Su Mu sat up separately, and then laughed loudly.


Long Xueji’s chest became flat, and the place where it was originally meat was rolled directly on both sides of her chest due to gravity, causing the woman’s chest to instantly become an airport...

Long Xueji sat up depressed, and then held her chest with her hands. Then she raised her head and stared at Su Mu and said, "Smile, you laugh? The old lady has no bones in these two groups of flesh, so naturally they will collapse. Is the gadget sagging too?"


Your sister!

Su Mu's face was speechless, but let's not say, it really feels like that...cough...

He stood up quickly and untied the ropes on his body. Su Mu directly took Long Xueji out and walked out. Sooner or later, he would blow his heart down.

The two of them supported each other and walked to the place where the front was illuminated before they breathed a sigh of relief. Gravity disappeared. This area of ​​gravity is the same as above, only in the area of ​​the ice platform, so they can easily get out .

But at this moment Long Xueji looked at the front of the bottom of the cave and said, "Su Mu, what do you think it is?"

Su Mu turned his head when he heard the words, and then his eyes widened.

"Water blue?!"

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