Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1952: Make trouble again

The two sides stared at each other closely, and neither of them was willing to make the final concession, and Yin Fengyang's order from above could not exceed 150,000 years at most. Therefore, this opening must not be opened, otherwise who will bear the excess. Peace talks?

Therefore, Yin Fengyang sneered: "If the East Island country is not greedy, then our Huadu Empire may not dare to block everything and engage in a big fight with the East Island Kingdom. The big deal is that the small countries around the Huadu Empire will invade. It takes a year to clean up, even if it ends up losing'a million years' time and money, what about it?"

Tang Chuanxin laughed when he heard the words, "Why should City Lord Yin be so nervous? Isn’t it against the purpose of our peace talks to speak this way? Forget it, one hundred and fifty thousand years will be one hundred and fifty thousand years. The island country will just give someone a certain Han, a deal!"

Yin Fengyang breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time it felt like being pitted. The East Island Kingdom once again won the biggest bottom line and negotiation gold of the Huadu Empire. It really makes people dumb to eat Huanglian.

When talking about this, Tang Chuanxin left the hall with a 150,000-year-old black card and walked swaggeringly within the nine districts. Before Cen left, he looked at Su Mu and left with a sneer.

The war has ended, and Su Mu's Divine Realm Empire will also return to Tianyong City, so Su Mu is ready to leave the district government after the peace talks are over.

But because it was getting late, Su Mu Xia Feng and Chen Yongqi decided to spend the night at the district government and set off to return to the city tomorrow.

"Brother, you just endure it like this?"

On the way, Xia Feng kept gritting her teeth, and finally she didn't hold back and asked.

Su Mu sneered as he walked: "How did Dongdao Country swallow these 150,000 years and let him vomit it out."

Xia Feng was pleasantly surprised and said, "Brother, are you going to fight the East Island country?"

Su Mu did not speak. Chen Yongqi walked on Xia Feng's shoulders and looked at Su Mu's back and whispered to Xia Feng: "When did you ever see him swallowing so much? This East Island country is like the Wadao of the earth, you say Will he easily make Dongdao Country jump like this?"

"But this is the **** ride on our necks, brother still endure..."

"Then have you thought about the analyzer?"


Chen Yongqi nodded and said: "If I'm right, he wants to leave a safe place for Pang Zhihu and others. Therefore, the agreement with the Huadu Empire must take effect. To take effect, you must obey orders. And the Huadu Empire’s approach is correct, but the method is a bit unacceptable. So, you just wait to fight after you go back."

Xia Feng looked surprised, looking at Su Mu's back, who had already walked away, and said, "I knew he wouldn't swallow so much, shit, I'm almost suffocating me."

"Oh, you are angry? I guess he is more angry than you, but what's the use of being angry? Don't you have to bear it, wait, you will definitely be on the battlefield in three days, and it is the battlefield for attacking the East Island Kingdom! "

"I want this kind of result!" Xia Feng shouted.

Can Su Mu tolerate?

His character is even hotter than Xia Feng. This is recognized. However, many times Su Mu has to stand where he is. During the five-day war, Su Mu suppressed his anger in order to give Pang Zhihu These time cycles are a stable place for players.

Of course, Fuchu Wan'er and Fu Yi were also the places Su Mu worried the most. Now that the Huadu Empire gave such an opportunity, Su Mu could not waste more time to run a country. Therefore, this East Island country can only end. War can only start after this agreement.

Therefore, Su Mu just assumed that he hadn't done anything in the past few days, even if he met Cen, he could not see it.

Whether it's the war in the past few days or the atmosphere of today's peace talks, Su Mu can't tolerate it. Besides, the empress and the others are in the East Island country. Could Su Mu just give up?

If this is the case, then Su Mu is not him Su Mu!

Therefore, Chen Yongqi's relatively calm mind can directly think of what Su Mu is doing and what to do next!

Looking at Su Mu's back, Chen Yongqi also sighed slightly in his heart. He knew that Su Mu's eruption would be the fuse leading them to return to Earth quickly, and perhaps they would be able to return to Earth in a few days!



The sky is getting late, the sunset is beginning to glow red, and the district government gardens in the 9th district look more and more beautiful at this time.

Several palace ladies were picking flowers, and then chatting with each other, Yingying and Yanyan were so lively.

At this time, Yukawa Shin and Cen, who were holding the box, just passed by here, and then stopped in the corridor to look at the group of girls in the garden, but because of the laughter, the two could not help but walked a few steps forward and escorted them behind. The soldiers in the Nine Districts who left did not dare to urge, so they could only stand in place and wait.

Cen glanced at Tang Chuanxin and smiled at this time: "What? Interested?"

Tang Chuanxin glanced at the soldiers behind him and then whispered: "It's not good here, isn't it? This is after all the nine districts of the Huadu Empire."

"What are you afraid of? He Tanjin is in his hands. Would the Huadu Empire still turn our faces against us for a little servant girl? They can tolerate how many people die in the war, and what about a court lady?" Cen smiled. Dao, what he wants is not peace talks with the Huadu Empire, what he wants is war! The shadow of God cannot be suppressed on the earth, and he doesn't want to let go of the opportunity here, and if the Huadu Empire really endured it, it would be humiliating the shadow of God.

Tang Chuanxin nodded, and then handed the box in his hand to Cen Dao: "It makes sense, hehe!"

As he spoke, he saw Yu Chuanxin’s figure of less than 1.6 meters walking directly into the garden, and the soldiers behind him wanted to say something but were stopped by Cen: “What do you want to do? It will affect the peace talks between the two countries. Can you afford it?"

Everyone said nothing, they were just ordinary soldiers escorting Yu Chuanxin and two from the district, so they could only swallow their breath.


There was a scream, followed by the shouts of countless maidservants, and then I saw that Yu Chuanxin directly pulled a maidservant in a yellow dress, and poured an aura into the maid’s arm, instantly letting him The whole body is weak, but his mind is clear.

"Hey, Lao Tzu from the Huadu Empire has long wanted to try something new, little girl, you are lucky."

"No! No! Please! Don't... Don't..."

Immediately afterwards, I saw Yu Chuanxin directly picking up the maid and rushing into the garden wing, drove out the maidservants and then closed the door with a bang!



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