Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2001: Into the sea again

The ship moved fast and far away from the coast of the East Island. Su Mu and the others were marching towards a certain Han with a very relaxed mood at this time. The more than one million people are like rainbows. This time they went to a certain Han. , Even if Su Mu didn't make a move, it would be like a war on the ground.

So at this time, relatively everyone has a smile on their face, with a relaxed expression.

However, at this moment, the God's Domain Tower on Su Mu's chest suddenly flashed with different colors. He stood up suddenly, and then looked at the several colors on the God's Domain Tower and frowned uncontrollably.

Turning around, Su Mu looked in the direction of Dongdao Country, because at this time the Tower of God's Domain was still facing the direction of Dongdao Country...

"What's wrong?" Fuchu Wan'er asked when she saw Su Mu suddenly stood up.

At this time, almost everyone was resting, so Su Mu didn't want to disturb others either. He could only stand still and watch Fuchu Wan'er and said, "I have to go back again. You continue to march. I will chase you within a day. Coming up."

Fuchu Wan'er showed a worried look when she heard the words, because Su Mu at this time was completely different from the Su Mu she knew at the beginning. Now Su Mu, every time she does things beyond her imagination, the same is the danger. Accompanied by it, Fuchu Wan'er could only stand up and look at Su Mu and said, "Be careful."

Su Mu suddenly stunned, because at this time Su Mu also realized one thing, getting closer and closer to the time to get to know the earth, Fuchu Wan'er seems to be able to feel the same, so every time I make a difference, I let Fuchu Wan'er A little bit of concern from the sixth sense... Not only is he worried about Su Mu’s safety, but also worried that he will never return...

Su Mu knew Fuchu Wan'er's mood, so he touched her cheek and said with a smile: "Don't worry, even if something particularly important happens, I will definitely come back to see you, I promise!"


Su Mu said again: "After Xia Feng and the others woke up, tell them to sail with peace of mind. If I can't come back within a day, I will start attacking. See you in Tianyong City and let them rest assured that I will be fine."

Su Mu was in a hurry at this moment.

Fuchu Wan'er knew that Su Mu could not be stopped, so she nodded her head and agreed...


The blade wing unfolded instantly, and Su Mu burst into the air and flew straight to the direction of the East Island.

At this time, in addition to Fuchu Wan'er, a large number of soldiers also saw Su Mu's figure. No one knew what Su Mu was going to do. They thought that Su Mu was just going for a ride in the sky, so no one was there. care……



An hour later, Su Mu came to the sea area west of the East Island Country. At this time, the border of the East Island Country was very quiet. After all, it had just been defeated, and the whole country was in a state of decadence, so Su Mu did not see anyone. However, At this time, the colorful light on the God's Domain Tower was getting brighter and brighter.

"Water blue." Su Mu yelled faintly.

At this time, the goddess of water blue appeared in front of Su Mu, then glanced at the surface of the sea and said: "Su Su also sensed it?"

"Well, isn't it on the bottom of the sea again?" Su Mu glanced at the goddess of water blue, because the sea is all around, and the tower of the gods is shining here, so it must be on the bottom of the sea.

So Su Mu just summoned the goddess of water blue, and now Su Mu can't breathe and talk freely on the seabed, so he needs the help of goddess of water blue.

The goddess of water blue flew around, and then returned to Su Mu's side and nodded and said: "It should be, it should be at the bottom of the sea without accident."

Su Mu also nodded, and immediately saw the blue long silk of the goddess of water wave, a bubble directly enveloped Su Mu, and then the two directly entered the sea.

Because of the bubble protection of the water blue goddess, Su Mu can breathe and speak freely in the sea, and even freely control the walking position of the bubbles...

The two of them slowly sank, looking at the surrounding scene as they went to the bottom of the sea. The blue goddess directly opened the blue mark on his forehead to brighten the whole surroundings, so Su Mu's sight and the land were nothing. difference.

However, as he and the Shuilan Goddess dived for a hundred meters, they still found nothing. Except for some marine creatures, it was the bottomless seabed...

The goddess Shuilan suddenly said at this moment: "Su Su, call out Wo Na too..."

Su Mu was startled, but immediately shouted: "Wina, come out."

In the sea water, the figure of the black and white goddess appeared particularly conspicuous, but the blue of the goddess of water blue was invisible by Su Mu's side...

At this time, the black and white goddess did not hesitate at all, then pointed to the sea bottom and said, "At the bottom."

The three looked at each other, and then dived down quickly!

The whirring sea water was continuously passed through by Su Mu and the three of them. As the pressure increased, the speed of the three of them became slower and slower, but only with Su Mu himself, the two goddesses were not pressured.

While diving, the black and white goddess said: "The depth here is deeper than where I am, Master, Shuilan, you must be prepared."

"You mean we are going to dive for a long time?" Su Mu asked.

"In addition to this, if there is a battle, your abilities are likely to be limited." The black and white goddess nodded.

Su Mu darts his shoulders, no matter what, he must find the empresses this time, otherwise it will not help Su Mu even find a way back to the earth...

And as the goddess of black and white said, the speed of diving is getting slower and slower, and the bottom of the sea is still invisible. This depth makes Su Mu a bit stunned, the ocean is indeed the most unconquerable existence of humans!



It lasted for nearly five hours, and the faces of the black and white goddess and the water blue goddess began to flush. At this time, under the light of the water blue goddess, the three finally saw the scenery of the sea floor...

A large number of coral reefs and various forms of underwater mountains appeared in front of the three people. Su Mu had never seen corals in such a deep place. This was simply abnormal... The most important thing was that they saw one At the time of the Super Crack Grand Canyon, I finally saw a palace-like palace appearing on the edge of this huge crack...At this time, the God Domain Tower in Su Mu’s arms kept beating, even directly leading Su Mu down. go with……


The three of them landed, then stared around for a while, then focused their gazes on the palace on the edge of this super sea crack.

"It's magnificent." The black and white goddess couldn't help sighing, this palace is bigger than the death sacrifice temple that sealed her!

Su Mu couldn't wait, and went straight forward, but was pulled by the water blue goddess: "Su Su...Here, there is a dark elemental aura..."

The black and white goddess also walked up and nodded: "Yes, it has almost the same breath as the dark element that was attracted by the bubble pillars on the seabed..."

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