Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2042: Facing the Mahayana period (6 more)

"I, Su Mu, do things, so you are the one to blame? I will not only be the guardian of Zhiyan, but also have a bunch of little angels with Zhiyan! You! What can I do?!"

Su Mu is so arrogant that he has come to an alien planet from the earth, what else can stop Su Mu from doing something? What can stop Su Mu from wanting to love a woman? joke! Not to mention her angel thanks, how can it be the most powerful angel in the angel world?

"You! You! You human being!"

"How am I? Angel Xie, as a member of the Justice League, I hope you can see your team clearly and don't go the wrong way!" Su Mu snorted, instantly spread the blades and flew into the air, and left directly. Suspended island.


The next morning.

The city of angels is very lively, and countless angels are talking about it. The Burning Guardian suddenly appeared, and other male angels were allowed to challenge him. Therefore, this became another explosion in addition to the general election this year. event.

You know, once you win this human, then the guardian of Zhiyan will be replaced, and all male angels will be itchy in their hearts. You know, this is a good thing to reach the sky. You only need to defeat this person to become the highest bloodline of the angel surnamed Zhi. Guardian, there is almost no need to worry about things like cultivation for tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, countless male angels rushed to the square of the City of Angels, and countless female angels wanted to see the most beautiful city of Angels and what the most powerful female angel guardian in the City of Angels looked like!

Therefore, the entire square of the City of Angels was overcrowded early in the morning. It was already 8 o'clock in the morning when Su Mu got up, so at this time, lazy, he simply had a breakfast and was taken by the angel to the square of the City of Angels.

On the way, the angel fell and said: "The princess asked me to sue you. If it doesn't work, I will summon the Gods Domain Tower."

Su Mu was taken aback, and then smiled slightly. Zhiyan meant that if he couldn't do it, he would summon other goddesses to help, so that Su Mu would not worry about his life. This is probably why Zhiyan didn't worry about Su Mu much. One, but Su Mu was curious, didn't Zhiyan know that the Tower of God's Domain was restricted in the City of Angels? Ever since Su Mu entered the angel world, the goddess of water blue and the goddess of fire were forcibly taken back, and were prompted not to be summoned.

At this time, Su Mu had already arrived at the square of the City of Angels, and an area of ​​more than 100 square meters in the middle was isolated. At this time, the entire square was full of angels watching, and there were even countless Mahayana angels floating in the sky.

In the City of Angels, only angels above the Mahayana period are allowed to fly, and I don't know how it is stipulated. Su Mu's eyes are all on these flying angels. After all, only these powerful angels can threaten Su Mu.

At this moment, a female angel wearing silver armor descended from the sky, her wings as wide as ten meters were exceptionally stunning, this person was at least the peak of Mahayana strength.

I saw her hovering above the open space, and then looked at the surrounding angels and said: "I am Angel Yuan, the deputy leader of the Justice League of the City of Angels. This time I host the princess Burning Guardian challenge. According to the regulations of the City of Angels, Angel If the guardian of the royal bloodline of the Justice League in the city wants to take the place of the guardian angel to participate in the general election, then he will accept ten challengers. If the challenge is successful, he will die, and he must not go back!"

The square is quiet and quiet.

At this time, Su Mu waved his wings, and then quickly flew to the center of the flat ground. At this time, countless comments also exploded, especially the voices of female angels.

"This is the guardian of the Burning Queen..."

"Is it a human being? Or the Great Yuan period?"

"Yes, the level is so low, it's still a human..."

"The eyes of Queen Burnt are nothing more than that..."

"Hush, call the princess, don't call the queen!"

A female angel of the Justice League snorted: "The king of the City of Angels has always been the successor of the angels surnamed Zhi. Our Queen of the Sun is originally the king of the City of Angels. Why can't we be called?"

"Exactly! Why can't you be called?"

"Now that the Justice League and the Tiangong League are in charge of the City of Angels, why do you say you can't be called?"

"Just called! Why?"

At this moment, the voice of the angel in the air came again: "By then, all male angels without guardians or guardian angels can participate in the challenge, and their bloodline is above Level 3, and their strength exceeds the mid-term Profound Sage. ."

"Huh? Third-level blood?"

"This is still a royal game, the common people are still hopeless..."

"You guys think too much, even if the Queen of Burning Flames changes the guardian, you have to be more decent, commoner, dreaming is almost the same..."



A male angel flew from the air to the opposite side of Angel Yuan and shouted: "Angel Kun, second-level pedigree, my father is in charge of the guard team leader of the City of Angels, I am not talented, guard team leader, early Mahayana! Apply for a challenge! "

This male angel has a fortitude on his face, white hair cape, and a somewhat masculine complexion. He looks mighty and extraordinary, except for his wings, he has the style of a human general.

Angel Yuan nodded and said, "Yun, the first scene, start!"

"It's over!" The countless angels sighed as soon as the angel's voice fell.

How did the Great Yuan period fight the Mahayana period? This is like a battle between a level one player and a level one hundred players.

There are also the Profound Spirit Period, the Profound God Period, and the Profound Sage Period above the Great Yuan Period. There are three small stages in each of these stages. The difference is more than three or five levels.

Moreover, Su Mu also understood at this time that this was the first time he encountered a master in the Mahayana period in the time of rebirth, and it was also a real battle. In a certain Han, it was only an instant fight with Ling Yue, so this time It was Su Mu who really fought against the Mahayana period.

At this time, a dozen angels floated over the square again, and the crowd became a sensation again.

The people who came were Angel Zhiyan, Angel Hao, Angel's name, etc. and their personal guards, all of whom were masters of Mahayana stage and above, and were angels of first-degree bloodlines, and countless people admired and sighed.

As Angel Burning their positions stopped, the angel Yuan in the sky looked back at them. After getting permission, Angel Yuan shouted again: "The challenge begins, you will not remember life or death, you will lose if you fall into the square!"



Su Mu and Angel Kun stood in suspension.

"Mankind in the Great Yuan Dynasty, let alone the angel race bullying the mankind, at the bottom of the kun, willing to fight you without weapons! Please!"

When I said that, I saw Angel Kun directly retracted the sword of flames, and then faced Su Mu with his bare hands. This surprised Su Mu a little bit. Angels are no different from humans. Apart from having wings, they seem to be humans and have themselves. His emotions and desires are even eager to win!

Even so, Su Mu still did not dare to take it lightly. During the Mahayana period, Su Mu was both looking forward to and nervous...

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