Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2068: Desire for power

Su Mu was frowned by all the angels' voices. How could this rise to his gender discrimination?

Human beings are male society, and angels are matriarchal society. This in itself is inheritance. How can it be explained that it is not gender discrimination?

And if human beings are matrilineal society, wouldn’t it be discrimination against men? So sometimes it's not clear at all.

Seeing the rebellious voices of the surrounding angels, Su Mu stopped talking, and could only float in the air to listen to them chattering.

After going on for a long time, the voice finally became quieter.

Su Mucai looked at the surrounding angels and asked, "Have you finished? Although men and women are equal, cats are cats and rats are rats. They are part of the biological chain. Men and women are also different biological species. Within the hostess, each has his own responsibility. It is the cultural accumulation of the place where I live for five thousand years. It is the most important cornerstone of the prosperity and peace. But your angel world is just the opposite and cannot be overturned!"

Everyone stopped talking.

Su Mu sneered: "After you finish talking, continue! If you don't agree, come! I'll accompany you at any time! If you don't have the guts to admit this fact, I want to protect Zhiyan on the throne today! Who else refuses? You? !? You? Or you?! Or you?!"

Finally, Su Mu pointed directly in the direction of Angel Hao and Angel Mingdu.

Suddenly at this time, all the talents understood that the outcome was determined, and now it was useless to say anything, because in the angel world, it is not that you can really achieve the throne if you have the strength, but you need blood.

Just like Angel Du and Angel Gu, the strength of the two of them is already top-notch in the angel world, but they cannot become the king of angels. Because their blood is not enough, this will lead to the appearance of Angel Du, angel name and burning flame. It's a scramble situation, otherwise, whoever has the best ability will be the king.

But now, no one was daring to go, so Su Mu looked directly at Zhiyan.

The latter took a few steps forward slowly, and then quickly flew in the direction of Su Mu. In the air, the two directly hovered in the center, holding hands, looking at the surrounding angels.

At this moment, the angels of the Justice League suddenly someone took the lead and shouted: "My king Zhiyan!"

"My Wang Zhiyan!"

"My Wang Zhiyan!"

"Hoho! Hohoho!"

The roar came in an instant, the people of the Justice League naturally agreed, but the angels of the Tiangong League were ugly at this time. I don't know what to do.

After everyone shouted, Zhi Yan waved his hand and said, "Thank you for your support. Angels. Since the arrival of this universe, female angels have been kings. Yan doesn't think he has the ability to serve, but the blood is the same. The world of angels is no longer the world of angels hundreds of thousands of years ago. We must be more careful when we live on water planets and must not violate the lessons of our ancestors. Therefore, we will participate in the general election with Angel Hao and Angel Name. If there are more suitable candidates, Yan must not fight!"

"My Wang Zhiyan!"

"Queen of Burning Flames!"

The crowd yelled again.

This is. Angel Hao and Angel Mingdu on the left looked at each other. Both of them exuded serious expressions of dissatisfaction. However, at this time, they were tacit understanding of each other. The two silently nodded their heads to indicate this. It's impossible for this thing to end in this way, so at this time, Angel Hao and Angel Fame flew up instantly.

"Resolutely reject matrilineal society!"

Everyone was shocked again. Su Mu turned around and frowned and looked at Angel Mingdu and Angel Hao. These two men seemed to have been engulfed by power and were completely unable to extricate themselves. Are they still not satisfied at this time?

Angel Hao's flame sword pointed to the sky suddenly.

With a bang, red light burst into the sky. At this time, the angel's name, the sword of flames, also rushed into the sky. In an instant, two red light beams appeared in the sky...





At this moment, directly above Su Mu and Zhiyan, a light fell instantly.



Su Mu directly pushed Zhi Yan away, and then saw a red light instantly fall on the position where he and Zhi Yan had been suspended.

A female angel with long red hair Jie Jie appeared in front of Su Mu with a smile.

All the angels exclaimed.

"Demon angel?"

"Didn't the fallen angels have already resigned?"

"what happened?"




Suddenly, three more rays of light fell. At this moment, three fallen angels appeared around Su Mu.

Although the angels in the audience were shocked at this time, they were not very surprised, because the fallen angels had already surrendered, and the demon angels themselves belonged to the line of fallen angels, so the appearance of angels with red long hair and purple long hair at this time is not very unexpected. , Surprisingly... these four angels are all angel gods in the transformation stage! And it's a fallen angel god!

The atmosphere of the whole scene changed instantly.

Angel Hao shouted in the air at this time: "If you want Zhiyan to be king, you must first ask the angel gods of the Heavenly Palace Alliance if you want it!"





In an instant, three white lights fell again, and three angel gods appeared directly beside Angel Mingdu, one woman and two men, all of them angels with broken wings!

"Huh? Angel sinner?"

"What exactly is going on?"

"Has the Heavenly Palace Alliance and the Angel defector cooperated together?"

"There are still demon angel defectors!"

"What exactly is going on?"

At this time, the fallen angel Zhiling, who is Zhixin's sister, suddenly exclaimed: "These demon angels are defectors, Su Mu, be careful!"


These so-called fallen angel defectors are those fallen angels who are unwilling to submit to the angel race, so they left the city of angels and wandered around in the angel world, and now they have come directly to the city of angels. It is not necessary to ask that Angel Hao cooperated with them. .

As for those angel defectors, Su Mu can also understand that they are naturally white feathered angel defectors who committed heinous crimes. In short, these are some guilty angels!

Seven angel gods appeared in a row. Su Mu couldn't help frowning. Things were completely beyond his expectation. Before Su Mu felt that things went a little too smoothly, but now it seems that Angel Hao and Angel's reputations have long been known. Prepare, if there is an accident in the general election, they will inevitably choose to rebel. The seven angel gods can completely shock all the people in the city of angels.

Of course, the behind-the-scenes managers of the City of Angels will definitely appear at this time, so both Zhiyan and Su Mu are watching the surroundings at this time.

However, the fiery red angel Jiejie who hovered in front of Su Mu smiled and said, "What? Waiting for the behind-the-scenes manager of the City of Angels? They are still too busy to take care of themselves. Where can they have time to take care of you? Hehehe..."

Everyone was shocked again.

The managers are trapped by others? So here in the City of Angels...

Zhiyan looked directly at Angel Hao and Angel Mingdu and said, "You are going to rebel! You are going to violate the rules of the angel race!"

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