Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2077: One piece short

Hearing Su Mu's tone, all the goddesses also looked at the exit.

The gaze of the goddess of water blue also fell cold, she looked at the exit position of the gods' domain tower and said: "Susu, the angel clan survives on my water-system planet and still fights against you, even if the angel clan is not destroyed, they must bear the response. The consequences!"

Su Mu smiled and nodded: "Yes, I should teach them a little lesson. I didn't know the secrets of your planets before. Now that I know it, I should let them know what it means to be under the roof!"

The Su Yan goddess suddenly frowned at this time: "Sisters, don't you feel that there is something missing in the God's Domain suit?"

The Shuilan Goddess and the Empress were startled, and then looked at Su Mu.

Su Mu was also stunned. Su Mu hadn't thought about this at all, but all the goddesses seemed to feel that something was missing, so Su Mu calculated it and said: "The sword of the gods, the tower of the gods, the armor of the gods, the veil of the gods, the rings of the gods, God’s Domain Backpack, God’s Domain Bracers, God’s Domain Boots, God’s Domain Belt, nine pieces, are there any other parts?"

The equipment in the game is roughly that, what else can be obtained?

The Su Yan goddess shook her head and said: "No, I always feel that something is missing."

Zhiwei suddenly moved forward at this time: "The souls of all the equipment parts are there, do you feel that Lieyu's position is vacant?"

The gods suddenly nodded and said: "Yes, Lieyu still has one position missing. The God's Domain suit should still have the position of Lieyu, and even the position of the ninth element. Then it means that the God's Domain suit has not been collected yet. ."

Su Mu was surprised.

Now there are nine sets of God’s Domain suits. If you add Lieyu and the Ninth Element, it will be eleven. But Su Mu really can’t think of any place to equip them, and according to Lieyu’s in all goddesses Importance, she should be the sword spirit, but the sword spirit is Zhiwei, so where is the core of Lieyu?

Su Mu looked at the other goddesses, and the gods shook their heads without knowing.

The water blue goddess glanced blankly at Su Mu and said, "Su Su, what do you think is the most important part of the God Realm suit?"

"God's Domain Tower!" everyone said in unison.

That's right, now the God's Domain Tower does not have its own soul, so it can only be that the position of the God's Domain Tower belongs to the goddess Lieyu.

Su Mu glanced at the crowd in surprise: "If the tower of the gods is Lie Yu, then what is the ninth element?"

Yes, all the goddesses were surprised for a while, what is the ninth element?

In other words, Su Mu's God Realm suit is ten pieces in total instead of eleven. So, what exactly is this last God Realm suit?

Moreover, Su Mu also knew that even if he did not accept the Ninth Element, he could wear the tenth piece of the God’s Domain suit. Before, the God’s Domain suit had no goddess’ soul and was also the wearer, just like the current God’s Domain Tower, where Goddess Lieyu is absent. It can also play its own role, so Su Mu is still missing a piece of equipment, which makes Su Mu can't help but smack.

Everyone talked about it for a while, but there was no result, because in the game of reincarnation, there are only those places that can be equipped with, so it is impossible to have any more parts, but according to theory, the corresponding equipment of the ninth element must be there, so , Su Mu must find the last piece of equipment in this God's Domain suit!

After that, Su Mu originally wanted to leave the God's Domain Tower, but the aura on his body was so surging that Su Mu's whole body was hot, so Su Mu sat around in the God's Domain Tower.

From the Great Yuan Period to the Profound God Period, and still at the peak of the Profound God Period, Su Mu's ability to master is far from comparable to that of the ordinary Profound God Period, plus the opening of chapters 4 and 5 of the God-Honored Heart Art. Su Mu's knowledge of this cycle of time became more abundant.

The nine goddesses were protecting Su Mu's law, but at this moment, he saw that Su Mu suddenly stretched out his hands, and then suddenly it seemed to be tearing something...


The void was torn apart, and all the goddesses showed surprise smiles. This is the power of the **** transformation stage, and the void crosses!

Su Mu also looked at the void being torn in surprise, and then slowly retracted his hands, running the Divine Venerable Heart Secret Art again, following closely, Su Mu suddenly opened his eyes.

"Ding! The technique of insight advances to the **** of insight!"

"Insight into God's Eyes!"


Around, everything was in a panoramic view, even the void in the tower of God's Domain was clearly seen, and even all the information of several goddesses was insight.

Immediately afterwards, Su Mu's gaze looked into the depths of the God's Domain Tower. The vast void had no end. His gaze continued to stretch forward as if being held back. Su Mu hurriedly retracted his gaze, and then was shocked.

With the promotion of these two abilities, Su Mu once again operated the godly heart art.

Hula la...

On top of Su Mu's head, something like a dark cloud quickly formed, which quickly disappeared following Su Mu's figure...


In a short time, Su Mu's figure returned to the original place, but at this time, Su Mu had seven more long hairs of different colors...

Shuilan Goddess and the others raised their eyebrows slightly at this time. Obviously, they felt itchy scalp when they were dragged away by Su Mu's hair...

It's just that all the goddesses looked at Su Mu in surprise. Just a moment ago, Su Mu pulled one of their seven long hairs directly? Is this still teleporting? This is simply controlling the void...

Not only that, Su Mu stood up and looked at the goddesses in surprise: "I, I seem to be able to appreciate the profound meaning of time and time and space magic...Although you can't completely control the void, you can definitely control a certain second. Time is up..."

The Su Yan goddess was relatively calm. She thought for a while and said, "Is it similar to Lie Yu's ability?"


The goddesses were surprised again.

The water blue goddess suddenly smiled: "Congratulations, Susu, who has the power of a god..."


Several goddesses were also dumb, and then nodded one after another.

The female emperor said: "The so-called gods here are not comparable to ours, but your human ability. The gods' ability is to see time and time. Mumu, this kind of ability can only be possessed by the supreme and supreme gods, such as now The blue water and me..."

Su Mu looked at the surrounding goddesses in surprise, he had just been promoted to the Profound God Stage...

"So, based on this ability, what level should I be in the reincarnation of the earth now?"

This question instantly stunned all the goddesses, and at the same time made Su Mu nervous. The time to return to Earth is getting closer and closer. Su Mu can feel that he will return to Earth soon, and the ability to reincarnate in time will definitely return. It was transformed into a rank on the earth, so he asked this question. The most important thing is that Heyang's level is too high. Su Mu felt numb when he thought of Heyang's 600 rank...

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