City of Angels.

Under the cheers of the angels, Angel Hao wore a golden crown on his head, and slowly walked towards the gate of the spiral hall with the support of several angel gods and countless angels of the Mahayana period.

At this time, the angel Zhiyan who slowly walked from the corridor position also amazed all the angels.

The blond shawl, a golden ribbon, golden crown, phoenix inlaid, and the angel with wings concealed burned. At this time, the large fiery red robe and the position of the waist directly showed the burnt figure.

Those delicate facial features, golden pupils, and a pair of red lips under the slightly shiny bridge of the nose make people salivate...

The burning inflammation at this time was so stunning that it was suffocating!

In this scene, even Angel Hao was stunned. Although Zhiyan had lost her virginity to human beings, only this alluring cheek and enchanting figure were enough to make up for any lack, plus she was the highest in the Justice League. The ruler of, therefore, at this moment, Angel Hao's face glowed more and more red... his face was full!

Slowly walked towards the door of the spiral hall, Zhiyan stood at the door, and Angel Hao stood in place, and then saw Angel Yuan floating down from the air...

"Angel Hao ascended the throne as the King of Angels. At that time, the first male angel king in the angel world will be born. On this rare day, Wang Hao will marry the highest pedigree princess of the Justice League, Angel Burning. , The greatest grand occasion of the angel world opens, welcome the king of angels, hold the hand of burning, eternal longevity, unchanged for billions of years!"



The cheers of the angels resounded throughout the city of angels again.

Angel Hao is even more proud and superior. He walks towards Angel Zhiyan step by step, looking at Zhiyan's perfect face and figure. At this time, Angel Hao can already imagine the scene in bed. I don't know how many times. I don’t know how many fantasies, but it finally came true today. Now Angel Hao can’t wait to complete the ceremony of enthroning the throne immediately, and then walks into the bedroom with Angel Zhiyan...

Countless male angels cheered, but they didn't know how jealous they were.

Zhiyan, that is the most beautiful angel in the angel world, and even the ruler of the Justice League with the highest bloodline. Now, it was finally obtained by Angel Hao, and I don’t know how many male angels have fantasized about, as long as they can kiss Fangze Zhiyan, Would rather lose life for thousands of years!

At this time, the red fallen angel behind him whispered slightly: "I, Wang Hao, be careful of Zhiyan, Zhixian was put into a holy prison by her."

Angel Hao was taken aback while walking, and then smiled: "What's the matter?"

The fiery red fallen angel said: "Xie Hui reported that Zhixian did not approve of Zhiyan marrying you, and eventually angered Zhiyan, so the sisters turned against each other, but the subordinates always feel that things are a little strange."

Angel Haohe sneered: "I didn't intend that she could marry me voluntarily. Don't worry, I have my own way to make her succumb, otherwise, she would not be Burning."

"What do you mean?"

"Justice League." The angel chuckled.

The fiery red fallen angel was startled when he heard the words, and then laughed.

At this time, Angel Hao had already walked to Zhiyan's side, and the two of them wandered towards the position of the hall, and the angels cheered loudly.

Angel Hao looked at Zhi Yan and said, "I know you weren't willing, but now that you are standing here, you can't help it anymore, Zhi Yan, you are still my Hao's woman in the end! Haha!"

Zhiyan kept silent, with his own thoughts in his heart.

But Angel Hao said again: "I know you want to avenge that human being, but you have no chance. I have already ordered that if I have any accidents tonight, the Heavenly Alliance and all the angel gods behind me will slaughter. Justice League, are you ready to serve me in bed? Haha!"


Zhi Yan was startled suddenly, then stood still and stared at Angel Hao.

She originally wanted to assassinate Angel Hao when she entered the bridal chamber. After all, Angel Hao is only a Mahayana strength, and Zhiyan is not worth it, but now Angel Hao said such a thing, this instantly made Zhiyan feel that she was instead I jumped into the fire pit.

Angel Hao also stopped in place and said, "Also, do you think Zhixian can safely leave the city of Angels? If you don't become my woman, then both the Justice League and Zhixian will die without a place to be buried, you consider yourself!"

"You!" Zhi Yan gritted his teeth. At this time, Zhi Yan finally understood why Angel Hao dared to marry himself after killing Su Mu. It turned out that he had already made a plan. He thought it was his own plan, but now it seems. , This angel Hao has already designed all the tricks for himself, just waiting for him to get in...

There was a colic in Zhiyan's heart, and there was no hope of revenge... Zhiyan's eyes fell for a moment...


Angel Hao directly hugged Zhiyan, and then sneered: "If you don't lose your survival instinct, I will implement this plan too!"

Zhi Yan's heart once again mentioned that she had already followed Su Mu when Su Mu died. Now there is no hope for revenge. Zhi Yan didn't have the courage to live, and she wanted to sleep with this man? Zhiyan didn't dare to think about it, so he was about to give up his life in an instant...

However, the words of Angel Hao made Zhiyan have to raise his heart again. He couldn't restrain the hatred in his heart, but he couldn't resist. Such feelings, Zhiyan could not bear...

"Well, wait for me for hundreds of years, and I will let you go when I get disgusted. Now, you cheer me up. The entire Justice League and Zhixian's life are in your hands. Think about it yourself! "Angel Haosong opened the flames.

However, Zhiyan staggered at this moment, and then stood up straight again, silent tears falling.

Zhiyan could die to protect Su Mu's dignity, but now, the right to protect Su Mu's dignity is gone. Zhiyan feels that the whole world is darkened...It seems that the whole world is fighting against her... Because even if Zhiyan died, she didn’t want to apologize to Su Mu. But now, she has no choice. For the Angel of the Justice League, for Zhixian, she must suffer all the humiliation, and she must do things to sorry Su Mu...



Heart is ashamed!

The ceremony continues.

The two are about to enter the spiral hall.

"In this universe, all the people who dared to move my woman have disappeared!"

Suddenly, there was a huge loudspeaker, but the tone was very someone uttering these words in your ear!

Zhi Yan, the dull golden pupils suddenly shrank, and then quickly turned around and looked at the outside of the City of Angels!

It's Sue!

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