Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2120: Disliked (6 more)

Chen Yongqi's words stunned the crazy flying sword and the crazy flying sword brothers. The former said, "President, what's the matter? Why replace the flying sword?"

Crazy Feijian frowned slightly at this time. The captain of the first team was Feijian. What does it mean to replace him now? Let yourself go to the second team?

However, since it was Chen Yongqi's order, they could only question and dare not directly resist.

Chen Yongqi glanced at the brothers and said: "Let Feijian go to the second team to lead the team, and Feidao you will lead the first team, and the first team will temporarily join a person."

At this moment, Su Mu walked over behind Chen Yongqi and smiled slightly.


"Fuck? Level 150?!"

"Halo! The president is crazy? The first team is our most advanced team in Datang, so I temporarily joined a 150-level novice rookie? What kind of plane?"

The crazy flying knife and the crazy flying sword didn't have any dissatisfaction with Chen Yongqi's orders, but the two brothers couldn't help frowning when they saw Su Mu's level.

Datang World’s dungeon team this time is the most powerful team. No player is below level 320, and the whole body is equipped with an artifact, so they are so excited. This should be the most powerful team at Datang Antenna. It's true, but suddenly the flying sword of the full set of artifacts was replaced, and it was actually a level 150 rookie? What is Nima!

"President, I don't understand, why did you replace Feijian with a member of level 150? Besides, we are going to the world dungeon and not upgrading with rabbits..."

"Yes, President, this is a copy of the world. Isn't it a hindrance with a burden?"

"Is it embarrassing for foreign players to see it?"

"Yes, President."

Chen Yongqi glanced at Su Mu with a weird expression. Bring a rabbit?

Nima, this may be the most ridiculous joke in reincarnation, Su Mu is a rabbit? Is it an idler?

And Su Mu was also helpless at this time. Who made his level only 150? Even if Su Mu's combat effectiveness is still there, his level is still repelling, and Su Mu doesn't want to directly expose that he is the shadow of God.

It's not that Su Mu deliberately concealed himself from pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, but Su Mu couldn't afford to lose this person. When the average level of Samsara was at level 300, the Shadow of God was only level 150? Who will believe this?

Chen Yongqi waved his hand and said, "Just follow the command line. In the dungeon, you and Tu Ying discuss the flying knife. Go ahead, time is coming."

The crazy flying knife glanced at Su Mu, then turned around and started to leave the resident city.

Su Mu glanced at Chen Yongqi, then said through a voice transmission: "It seems that your subordinates are not convinced."

Chen Yongqi smiled awkwardly and said, "God, please bear with me. You don't want me to tell me who you are, so I can only feel wronged."

"I didn't mean that, I just felt a little funny."

"Uh..." Chen Yongqi was also in a daze. It was ridiculous. The shadow of God was despised by others. Time has changed.



At this time, the team came to the square in Huangtianzhou District.

Along the way, the crazy flying knife kept explaining things to the people below, except that he didn't take care of Su Mu, and he didn't even care about Su Mu, let alone Chen Yongqi's previous warning that he would discuss with Su Mu. Up.

And Su Mu didn't feel wrong either, he was already familiar with the current reincarnation situation, so he could understand the expression of the crazy flying knife.

In the square, a large number of players were queuing, and ten people from Datang World also stood directly in the line. Su Mu stood in the final line and looked at the surrounding crowd, as if he wanted to find a familiar ID...

"Hey, brother, what is the relationship between you and the president? Is the president's relatives?" At this moment,'Bai Chong' who was standing in front of Su Mu turned his head and asked with a smile.

This Bai Chong, level 325, should be considered a master in the current reincarnation, Su Mu smiled and shook his head and said, "No, it can only be regarded as an acquaintance."

"Not a relative of the president? Then why did the president bring you to our team? The first team is the most powerful team in Datang."

"Oh, is it so?"

"..." When Bai Chong saw that Su Mu didn't want to say more, he stopped asking more. They could only obey the president's order.

But at this time, the crazy flying knife in front of the team looked back at Su Mu, and then said to an assassin behind him: "Do you know this person?"

The assassin shook his head: "I haven't seen it. I don't know if it's a relative of the president in reality."

"It shouldn't be. The president hasn't practiced favoritism in the past five years. This person is probably a relative of the president. Damn!"

"Brother Dao, this guy has directly replaced Brother Jian. If you score a little bit in the dungeon, there will be nothing about Brother Jian... We have to find a way to... hiccup..." The assassin was right there. The position of the throat made a gesture to kill Su Mu within the instance.

"Let's act according to the chance." The crazy flying knife glanced at Su Mu again, and the more he looked, the more angry he got.

If he is level 300 or above, it's still considered the past, isn't he looking for death with the team in the world dungeon at level 150? I don't know what Chen Yongqi thinks, is it really good to fill his pockets like this? Alas, Crazy Feijian’s contribution to the guild this time was useless. Although the second team was led by him, after all, there was no power from the first team, and there was definitely no achievement in the dungeon.

So thinking of these Su Mu's hatred immediately came to my heart, not only him, the whole team seemed to be unfriendly to Su Mu, it seemed that they would even kick Su Mu out of the team if it weren't for Chen Yongqi's personal orders.

At this moment, the door of the dungeon opened, and the team of Datang World was in the middle position, so I chose to enter directly!


Su Mu's eyes became dark, and he stood directly on a circular platform, and in front of him was a huge line of sky. The mountains stood tall, with countless green moss on the cliff walls, and various turbulent plants, making the entire map look like They are all like ancient mountains tens of thousands of years ago...

"Ding! Welcome to the world dungeon, the first-line sinkhole, in the dungeon, no summoned beasts, magic scrolls, random scrolls, and flying equipment are not allowed."


"Wow! Isn't the summoner abolished? Fortunately, our team does not have a summoner." Bai Chong couldn't help being surprised at this time.

Even Su Mu frowned, and this series of disallowance directly showed the maliciousness of this copy.

At this time, a large number of players poured into the entrance of the dungeon. What surprised Su Mu most was that these players were all Chinese, and there was no foreign player.

"Why can't you see foreigners?" Su Mu asked curiously.



In an instant, all the more than 90 people around looked at Su Mu, and some even laughed out of laughter, as if it was the kind of painting style that asks a waiter for chopsticks in a western restaurant...

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