Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2124: Follow the woman's ass?



Puff puff puff!

On the platform, Su Mu and Bai Chong were studying the contents of the box, and then they heard the sound of the vine being cut off, and then they saw the red figure rushing out, and then stood on the spot looking at the sky hole in front of them.

Su Mu and Bai Chong glanced at each other, then turned and looked at the other places of the vine. Haven't the other teams come over yet?

However, Huang Quan couldn't help being dumb after seeing Su Mu and Bai Chong suddenly, her cold cheeks showed an unexpected expression, and the members of Zhu Xian behind him rushed out.

"Haha, first place..."

"It's still the leader Huangquan, who is actually the"

Originally, Zhu Xian’s team was still full of spirits. After all, they were the first to break in during such a difficult situation, but when they saw Su Mu and Bai Chong, they were instantly stunned, as if they had seen a ghost. , There will be hallucinations?

At this time, Luo Hua Feixue looked at Su Mu and Bai Chong in surprise, but saw that Su Mu and Bai Chong smiled at them as a greeting. Everyone is now a team. I will definitely meet foreign players. To work together.

However, Huang Quan returned to normal after only a hint of surprise on her cold cheeks. She stood in place and said, "Clean up the surroundings and see if there is a way to help get through this sinkhole."



After all, Zhuxian Guild is the Zhuxian Guild. It has been dominating the China Region for several years, so even if it is shocked at this time, it is only temporary. After all, no one knows the way to pass this difficulty, and no one develops it. Maybe it is simple. The way to come?

At this moment, there was also movement behind him, and other teams also stepped out of the vine position, but when they saw the members of the Zhuxian Guild, they were all helpless. Who made the team stronger? But after seeing Su Mu and Bai Chong, the second team that passed thought that the team of Datang World had come, but what about the team of Datang? Are these two people left?

In the next few minutes, the teams walked out of the vine position one by one, but unexpectedly, I thought it would lose one-third of the members, but when all the teams came over, the number was actually less than sixty. Personally, this surprised Su Mu also very much.

Five teams came out when they saw Datang World. Bai Chong and Su Mu also walked over, and the crazy flying knife gave them a weird look. Why did they suddenly come to the front when they were clearly behind?

But looking at the members of Zhu Xian, he frowned slightly: "Can you follow your team? It's cool to follow behind a group of women's ass?"

Bai Chong and Su Mu were stunned when they heard the words. The crazy flying knife of emotion thought that Su Mu and Bai Chong had caught up with Zhu Xian's team on the way, and then came along with the members of Zhu Xian...

Bai Chong took a step forward to explain, but Su Mu grabbed his arm and stood behind the team.

"What's the matter? We obviously came here by ourselves, and we are still the first." Bai Chong asked around.

Su Mu shook his head and signaled that he didn't need to talk about this matter.

Just as the team was reorganizing, Zhu Xian’s Luohua Feixue turned around and said: “There should be a rope on both sides of the plank road, and there should be a box on the other side, so everyone is divided into two teams and walked along the plank road. Don't fall in, or you will be kicked out of the copy."

Everyone nodded, and then began to divide the work.

There are more than 50 people in total, and Zhuxian’s people occupy ten. Therefore, Datang Tianxia and the other two teams are following Zhuxian, while Changtian Guild and more than 20 people are on the left, and the two teams are separated from each other. People hold the ropes, and then one person walks along the plank road.

The plank road is very narrow and can only accommodate one person forward, so the team's walking speed is very slow.



Just as the team continued to move forward, a group of black and crushed flying monsters suddenly rushed out from the sinkholes on both sides of the plank road.

The reason for the surprise is that these monsters did not immediately attack anyone in the entire team, but constantly waved their wings in the center of the team.


Within a few seconds, the flying monsters in the middle were instantly crowded, and they waved their wings frantically, suddenly a violent wind rose around them, and began to blow the muddy mist of the entire sinkhole...



"Fuck! What is this going to do?"




A scream came, and Su Mu saw that among the members of Zhuxian in front of him, a player was instantly taken away by a monster, and then dropped directly into the center of the tiankeng. The screams echoed continuously on the cliff. I waited until I heard the bang, and the sound disappeared. The player must have been thrown to death after landing...

Everyone began to panic, especially the front team on both sides became more nervous at this time. Now they want to retreat and cannot retreat. There are a lot of flying monsters going forward.


Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, in Zhuxian's team, two magicians instantly released fire magic and began to attack the monsters in the middle. The team behind them also began to learn from Zhuxian's team to use long-range attacks, and the team on the opposite side of the plank road also began to attack.

At this stage of level 300, players have already had a lot of skills, so long-range occupations also played an important role at this time.



A large number of monsters were killed, equipment, gold coins, game props and other items all fell in the air. Su Mu felt a pain in this view. The players hate this monster the most. After killing, they can only gain experience. , All the spoils fell into the sinkhole, it was impossible to get it.

But now that they can go through it safely has made them very relieved.

After the battle lasted for half an hour, the flying monsters in the air were finally cleaned up. At this time, the number of people in the team dropped sharply again, from more than 50 people to more than 30 people, even if they were members of Zhu Xian at this time. There are only six left.

"What the **** is that? Vine again?"

At this time, Bai Chong suddenly shouted in surprise.

The members of the team have seen at this time that the plank roads on both sides have come to an end. In the middle of the tiankeng, there is a huge stone platform suspended, and the sparse vines are directly in front of the platform, just like before. They all fall from the sky, each one is as thick as an arm, and it is covered with spikes...

The second difficulty comes again.

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