Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2131: Ground thorn difficulty

In fact, Huaxia’s team now has about a hundred people. In fact, because this dungeon mission is open 12 times a day, that is to say, it will open once every hour, so it is impossible to group the super guild leaders from every country together. , Then in a certain period of time you will meet the super bosses of the major guilds, or you may meet ordinary unknown people, so at this time, in addition to the Zhuxian Guild, there is only one Four-Nine Villa in the team.

However, having two Chinese Super Guilds in a team is already pretty good.

At least this time is lucky for the Tang Dynasty and Changtian Guild.

The copy of this line of Tiankeng is already a large bamboo forest by this time, and on the road ahead, there are bamboo leaf carpets everywhere. Most importantly, on these bamboo leaf carpets, bamboos are like Just like being cut by a sickle, the thorns appeared in front of all players.

Ling Tian looked back at Huang Quan and said, "We have been here for about half an hour and have studied for a long time. It is almost impossible for this place to pass. These ground thorns completely ignore the defense, as long as we are stabbed. As a result of the spike, any game props and scrolls cannot be used. What good can Commander Huang Quan have?"

All the more than 100 people in the team looked at Huang Quan at this time, not only because of Huang Quan’s **** figure and beautiful face, but also because she was the head of China’s No. 1 Guild. The current team can only be Ling Tianhe. Huang Quan presided over.

Huang Quan glanced at the ground thorns in front of him. This level must also be targeted. You can't fly, and you cannot use any game scrolls and props. Then you can only find a way from other places. The thorns are not dense at all. Players can go around, so it seems a bit difficult to pass.

The teams from the Panguzhou District and the other three continents all came here for half an hour, so they must have thought of all the ordinary methods.

Huang Quan lowered his head for a little thought, and then said: "Have you ever tried to jump for a while?"

Ling Tian and others smiled when they heard the words, and he said: "The relay jump has been tried, but it can't pass."

"Have you tried the relay jump?" Huang Quan looked at Ling Tian in surprise.

The latter nodded and said: "Yes, I have tried it. I can walk up to 50 meters, and then I will be assassinated."

When everyone fell silent, they couldn't even jump. What should I do?

The relay jump is also a characteristic after the seventh revolution. It is composed of all the assassins who will take the time to jump in a row, and then the first ground assassin jumps up, the second assassin, the third assassin and so on step on together. Jump forward and walk forward one by one. This method can form a state where an assassin has been flying in the air, while the assassins behind will fall to the ground. Therefore, if this method is used, then Ling The team led by Tian has already killed at least a dozen assassins with the 7th Rank natal skills, so this method can no longer be used.

Ling Tian glanced at Huang Quan and said, "Perhaps because the assassins we went up were not agile enough. If all the assassins of our level rush forward, we might be able to pass..."

"Our level?" Huang Quan was dumb. There were only three assassins above level 350, so don't even think about it.

Ling Tian also knew that this was impossible, so he nodded again: "There is no way now. The paladin's shield does not have any defense. It is almost impossible to pass."

Everyone couldn't help but sighed, everyone brainstormed, but after a long time of discussion, there was still no way.

Although the ground stab only has knees high and low, it is almost impossible to pass. First, ignore the defense, which directly eliminates the way for the blood cow to pass. No matter how much blood you are, you will directly end up being killed by a spike.

Second, it cannot fly, so the system is to let you step on these ground thorns to pass.

Third, the natal skills of the Seventh Rank Assassin cannot be passed, let alone other professions. Although the Archer’s Seventh Rank can take the player to fly a distance, what about after? This ground thorn channel is at least two hundred meters away. It is impossible for an archer to lead a player directly over, so it is impossible.

Not to mention other professions. Summoners cannot summon beasts, so they have no effect. It seems that the characteristics of all professions are restricted.

At this moment, Shaoqing suddenly said, "What if these ground thorns are cut off?"

Ling Tian's eyes lit up, and then looked at each other with Huang Quan. The latter also nodded and said: "You can try. Sometimes the difficulties in the dungeon limit our imagination. Since it is a dead end, then we will destroy these directly. To stab."

Ling Tian also nodded and said: "Okay, try."

The crowd began to retreat, Ling Tian and Shaoqing, Huang Quan and Luo Xue Feihua stood in front of the ground in parallel, then looked at each other and nodded.

"Parallel hooks!"

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!






Everyone sighed, not only ignoring the player's defense, but also being immune to attacks.

Huang Quan looked back and said, "Come and try some magicians."

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen magicians stepped forward, and then instantly released the Doomsday Judgment skill. This skill of all fire elements is not one of the best skills for wood elements.

The raging fire burned in the ground thorns, and all ground thorns began to burn. At this time, the players were surprised. As long as these wooden ground thorns can burn, it is a good sign.

However, everyone's smiles only stayed on their faces for a few seconds, because the burned ground thorns suddenly looked like peeling at this time, and they grew out again, and the speed was very fast, with almost no stay time.

For a time, this method was also clicked away.

Everyone sighed again.

Ling Tian raised his head and glanced at it, "Actually, if there are a few ropes hanging from the player, the player can pass. It is a pity that there are bare mountains on both sides, and there is no place to bind the ropes."

Everyone nodded their heads. Ling Tian and their three imperial city teams thought about this method when they came, but they couldn't realize it.

Huang Quan looked at the end of the thorn after two hundred meters and said, "There is bamboo on the opposite side. What if it is bound to it?"

Ling Tian smiled bitterly and shook his head and said: "The archer's arrows can't be shot past, like a wall of air shielded by the system."

The fiery red figure of Huang Quan turned around at this moment, and then looked at Su Mu. At the same time, Ling Tian also looked at Su Mu. The two of them almost simultaneously thought of the level 150 ‘rookie’ player behind him.

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