Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2155: Eighth-turn pastor

With a sigh, Long Xueji rushed up again. At this time, there was no spare time for them to chat. The boss attack had already fallen, so Long Xueji could only rush forward.

But Su Mu looked at Long Xueji's figure in surprise. Just now, she said, this boss not only has the strength of the Supreme God, but also suppressed by this level? Is not higher than her one hundred level and cannot break the defense?


The level of this boss is 299, so in other words, Long Xueji's level is above 399?

Fuck? So crazy?

After Su Mu returned to Earth, hasn't seen a player over level 350, but now Long Xueji is at least level 399? What an international joke?

At the same time, Su Mu also realized that this reincarnation super update has completely restricted some players who disrupt the balance of the game. The boss level is suppressed. Even if you are good, you will be useless if you have no level. If you have a level and no equipment, it will be no use. These super bosses can be hunted only after the level is equipped.

Then it directly limits the development of reincarnation and at the same time limits the power of the **** pet.

Just imagine, if this girl of nature can only break the defense with a unit attack of level 399 or higher, then who of the nine goddesses of Su Mu has level 399 or higher? It seems that except for the goddess of water blue and the empress, the other goddesses are all abolished?

The most important thing is that there is no level display in the time cycle, so Su Mu currently does not know what the level of the goddess of water blue is, although the goddess of water blue has been promoted to the supreme level, but who knows if this is water blue What is the highest level of the goddess? If it is not, then the Goddess of Aquamarine must not be level 999, it is likely to be level 100, level 200...

Su Mu frowned. This reincarnation is a targeted update. Isn't it just for restraint?

In fact, this update is aimed at people like Su Mu. Of course, the system cannot be updated for a Su Mu. It is aimed at all players like Su Mu in the entire cycle.


A huge white light enveloped the boss's body, and Long Xueji quickly jumped back at this time and panted and said: "No, I'm exhausted, I have to rest for a while."

The white light is dazzling, but it won't disappear in the same place. Su Mu looked at Long Xueji strangely and said, "What skill is this?"

Long Xueji held her knees with both hands, and said, "That is the life skill of the eighth-row priest, Holy Light."

"You turned eight?" Su Mu's eyes widened.

Long Xueji looked back at Su Mu and nodded: "Yes, she has already turned eight. This girl is already level 401, isn't she amazing?"

"401?" Su Mu was surprised again.

At this level, it seems that you can directly enter the second-layer map of this major update, which is beyond the map where the current player is located.

And seeming to know what Su Mu meant, Long Xueji stood up straight and said: "There are not many players on the second-level map, and it doesn’t make much sense to go, and I don’t know if I can come back after entering the second-level map. That’s why I didn’t go there. Besides, it’s only been updated for one day, so I won’t be a guinea pig for reincarnation."

Su Mu hurriedly opened the ranking list at this time, and then he slapped his tongue.

Reincarnation world, one level map ranking list.

First place: Zuo Xushangzhi; Country: Wadao Country.

Second place: Duolan Zhenghu; Country area: American Empire.

Third place: Nine Emperors; Country District: China Empire.

Fourth place: God's Heart; Country: American Empire.

Fifth place: Tianying; Country area: Northern Russia.

Sixth place: Jess; Country: American Empire

Seventh place: Abeyao; Country area: Indian Empire.

Eighth place: Kim Jong-cheon; Country region: Han Feiguo.

Ninth: Alps; Country: Austrian Empire.

Tenth place: Blue Enchantress; Country District: China Empire.

"Why doesn't this ranking show the level?" Su Mu asked after taking a look at the ranking. The previous rankings would show the player's level, town and so on, but now, there is only one ranking ID and country.

Long Xueji glanced at the white light in front of him, and saw that the boss was still trapped inside before he felt relieved and said: "After this big update, it will be the world rankings. Before, it was the national rankings. Well, five years ago, it was not only continents. District leaderboard?"

Su Mu nodded, this is true. When Su Mu left the earth, there was only the leaderboard of the continent. After five years, the current leaderboard has opened the world ranking, but it is a bit cheating if this level is not displayed. Because you never know how many levels are on the leaderboard.

At this time, Long Xueji said again: "I am the tenth place. Have you seen it? I have been chasing after a year, but I still can't catch up with the ninth Alps. It's so abnormal.

Su Mu slapped his tongue. After a year of chasing him, he hasn't caught up yet?

"I suspect that the first place may have already been level 500 or higher. A huge imbalance occurred in the first half year of the cycle of reincarnation. The development of these five years has been even faster, so I feel that I will not have to reach the seventh layer of the map. Some players have reached the top 999!"

The 401-level Long Xueji actually chased the ninth place for a year? How terrifying is the number one Nyima?


The white light slowly faded at this time, and Long Xueji added healing skills to herself while quickly explaining: "Have you seen the nine emperors? It took the first place in China in three years. This update is even more important. Directly let her level reach the third position in the world, this nine emperors is definitely above 450, or even higher, to be honest, I have always doubted whether this nine emperors is a certain game god..."

"Didn't you know Huang Quan? Didn't she tell you the level of the Nine Emperors? Now it is impossible to check the guild boss's attributes within the union?"

"It's not just attributes. Now the guild can hide attribute levels as long as the leader is above the level, so no one knows how many nine emperors are, but that she has been ranked first in China for three consecutive years... It's scary..."


At this time, the white light disappeared, and Long Xueji jumped forward again and shouted: "Help me block the damage, or I will die..."

Su Mu nodded. Since the boss has level suppression, Su Mu's role can only be used as a tank for her. However, when Su Mu rushed up, he was still thinking about a question. He Yang was as high as level 600, why did he not appear in On the world leaderboard? Or is it that Heyang has now entered the second-tier world of reincarnation?

"Well, the boss level suppression is turned on, what about the player's PK?" Su Mu suddenly realized a serious problem. If the player's PK also turned on this mode, wouldn't Su Mu be a waste?

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