Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2186: Fleeing to Austria (6 more)

"Awesome! Killed more than fifty times?"

"Isn't the resurrection time very long? Why did the person named Liu Zhi just resurrect?"

"I don't know, it may be a special scroll, you didn't see who Liu Zhi offended."

"Tsk tusk, no one in our Panguzhou District dare to find the Blue Demon Fairy now, right?"



The surrounding players saw Liu Zhi disappear, and except for some more curious players began to leave the scene.

At this time, the three Su Mu standing in the middle of the crowd were a bit weird.

Because Kuanglan seems to have something to say to Su Mu, but he feels a little embarrassed. I don't know if this woman has changed anything in the past five years or if she has really become shy...

So Kuanglan glanced at Long Xueji from time to time.

Long Xueji looked at Su Mu and Kuanglan and nodded quickly: "Yes, can I avoid it? Don't bother you to make friends!"

After speaking, Su Mu and Kuanglan saw Long Xueji turning around on the spot, but they didn't take a step forward.

Your sister, do you avoid it like this? Even if you just stand still and turn around?

Kuang Lan chuckled, then looked at Su Mu and said, "I will be offline soon."

"What are you doing?" Was this just going online and going offline?

"There is still something on Saoya. Meimei and I have not logged into the game for several months. We will return to China after solving the problem over there." Kuanglan looked at Su Mu and said, in fact, it went online today because Kuanglan couldn't help it. Want to meet Su Mu, it's been five years, Mei's character can be held back, but the storm can't help it.

Su Mu let out a cry and said, "Okay, I will continue to hunt down that kid Liu Zhi."


"Oh, yes, there is one more thing." Kuang Lan suddenly raised his head.

Su Mu looked at her with a smile.

Kuang Lan smiled, and said, "Old Bill found Sister Mei and said that he wanted to see you. It was also about the second."


"He said he is always waiting, you can add his friends."

Su Mu nodded, and then added Old Bill's ID in Samsara according to what Kuang Lan said.

The two chatted briefly, and then Su Mu closed the dialogue box and sighed: "Okay, I know it all."

The two fell silent.

In the end, Kuang Lan raised his head and looked at Su Mu: "Hug..."

Su Mu pursed his mouth and smiled, then opened his hands and hugged the storm in his arms. The two stood in place and hugged each other, Long Xueji secretly looked back.

"Would you like to come together?" Su Mu scolded with a smile, this Long Xueji is simply a treasure.

"Who wants to come with you, don't be ashamed." Long Xueji quickly turned around.

Kuanglan smirked a few times, then let go of Su Mu and walked to Long Xueji and said, "Hello, my name is Kuanglan, you just call me Lan."

"Hello, my name is Blue Demon Fairy, you can call me Xue Ji."

The two women introduced each other in a serious manner, and then Long Xueji glanced at Su Mu secretly, then walked to the front of the violent storm and said: "Can you promise me one thing?"

Kuang Lan also glanced at Su Mu. Why did Long Xueji let herself agree to see Su Mu?

But Kuanglan nodded subconsciously and said, "Let's talk."

Long Xueji smiled, and then smiled mysteriously: "Can I touch your thigh?"



Su Mu slapped his head and closed his eyes, his head was full of black lines! Nima, Long Xueji! You they are just a hooligan! Female hooligan all the way!

However, when Su Mu looked at the two women again, he spurted blood.

At this moment, I saw Kuanglan and Long Xueji standing in place, Kuanglan pinching Long Xueji’s thigh, Long Xueji pinching Kuanglan’s thigh, and the two were talking to each other righteously, your thighs are so elastic. How do you do it, your thighs are so slippery, how do you maintain it? Kuan Lan said that I often exercise, Long Xueji said that I often take a milk bath...


Su Mu walked forward with a speechless expression, then looked at Kuanglan and Long Xueji and said, "By the way, can I discuss with you?"

After speaking, I saw Su Mu bending down and grabbing the thighs of the two women with both hands, then nodded: "This one is very elastic, this one is very slippery, both thighs are white, um..."

Long Xueji and Kuanglan looked at each other, and then jumped up frantically, Su Mu wailed as she fisted.


"Die Su Mu, don't run!"

"Wow, Su Mu, you big pervert!"

"Ying, I want to tell Sister Mei you touch my thigh!"



A resurrection point in the suburbs of the Austrian country, the Asian region, and the wild region

Liu Zhi had changed into ordinary clothes, and then stood there watching the Olympic players move back and forth, but at this time Liu Zhi looked around very carefully, afraid that he would see Su Mu again.

"Dad, hurry up and think of a solution. I have already arrived in the Austrian country." Liu Zhi was really about to cry. I thought that Su Mu in Zhuxian's resident city was afraid to do anything to him, and after leaving Zhuxian, he could directly teleport to him. The resident city of the God's Domain Guild, so that Su Mu would not be able to kill him, and tomorrow was the resident battle between the two guilds, so Liu Zhi had nothing to worry about.

But who would have thought that Su Mu directly used a strange scroll for him, which directly prevented him from entering the town and the resident city. This made Liu Zhi quite speechless, plus the blue enchantment just now in Panguzhou District Liu Zhi is about to explode if he is not a ghost or a ghost.

Liu Tiannan said, "Go to the Blue Magpie Guild and let them protect you. I have already spoken to the boss of the Blue Magpie Guild. In the Asian area of ​​Austrian Dasheng, no one dares to move you."

"Can you do it? That Su Mu is the shadow of God. He will definitely find my place from Poppy. Now I can't enter the Resident City, nor can I enter the town. Is this Blue Magpie Guild all right?"

Liu Tiannan frowned, looking at the news that Liu Zhi exchanged for, he couldn't help but curse, but now he can't ignore it. After all, Liu Zhi is the vice president of God's Domain. He has been killed to more than one hundred levels. If it is really cleared, even It is not worth the gain to destroy the Gods’ Guild tomorrow, so Liu Zhi’s rank must be preserved.

"Just stand there and wait. The Blue Magpie Guild is under the supervision of the Bill family. Don't worry, no one dares to move you in the Austrian country."

Liu Zhi was taken aback when he heard the words, and then slightly relieved, the guild that the Bill family was following would be fine. In China, the Zhuxian Guild is the absolute overlord, and no one dares to offend Zhuxian. In Austrian University, the Bill family is equivalent to Zhuxian. At this level, and this is not the Huaxia region yet, what can Su Mu do if he is awesome? Kill yourself here?

Thinking of this, Liu Zhi finally relaxed, then glanced around and opened his friends column, and said: "Continue to me!"


China Region, Panguzhou District.

"Ding! Panguzhou District Paid Announcement: Drunk Sword; I call in the name of Vice President Liu Zhi of the Gods Domain Guild, Tu Ying, you rubbish! If you don't kill Lao Tzu today, the zero-level Lao Tzu will look down on you, and your little torn shoes, Lao Tzu Again, I'm not rare!"


Panguzhou District is also boiling.

Are you scolding again?

Moreover, at this time, most people also got the news. At the Zhuxian Conference in Huangtianzhou District, this person named Tu Ying had a conflict with Liu Zhi, and he had already killed Liu Zhi at the Zhuxian Guild. I also had a fight with Zhu Xian's people. No one knows the specific situation, but the rumor spread was that Zhu Xian did not embarrass this person named Tu Ying. For a time, the word Tu Ying became a hot topic in China.

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