Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2200: She grazes without compensation (6 more)

"I'll just ask you! Now! Who the **** can care about you? Huh?!"

A big mouth slapped Liu Zhi's face.

There was a bang.

Liu Zhi was beaten and squatted on the ground dizzy. Then he saw Su Mu stepping on Liu Zhi's face, and his sword pointed at the surrounding Fengchi Guild members.

"Now! Who else wants to care about this grandson? Stand up and let me see!!"

The dust has completely settled. At this time, a square team was vacant in the middle position, and a large area was vacated, at least more than a thousand meters in diameter, and there was one on the ground. The circle equipment was shining brightly, and Su Mu stood in the circle, stepping on Liu Zhi's face, pointing at the surrounding players and shouting.

At this time, no one dared to speak, no one dared to take a step forward, or even to retreat and forgot, everyone was still immersed in the skill explosion just now.

They fought countless team battles and played countless bosses, but they had never encountered such a situation. A single skill bombarded more than 10,000 people? Is this a **** player? This is even more perverted than the supreme **** boss after the rage. Is this another bug?

However, watching Su Mu's crazy roar, everyone's heart trembled. No one can understand that feeling when not on the spot.

Especially Sobir in the air at this time, he was completely confused.

He knew that Su Mu and Long Xueji were pursued and killed all the way from the Zhuxian Guild of the China Empire, so he naturally knew that these two people were not strong, otherwise God's Domain could stop this person in China, but even though he overestimated Su Mu's Sobier's combat effectiveness is still a bit daunting.

Is this an overestimation of a person's combat effectiveness? This is so good that you have completely met a super boss!

More than 10,000 people have been lost in a skill. Who can make sense? Also, this kind of thing hasn't happened in samsara for many years, right? It seems that there has not been a reappearance except the last time in Washima, and the people who affected the balance of the game disappeared for a few months for no reason. After coming back, one by one became low-key. After five years, it happened again. A scene where one person kills tens of thousands of people in seconds.

Sobir stayed where he was, and now he didn't know what order to give...

But at this moment, Su Mu among the crowd suddenly raised his foot.






"You **** call it again? Call it?"



"The woman who moved me? You are so tired of living!"


Bang bang!

The white light flashed and Liu Zhi died.

In the next two seconds, Su Mu flew directly to a height of ten meters in the air.

Then they saw Liu Zhi resurrected. Everyone had forgotten why Liu Zhi was resurrected. At this time, they saw Su Mu swooping down in the air, with the long sword in his hand pointed at Liu Zhi's forehead!

The moment Liu Zhi stood up, he saw Su Mu's charge, he kept backing away, breathing quickly, and staring in horror...



A sword pierced Liu Zhi's eyebrows.

"You **** keep clamoring with Lao Tzu!"


Die again!

Resurrection again!

In this way, Liu Zhi was constantly resurrected and then killed. Within a few minutes, Liu Zhi's level went from level 88 to a dozen, a few levels, and then the last level...

After the player reaches level 1, they can't drop the level. What they lose is only the experience value, negative!

Seeing that Liu Zhi's level had become level 1, Su Mu sneered: "I really want to break my promise, because there is no level zero in Samsara, Liu Zhi, we are not over yet, are we?"

Liu Zhi's whole person has been beaten stupid, how can there be the infinite arrogance of the scenery just now? At this time, Liu Zhi, with a blue nose and a swollen face, watched Su Mu's continuous gasping, pulling Su Mu's hands with both hands, and his feet were constantly shaking...



The big mouth was straightened up, Su Mu stood on the spot, protecting Liu Zhi with the wings of the knife, and then opened the bow with both hands. Liu Zhi, who was hitting with the big mouth with both hands, turned around in the ten-meter-wide knife wings!

This time has passed for a few minutes, and all the members of the Fengchi Guild have already reacted. Everyone looks at me and I look at you, and then looks at Liu Zhi and Su Mu who are constantly being licked in the middle...

Everyone looked at Sobier in the air, but Sobier didn't have any orders at this time, because he calmed down and had analyzed and reached a conclusion. It's better to keep your mouth shut now. The members of the guild are not uniform. It was just gathering tens of thousands of people. If this Huaxia person had the same skills just now, then Fengchi Guild would be completely wiped out.

So, now I can only watch the excitement.

The sound of slapped slaps continued to come, waiting for Liu Zhi to be beaten to get the system prompts whether he had been abused before turning into white light.

Su Mu stood there, then looked at Liu Zhi who had disappeared in the same place, retracted the blade, and then looked at the members of the Fengchi Guild around him.

Su Mu knew that it was impossible to leave Huyuezhou District in this way today. Fengchi Guild could not let it go so easily. Even in China, it is impossible for a trade union to let outsiders kill its members.

So, at this time, Su Mu looked directly at Sobir in the air, and said: "Guild Windchilling! If you have anything to say, just come up with it! Today I killed someone on your site, how to drop it? Is it to fight or to kill? Come online!"

Whoosh~ whoo~

The beautiful shadow flickered, and Long Xueji's figure almost teleported to Su Mu, and then a white halo fell.

Resurrection blessing for the eighth revolution?

The audience exclaimed again!

The resurrection blessing of the eighth rank priest is like the skill of the old man of time, blessing in advance, can be resurrected instantly after death.

At this time, everyone in the audience saw Long Xueji holding Su Mu's arm, and then with a arrogant smile: "Fengchi Guild! If you have any rules, just move out and make gestures to cover Liu Zhi's affairs. , Why do you have to give an explanation?"

After speaking, Long Xueji raised her head and glanced at Su Mu and said, "Am I right?"

Su Mu's cold face smiled at this moment. This Long Xueji is always a master of "breaking power", and the good atmosphere has become funny.

Although Su Mu's killing intent was still there, it eased a lot, then glanced at Long Xueji and said, "That's right!"

"Hehe, then let them compensate us! No compensation, let Su Mu!"


Damn, Su Mu is going crazy.



The audience's eyes widened instantly!


Who killed Feng Chi, now this woman actually said that Feng Chi Guild should compensate Liu Zhi for covering up? Then the more than 10,000 people who died at the scene will not be counted?

All the players are going crazy with anger!

Sobier also looked at Su Mu and Long Xueji dumbfounded at this time and hummed, "Really think that you can do whatever you want in the US Empire?!"

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