Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2216: Is it a bluff?

Chen Xiaoruan's face turned red. Although this is not the original God's Domain, it is known in the game that Chen Xiaoruan is the girlfriend of the original God's Domain Muying, and there are even Wenren Zihan and Zhou Wenling, so at this time Su Mu openly let She sat on her lap, which made Chen Xiaoruan a little shy.

However, Chen Xiaoruan couldn't bear to be disappointed when she watched Su Mu's happiness, so she came to Su Mu's with a twist, and then sat on Su Mu's lap.

Su Mu directly embraced Chen Xiaoruan's thin waist, sweet and soft into his arms, so uncomfortable, the faint fragrance and Chen Xiaoruan's soft body made Su Mu relaxed and happy, he hugged Chen Xiaoruan, and then whispered: "You haven't come back tonight. I missed something good, your sister Ling and Zi Han were in the same bed with me just now."

"Ah! Brother Su, you..." Chen Xiaoruan's face flushed to the point of his ears.

Su Mu laughed.

The members of the Gods’ Guild are stunned. Is this a union war? Openly flirting in front of so many players?

However, Chen Xiaoruan's appearance and figure still make the surrounding players a lot of envy and hatred, especially when Chen Xiaoruan is shy and charming.

More and more players were watching. Ten minutes later, there were millions of people gathered outside of the Gods Resident City in the entire D area. These people stood in the distance and watched the boss of the Gods Guild holding a woman sitting in place. The speechless.

Is this the effect of confidantes, or the rhythm of the beacon show? It's about to go to war, the boss of the gods guild is sitting outside the moat and holding a woman and talking about love? Such a guild, still looking forward to defending the attack of God's Domain Guild? I'm afraid this **** guild has long understood that it can't defend, and then deliberately did it, right?

The onlookers couldn't help being disappointed. Originally they thought there was a good show, but now it seems that it is just the bluff of the gods' guild.


At this time, within the God's Domain Guild.

Liu Tiannan was sitting in the lobby of the resident city. Because he was attacking a gods guild with only more than 200,000 people, it was impossible for the Gods’ Domain Guild to dispatch all its members. However, Liu Tiannan knew that Su Mu was the shadow of God, so he must not ignore this. Therefore, today the God's Domain Guild has prepared two million people, and all of them are elite members of the God's Domain. It can be said that the God's Domain Guild is going all out.

Although the members of the God's Domain Guild did not understand why the boss did this, they still carried out the order. Some believed that the God's Domain wanted to play their own prestige, and took this opportunity to warn small unions such as the God's Domain Guild not to challenge the authority of the God's Domain.

"President! The news just came that the president of the Gods Guild, Tu Ying, moved out and sat outside the moat at the north gate at this time, and...and..."

"Speak straight." Liu Tiannan knew that today's battle would not be too easy, so he was afraid of bad news from the next.

The reporting player glanced at Liu Tiannan and Liu Zhi, and then said: "And holding a woman openly talking about love..."

Liu Zhi heard the words and said furiously: "Fuck! How mad at me when I die?"

Liu Tiannan waved his hand and said, "If you have any news, report it at any time."

After the reporting member went down, Liu Tiannan looked at Liu Zhi and said, "I don't know what Tu Ying is doing at the moment. It's better to be careful. Are all the guilds you arranged ready?"

Liu Zhi snorted: "Dad, is this Wenren Zihan a lunatic? She knows that Su Mu is not a kind person, and she is always merciful. Why should she be so loyal to Su Mu? Is it so unbearable to marry me?"

"Still thinking about that woman?! I ask how you are preparing!" Liu Tiannan really hates iron and steel, and Liu Zhi, who is so promising, he is still thinking about the woman who heard about others!

Moreover, Liu Tiannan really didn't want to grow up other people's ambitions, because Su Mu is the shadow of God, so even if he is a little bit more carefree, even if he hugs the left and the right, it is reasonable, and his own son, just like Wen Ren's girl!

Liu Zhi was scolded, and then lowered his head and said, "This guild of the gods is a bluff, and the news comes that they are still more than 200,000 people. Let me bring one to ten groups of people and destroy them? What are you experimenting with?"

What can two hundred thousand people do? Even if Su Mu is the shadow of God, what can he do with the favor of God? Can he beat a million people? Why didn't Liu Zhi believe it?

However, seeing Liu Tiannan's gaze, Liu Zhi could only act according to the command line, and then opened the command channel and said: "Go!"

Liu Nantian breathed a sigh of relief. Now, he can only use other guilds to experiment with the preparations for the shadow of God. Two hundred thousand people face the realm of God so easily. This is not only because of the shadow of God, but also I don’t know about other things, so God’s Domain cannot act without authorization. If the God’s Domain Guild fails to make a single strike, then the God’s Domain Guild will rise completely. Therefore, the God’s Domain must be attacked with one hit and kill, especially this type of attack. If there is something accidental in God's Domain, what kind of face does his president have?

Moreover, although Liu Tiannan knew that the Hall of Gods was disbanded at the time, he only had three days to apply for the resident warfare and used special permissions. Even the people who called the Hall of Gods from the Shadow of God would not be able to return in such a short time. , And over the years, he has always paid attention to the movements of those people in the Hall of Gods. Although many people have lost their investigation targets, there are still some people in his news network.

Therefore, Liu Tiannan knew that it was impossible for Su Mu to come up with many people in the trade union battle today, and it was no more than one million at most, so it was only three days ago that he applied to attack the gods, otherwise Liu Tiannan would not be so impulsive.

"Dad, even if he is the shadow of God, he has disappeared for five years. The temple of gods has long been disbanded. The news of our investigation over the years also understands that many people have withdrawn from reincarnation. Why are they so nervous?" Liu Zhi was still not convinced. , Especially the fact that Su Mu killed him yesterday made him unable to let go.

And Liu Tiannan glared at Liu Zhi and asked: "Since you know that he is the shadow of God, you should understand the influence of the words of the shadow of God, and be careful to sail the ship of ten thousand years. God's domain must not make any mistakes when hitting the gods. How can you keep the face of God's Domain? A guild of millions of people can't beat a 200,000 god. Do you know the consequences of these things?"

"How could it not be beaten? Give me a million people, and I will level his guild! Humph!" Liu Zhi hummed.

Liu Tiannan sighed, I hope so, if it's just that simple, it would relieve him, but it always feels a bit strange, as if it can't be that simple.

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