Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2305: War starts

Huangtianzhou District.

God's Domain Guild Resident City.

Around the resident city of Sifang, from tens of thousands of meters away, there were already onlookers at this time. The crowd was crowded, and it was dark. Looking at the wall of the resident city, apart from the team of the China Alliance, there was a formation outside. The crowds of onlookers after another circle can't describe the current picture.

If you watch the battle from a high altitude, you will find that the surrounding area of ​​the resident city that is tens of kilometers away is impervious. The number of onlookers directly reduces the area mapped by the resident city. You can imagine the surrounding area. How many people are there?

Except for the resident city, the Huaxia official and the reincarnation official. At this time, the world is paying attention to this war. After all, this can be regarded as the largest number of people who participated in the war in history, and together with the onlookers, they appeared together this time. The total number of people may exceed the 600 million mark.

But fortunately, it is in reincarnation. If it is the real world, this amount will not allow people behind to see what is in front of the scene, and now the people in the crowd can no longer see what is going on in the field, so The telescope of reincarnation and the characteristics of the profession are reflected.

Whether it is auxiliary props or professional skills, players can clearly see what happened in the middle at this time. Of course, this is also the privilege of the map during the war. It is not used in the wild to fight monsters, and it is precisely because In this way, the monster spawning area around the God's Domain Resident City in the Huangtianzhou District became a crowded scene, and the monsters could not be refreshed at all!

The boiling of the scene is no longer a buzzing description. The whole scene can be said to be full of discussions, all kinds of curses, all kinds of exclamations, all kinds of sounds mixed together, it is almost a national bazaar. Together is equally shocking.

At this time, a large number of players can also be seen floating in the air not far away to watch the battle. Therefore, the flying equipment in the game has become very popular these days. Just a equipment that can fly without any attributes is noisy. When it comes to the value of hundreds of thousands of gold coins, it is conceivable how much Chinese players have attached importance to this war.

As for the payment announcement in the Huangtianzhou District, it has been queued for an hour before it can be sent out. All kinds of support for God's Domain, all kinds of contempt for God's Domain, etc. all revolve around the four words of God's Domain Guild. Of course, there are countless people in Calling the name of the shadow of God, the names of celebrities in the Hall of Gods, there are also shouts of support for the Nine Emperor Zhuxian and the China Alliance.

In short, the current Huangtianzhou area can be said to have reached the hottest era in the game industry. At the same time, due to the excessive number of people, the first time the phenomenon of stuttering in the entire game era was born. When countless players are walking I often find myself taking a step, and then going back and forth. This makes players in this era feel very novel, so countless players are experimenting and experiencing cards that have not been in the past few decades. What's it like? It's still a whole series of games.

The reincarnation official also exploded at this time. The Game General Administration and even the service stations in major countries have all become the busiest day in the reincarnation. Cleaning up data and ensuring smoothness has become the first thing to do.

At this time, Su Mu came online and came directly to the square of the resident city. At this time, all the members of the Hall of Gods stood in line, and the 100,000 elites behind them were also ready.

Seeing Su Mu coming, Chen Xiaoruan said forward again: "Chairman, everyone is ready to continue. The city wall division is close to two million in each direction. The logistics department has done all the preparations and replacement of equipment. And all the props are ready!"

Su Mu nodded, the replacement of equipment must be done, because this war is for God's Domain and not for other guilds, so even if he knows that he will lose, he will not be slaughtered by the China Alliance. Players who can instantly be resurrected by the priest It is necessary to replace the equipment exploded by death. Therefore, in this war, God's Domain is not only determined to die, but also determined to give China a super surprise!

Su Mu nodded and looked at the members of the Hall of Gods and shouted: "Whether it is the original members of the Hall of Gods or the later members of the Hall of Gods, today, I will say a word, rather than give up!"

"I'd rather die than give up! Roar!"

"Hoho! I'd rather die than give up!"

The audience chanted.

The sign of the Shadow Killing Order of the Hall of Gods has reached No. 90, which means that there are at least 80 people present, and some of them have not returned. After all, Su Mu has not returned to Earth for a month, so the gods It is impossible for all the people in Tang to return.

But enough.


Su Mu spread out his sword wings, then hovered ten meters in the air and shouted: "Today's defensive battle in God's Domain is going to be lost, but if you want to lose too, think of a man! All members, get ready to fight!"

Ho Ho Ho!

Ho Ho Ho! boom!

The team spread, the whole scene began to disperse, and the logistics of the resurrection point was fully prepared. At this time, just wait for the announcement of the system.

Su Mu looked towards Luo Li and asked: "Where is the main attack direction of China Alliance?"

"North Gate." Luo Li said.

Su Mu nodded, then quickly flew towards the north gate.

At the north gate city gate, the arrival of Su Mu excited the members of God's Domain, and everyone looked at Su Mu in the sky.

Then I saw Su Mu falling on the city gate, looking at the endless Huaxia League team.

The magic sword pointed across the sky, and Su Mu suddenly shouted: "China Alliance! Come on!"

"Ho **** ho ho!!"

"Ding! Huangtianzhou District Announcement; China Alliance is attacking God's Domain Guild, and the trade union battle starts for 12 hours. The defender needs to defend the resident badge without being destroyed for 12 hours to win! Open!"

"Turn on!"

"Turn on!"


With a ten-meter blade flying up, Su Mu is headed to challenge the China Alliance!

At this moment, all the onlookers who saw Su Mu screamed frantically.

"The shadow of God!! The shadow of God!"


"The shadow of God! The shadow of God!"

"God is invincible! God is invincible!"

"Shadow of God I love you!"

"Come on the shadow of God!"

The audience shouted, what is the phenomenon of tens of millions of people screaming? Everyone doesn't know what they are shouting, they can only hear most of the words shouting the shadow of God!

In an instant, the entire Huangtianzhou area was almost stuck to a frame after frame. Although it is a whole series of games, this kind of stagnation directly shocked the players in the entire continent...

War, start!

God Domain, fight!

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