Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2523: Can you hold it

puff! !

Su Mu was about to spurt blood.


There was no one in the apartment. Su Mu wondered if Wenren Zihan came back to cook, but when Su Mu opened the door, he realized that it was not the case...

At this time, in the kitchen, the woman Aurora was tasting the taste while holding a spoon, and what caused Su Mu to spit blood...

she was!

She was naked, and then there was a scarf in front of her, because she was facing the stove, so when Su Mu opened the door, she saw a white and slender body...

The long hair is on the top of the head, the ball head, the white jade neck, and there is an obvious gully connected to her back, plus the unique white skin of the Belarusian, it is simply unbearable **** eruption, and then it is Those two petals...cough cough...

The thighs are slender, without the slightest amount of fat, and there are no flaws to be picky. He is simply a perfect person.

Therefore, Su Mu was about to spit blood. Only then did he remember that there was a ‘nanny’ he had brought back from Northern Russia in this apartment!

Fuck! Why did you forget about it?

Chen Xiaoruan went home for the New Year, Wenren Zihan and Zhou Wenling were in the nursing home, and Luo Jing and others were not in the apartment. So, who else besides Aurora?


A harsh scream spread across the apartment in an instant, and Su Mu directly covered his ears, and then stood there and shouted, "What is it called?!"

Aurora turned and held her chest to face Su Mu. Because she was wearing an apron, her front body couldn't see anything at all, and Su Mu didn't mean to avoid it. He couldn't see it originally.

Aurora flushed with shame, and then said to Su Mu with a spoon: "What are you doing? Voyeur!"

Su Mu frowned when he heard the words, and then leaned at the door to look at Aurora and said, "I'm a voyeur? This is my **** house! Why did I peep? You deliberately seduce me without clothes?"

"You!" Aurora's ears are about to bleed. You know, she was facing the kitchen door just now, and then she can imagine what the scenery behind her is... plus here is Huaxia, another one The stranger saw that all of this made Aurora feel ashamed.

"I...who told you to arrest me and not even give me any clothes? He told me to wear your stinky shirt. What will I wear tomorrow without washing? And there is no suitable room in the room where I sleep... I, you... …"

Su Mu realized that when she was brought back by herself, Aurora was wearing that big shirt without any clothes, her underwear was torn to pieces, and the room where she slept seemed to be Luo Jing's room, right?

This woman Luo Jing is not taller than Chen Xiaoruan, and this Russian Ocean Horse is at least 1.7 meters tall, so it is reasonable for her clothes to be inappropriate. As for underwear, it is estimated that no girl will wear other people's clothes, so just Cause Aurora to cook naked...

Thinking of these Su Mu's involuntary old faces blushed, and then coughed a few times: "Even so, you shouldn't be so open, right?"

"Then what am I wearing? I was offline four hours ahead of schedule not to cook for you, but you! But you are also offline at this time! You!" Aurora's face.

Standing at the door, Su Mu laughed, and then said: "Okay, I know, wait for me here."

Speaking of Su Mu, he walked up to the second floor, then took out his cell phone and dialed Zhou Wenling's number.

"Demon Zhou, do you have any clothes you have worn?"


"Well, underwear, trousers and coats are all required."

"You still have this hobby? But why do you want clothes that people haven't worn? Shouldn't you want to wear clothes?"



After hanging up the phone, Su Mu cursed Zhou Fairy, then walked down the first floor with a suit of clothes.

At this time, Aurora was still in the kitchen, but she held her head at the door and stared at Su Mu.

"Hey, I haven't strayed once, you can make do, I will take you out to buy two sets of shops in a while?" Su Mu threw Zhou Wenling's clothes over.

Closing the door, looking at the figure on the frosted glass, Su Mu's heart tickled.

"Whose underwear is this? So big!" Aurora couldn't help but said.


Su Mu almost didn't choke to death. He stared at the frosted glass and cursed: "As a big Yanma, you are not as big as a Chinese. Are you so embarrassed to say?"

"Who said that we white people should have big breasts? You also have cows in China, OK!"


What am I? Who did this foreign girl learn Chinese from?

Su Mu was taken.

"Aren't you the shadow of God? Aren't you in the U.S. Empire Zeus Guild before? Are the U.S. Empire people you've seen are big cows?" Aurora defended.

Su Mu nodded helplessly and said: "Yes, you are right. There are also small Europeans and Americans, um, men are the same."


Aurora seemed to laugh, and after a while she said, "Whose clothes are these? What brand are they?"

"Okay, can you do it if you have money? What brand do you care about?"

"I am not as rich as you said, but women must treat themselves better. This is inevitable."

"Well, you have money and you have an airport at a young age."


"Yeah, aren't you the airport? Haha, isn't the bra not big to wear?" Su Mu was happy.


The door opened, and Aurora stared at Su Mu and shouted: "You can see clearly! Does my old lady have a chest? It's obviously that the owner of this bra is too big. I'm still on the airport? What look in your eyes?"

Su Mu looked at the tall-chested Aurora and said with a smile: "Come on, stop the ink stains, and leave as soon as you wear them. There are still people waiting."

Su Mu didn't want Zhou Wenling to molest him. If he stayed for a long time, the goblin would definitely be suspicious this week.

Aurora is not bad, a white sweater plus jacket, jeans, high heels, looks very sexy, especially the tall figure with the big two-size bra of the fairy last week, hehe...

"Yes, can this large size hold your bunny?" Su Mu was very, very curious, can a woman wear a bra that is several sizes larger than him? Puff haha! very good!

"Tutu? What are you holding?"

Su Mu looked at Aurora speechlessly, foreigners are foreigners after all, and the profoundness and profoundness of Chinese still cannot get the essence.

And Aurora looked at Su Mu with an easy-to-learn baby, as if she had gained another knowledge of Chinese.

"It's yours." Su Mu stared at Aurora's chest.

But this woman was still a little confused. He looked at Su Mu's strange eyes and said, "What the **** are you talking about?"

"You really don't know or fake? Isn't Chinese very good?" Su Mu was speechless.

Aurora lowered her head while fiddling with her clothes that didn't fit well and said, "What the **** are you talking about? You have too many obscure words in Chinese. I don't know it's weird?"

Su Mu rolled his eyes and said, "It's your milk!"

puff! !

"Rogue!" Aurora flushed again, and then turned and looked down at her chest.

"Okay, there are too many people scolding me as rascals. I don't care about you. Let's go and buy you clothes." Su Mu stood up and walked towards the door.

Aurora could only follow. When she came, she was naked, let alone money, she didn't have any cosmetics, so now she could only let Su Mu be at the mercy.

Leaving the door all the way, after Su Mu and Aurora sat in the sports car, Aurora looked down at her chest and said: "It's really a bit awkward... Bunny..."


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