Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2539: Someone knows

At this time, another team walked down from the high **** of the turf. They were the team that Tula Pavilion came to find Su Mu. Because Su Mu had shot too hard at the entrance of the third floor of the Holy Vulture. They directly took all the teams in Tula Pavilion. The killing caused many people in Sheng Xu to take advantage of the emptiness, so Tula Pavilion would naturally not let Su Mu go. If such an opening was opened, how could the entire Sheng Xu entrance stay alive?

Of course, to be on the safe side, the boss of Tula Pavilion also let another person walk over from Huashan Pi Huashan.

This person is Ruohan, an elite of the Echo of God, and then transferred to the Tulako Guild, because he has seen most of the super masters in God’s Domain, and because of the ability before the Echo of God, there are many in the current cycle. He knew one or two masters, and for this reason, he brought Ruohan, just in case, if this person is really a super master in God's Domain, then Turago can only admit it, there is no other way. (About Chapter 525, Ruo Han, an elite of the Echo of God.)

Standing at Huashan Mountain, he took a look at Ruohan and said, "Ruohan Group, listen to the boss, have you seen the shadow of God?"

Ruo Han was startled, then smiled and nodded: "Well, that was five years ago. I didn't know that he was the shadow of God at the beginning. It took a long time to find out that the president of God's Domain was the original God. shadow."

Recalling what happened in the past, Ruo Han was still a bit speechless. At the time, the president of God's Domain, Su Mu, brought Zhou Wenling and others to Nanzhou, and he was still from Qilin Town. He wanted to go to the mission, and finally because of the difficulties of the Grand Canyon. And some unpleasant conflicts occurred.

Later, Su Mu entered the map strongly, and then came out and encountered Zeus's Tomorrow and Wu Wushuang, which led to Su Mu's and Tomorrow's Absolute.

Standing on Huashan Mountain, he said with a look of envy, "It's so enviable. It's not that easy to see the shadow of God now, right?"

Ruohan nodded and said: "Indeed, God's Domain is very tense now. It just attacked the Wadao area and sank the territory of Wadao Island above average, and then hit the border of the Northern Russian Empire. This global alliance was just established to target the shadow of God. God’s Domain has had a hard time this year, so don’t even think about seeing the president of God’s Domain. Now he is probably busy deploying the battlefield.”

"That's right, the entire China knows that this year’s national war must be in God’s Domain, so the inside of God’s Domain should be very busy now. However, the person who killed us before seems to have also used Buzz’s vibration skills. Have you used it?" asked strangely while standing at Huashan Mountain.

Because Su Mu used the sword to kill them, and Ruohan had seen Su Mu's deity and knew that the shadow of God also had a buzzing skill, so this made Ruohan come, because Tula Ge is really afraid that this person is the shadow of God, although it seems impossible now, after all, the shadow of God cannot come to a small place like Nanzhou.

But just in case, Ruohan could only follow, he lowered his head and thought for a moment: "Actually, that is just a game skill, not necessarily the shadow of God, because the buzzing skill of the shadow of God seems to be It will take a long time to brew."

Ruo Han vaguely remembered that at the Crystal Gate of the Grand Canyon, Su Mu had spent a long time in the making before using the Shake Sword. According to the description of Pi Huashan, the skills used by this person were shot out instantly, so it was a bit impossible.

"Head, there is someone in front." The team began to report the previous news at this time.

Ruohan, Pi Huashan and others also looked at each other at this time, and then quickly walked down.

At the same time, the people of Tulako couldn't help smiling after seeing the people of the Wrath Legion Guild. The enemy was extremely jealous when they met.

"Yo, the Scourge Legion?" Standing in Huashan and splitting Huashan, he smiled and stared at Scourge King Kong and Scourge Shura.

However, at this moment, standing on Huashan Mountain and splitting Huashan Mountain, he suddenly saw Su Mu's figure, his smile stopped abruptly, and then stared at Su Mu and said, "That's him!"

The teammates before Tula Ge also recognized Su Mu at this time. Although the ID was hidden, the equipment and appearance on his body would not change, so at this time the people in Tula Ge directly recognized Su Mu.

Su Mu was also a little surprised at this time. He knew that the people from Tula Pavilion would definitely find him, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

Moreover, in this team, Su Mu still had a bit of an impression of this person named Ruohan. Although he couldn't remember where he had seen him, his familiarity was absolute.

After standing in Huashan and splitting Huashan, he laughed and said: "Well, kill two birds with one stone. It seems that today's task can be solved all at once. If the leader is our team, this person killed us."

At this time, Shura of Scourge and King Kong of Scourge looked at each other again, and then they heard them whispering about how to face the people of Tula Pavilion. Because they could not transmit sound, they could only talk in a low voice. This also led to Su Mu heard it clearly.

The feelings of these two guilds are really enmity, and they are not small, so they plan to rush out directly, either with Tula Ge to die on this Ziyun Bridge, or rush out to leave the Saint Void Instance.

However, at this moment, the Scourge King Kong looked at Zhou Wenling and whispered: "Sister Zhou, you will follow us for a while, if you can't get out, just jump into this Ziyun Bridge together."

"Ha? Why?" Zhou Wenling still had a smile on her face, as if she didn't care much about the current affairs.

Scourge King Kong frowned slightly: "That's right, they don't know you, Sister Zhou, so please protect yourself for a while. We have a little holiday with Tula Ge."

"Oh, do you need help?"


"Haha, it's okay, I'm joking." Zhou Wenling smiled, while Scourge King Kong nodded and stopped talking.

As for Su Mu, the people from the Scourge Legion will not care about it. They don’t care about your life or death. Moreover, the Scourge Legion is now in a crisis period, and Su Mu just recklessly wanted to rush through this difficulty. There is no good impression of Su Mu.

At this time, the two teams were already at war.

While standing on Huashan Mountain and splitting Huashan Mountain, it was a little weird when looking back at Ruo Han, because Ruo Han at this time stared at Su Mu with a look of surprise, and he felt like being frozen.

"If the team leader? If the team leader!" Standing in the Huashan Mountain, he couldn't help but exaggerated and shouted.

"Ah? Oh, what's the matter?" Ruo Han glanced at Pihua Mountain, but the shock in his heart was overwhelming.

I just said that it can’t be the shadow of God, but now I’m here directly. Ruo Han was completely shocked when he saw Su Mu. Although Su Mu’s face had taken a rest, this face was different from when he first came to Nanzhou. identical……

This is the president of God's Domain! The shadow of God!

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