Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2558: Task again

"Ding! The giant cauldron mission is open. You can carry the giant cauldron freely in and out of the two worlds after completing the mission. The mission is unique. If you fail to complete it, you will permanently be unable to carry the giant cauldron.

As soon as Su Mu walked to the door of this dungeon, he suddenly saw the system prompt, which made Su Mu suddenly bewildered.

But then Su Mu remembered one thing. At the time of the Centennial Reincarnation, Su Mu and Sakata of Wadao seemed to bet against a huge bronze tripod, and the bronze tripod was still in the four-dimensional space. Because of the inability to carry it, So Su Mu had almost forgotten.

If it hadn't been for Su Mu suddenly got the system prompt now, he wouldn't remember it.

Seeing Xia Feng's smile, the familiar smile of the girl opposite, and the system prompts, Su Mu also walked over helplessly.

"Boss! Haha!" Xia Feng, the boy, wrapped Su Mu in a hug with a big bear, and then laughed a lot.

Chief Secretary Li and Hong Tian around him are a little curious. Although this kid Xia Feng is crazy, he rarely sees him being so passionate about others. Who is this person who hides his ID? And what is the profession of the blue girl next to him? It was so amazing, even the hair and pupils were blue.

Su Mu smiled and said, "Your kid is at ease here, I'm about to explode over there."

The national war is imminent, Su Mu does have to arrange a lot of things, and if Xia Feng is there, it must be another scene, so Xia Feng can only smile and say: "Who told you not to let me go back, blame me? "

Su Mu was just joking. The two stood together and looked at the girl. The girl also stood up and looked at Su Mu. The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became a little weird.

"Fuck! Boss, there are lovers wherever you **** go? Let me go! Don't bring such a!" Xia Feng knew Su Mu knew this girl right away when he saw Su Mu's expression.

Five years ago, no matter where Su Mu went, there was a girl you knew, but today, after a hundred years of reincarnation, Su Mu is still like this? Does Nima have lovers in the entire universe? Xia Feng is depressed.

Su Mu looked at Xia Feng and smiled, "Don't tell me, I really know each other."

Speaking of Su Mu, he walked forward, and Xia Feng followed closely, and Hong Tian and General Secretary Li also followed at this time.

Waiting until he came to the door of the dungeon, Su Mu looked at the girl in front of him and the little black wolf sitting next to her, and smiled, "Long time no see."

The girl also smiled and said: "It's not long, right? It's only a month?"

"It's almost a month, why are you here?"

The girl snorted and said, "Why? Just allow you to come and not allow others to come? Is this century-old reincarnation your back garden?"

"Can you please stop arguing with me as soon as you meet?"

"I can't do it! Who made you hate me so much in Kyoto?!"

"I am still to blame? Who made you not follow the morals!"

"We don't follow? I just obey the order, okay? Besides, I can't intervene in the affairs of the dragon family alone, and besides, I am not from the dragon family!" The girl hummed.

The two of you quarreled with each other, and the three of Xia Feng next to him were dumbfounded. What is going on? This girl and this person without ID seem to know each other very well? If you say that, can you enter this Fuhu copy today?

Su Mu glanced at the guild above Long Xueji's head at this time and said, "The guild you organized?"

Long Xueji nodded and said, "Yes, Huangtian Guild, isn't it awesome?"

"Cut! I heard that anyone who can kill your beast can enter this instance?"

Long Xueji abruptly hugged her little wolf and said: "You get the bastard!"



Xia Feng and the others couldn't help but let out a sound. Isn't the speed of protecting the calf too fast? Didn’t you say that you can enter the instance by killing her beast? How did you change so fast after meeting this person?

Su Mu also looked at Long Xueji forbearingly and said: "Come on, I am not a sadist, take me into the dungeon, I seem to have a task in it."

"Are you really going in?" Long Xueji couldn't help but put on a sly smile, Su Mu's heart grew furry with this smile.

"Can't you go in?" Su Mu asked rhetorically.

At this time, Su Mu and Long Xueji’s feelings seem to have returned to the same time as they were in the cycle of time. Although there have been unpleasant things in Kyoto, Su Mu and Long Xueji know that, but the positions of the two sides are different, and this No one can be blamed, only that their intersection line collided.

Therefore, in the game, neither Su Mu nor Long Xueji want to combine with reality, and whether it is Su Mu or Long Xueji, they all enjoy this feeling that is more than friendship and not like love.

Long Xueji smiled mysteriously: "They are all our senior members, are you sure you want to go in?"

Su Mu frowned: "Is it the Dragon?"

"Forget it, I'm not from the Dragon Clan anyway." Long Xueji was still clearing her identity.

Su Mu didn't want to pursue anything, but since this dungeon was related to the task of the bronze cauldron, there was nothing to discuss.

As Long Xueji took the lead into the dungeon, Xia Feng behind him, Chief Secretary Li and Hong Tian also followed. Long Xueji didn't seem to mean to stop them, as long as the guild members did not enter.

First of all, Su Mu saw a sea of ​​clouds, and through the archer’s falcon’s eyes, Su Mu could clearly see a stone bridge in the sea of ​​clouds, so from this distance, a group of people stood several kilometers ahead. Like a fairy in the sea of ​​clouds.

Long Xueji took the lead and walked forward: "These people are not easy to negotiate, and I am not very familiar. They are just a temporary cameo to guard Fuhu's copy of Centennial Reincarnation. So, don't expect me to introduce you to you. Everything will happen. You carry it by yourself."

Su Mu nodded and said: "I see, you are so high, and there are people you are afraid of?"

"Of course, who do you think I am?"

"No one." Su Mu shook his head, but Long Xueji looked at Su Mu weirdly. Does he really know his identity?

After about a few minutes.

Long Xueji stood behind the team of the Huangtian Guild and said, "Su Tuan, Kuantuan, I have brought two friends and want to go through this mission together."

Su Mu was startled when he heard that, Long Xueji also called him brother? What is the status of these people in the dragon clan? Moreover, according to Su Mu's investigation, Long Xueji's identity is incomparable to any member of the Dragon Clan, so the allocation of Dragon Clan personnel made Su Mu a little confused.

At this time, the members of the Huangtian Guild were searching the surrounding area. After hearing Long Xueji's words, a middle-aged man turned and looked at Long Xueji and the others.

The fierce face of this person looked like a typical bad guy. He was a Paladin and dressed in armor. He stared at Su Mu and the others and shouted: "Any trash can come to this instance? Miss Xue Ji , Are you kidding me anymore?"

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