Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2586: New hatred

The next day.

The game had just landed, and the voices in Panguzhou District became confused again.

At this time, the territory of Panguzhou District, except for the southern half of the map is still in the hands of Chinese players, other places are members of the Global Alliance.

The commander of Panguzhou District, King Kong, has a hideous look on his face at this time, the eight ghosts around him, Kriss and others are also full of condensed faces, everyone's mood is the same... Fear and helplessness...

At this time, the outer south gate of the Imperial City in Panguzhou District.

The four nations of the Global Alliance, the U.S. Empire, West African Empire, Xianguo, and Hanfei, surrounded the entire Huangtianzhou area.

Especially the Zeus Guild is at the forefront of the team at this time.

"King Kong! Haven't seen you in five years, you are still the same." A member of the Zeus Guild named Wang Qing Dao stood outside the south gate and laughed.

King Kong frowned, and then jumped down. It was too late for Kris and others to stop.

But at this time, what else is safe in the entire Panguzhou District?

King Kong's height of more than two meters appeared unusually tall and mighty in the reincarnation. At this time, with an axe in his hand, he walked step by step beyond the South Gate moat.

Standing in front of the team of the Global Alliance, King Kong pointed at Wangqing Knife with an axe and shouted: "The Pavilion of Gods has been disbanded, Wangqing Knife, you are not a fart!"

Wang Qing Dao, who looks only in his twenties, is yellow-haired, and a standard white man. He looked at King Kong with a smile on his face and said: "It seems to be very rare, King Kong, now you look at it. Look at how many people are behind me? You Huaxia wouldn’t have thought that these three hundred million people could not tolerate it before, right? Now it seems that China’s territory is quite large, huh..."

King Kong frowned again, because Huaxia had previously thought that the border position could not accommodate hundreds of millions of members, but the global alliance entered in batches, and it directly turned into a war of aggression, leading to the 300 million global alliance. The members are scattered directly in all the territory of the northern half of Panguzhou District. Don't mention three hundred million people in Nima, even three billion people can be accommodated in Panguzhou District. The irony of this Chi Guoguo makes King Kong angry. .


Rays of golden light surrounded King Kong's body, like an iron cloth shirt, King Kong stood in place and shouted: "Wang Qing knife, if there is a kind of knife, just challenge Lao Tzu, let Lao Tzu see if you have grown in these years!"

The two had known each other in Zeus, and they were also members of the Pavilion of the Gods. Because their combat effectiveness had almost always changed the Shadow Killing Order, they also had the feeling of hatred and hatred today.

Wang Qing Dao sneered and rushed up instantly.

"Put the knife at my heart!"


boom! !

The golden light flickered, and the golden light on King Kong instantly bounced back, and a miss of invalid damage appeared.

Following King Kong's rapid rush forward, the whole person fell on the body of Wang Qing Dao with his axe!



A shield blocked the attack, the paladin's Wang Qing knife sneered and jumped into the crowd, and the long knife pointed horizontally: "Kill him!"

King Kong suddenly stunned: "Wang Qing Dao, you are a fool!"


Boom boom boom! !

Countless skills fell, and King Kong's figure was instantly submerged.

The Wangqingdao standing in the crowd sneered: "This is a war, not a shadow killer ranking challenge, King Kong, you are still as naive and honest as before, hahaha!"


"Open the gates! Kill!" The Eight Ghosts could not bear it for a long time, and at this time they shouted crazy.

Chrissy frowned slightly and said, "Go out a thousand people to meet King Kong, don't charge!"

"Chrissy! When are you still defending? It's boring, kill!" Hachigui yelled.

But the foreign woman shook her head and said, "No! We have to wait for the boss..."

"Waiting for the boss?" The Eight Ghosts were startled when they heard the words, and then sneered: "The boss has been strictly prohibited from entering the reincarnation. Are you going to let us wait for the boss? When will it? Wait until Panguzhou District falls, wait until Was the Huaxia Region completely occupied?"

Chrissy shook her head: "No, the boss will definitely come, he will definitely come, and never missed the appointment!"

The Eight Ghosts were stunned, but at this moment they suddenly saw the figure of King Kong bursting out of the crowd.

Boom! ! !

When the giant axe fell, dozens of people were killed instantly. King Kong quickly backed up a dozen steps, and then stopped at the edge of the moat. He shouted without looking back, "Chrissy, Hachiki, you can keep the others. The gate, in any case, the imperial city must not fall before the shadow appears! Otherwise, there will be no chance at all!"

Hachiki realized the seriousness of the problem at this time. He and Chris looked at each other, and then quickly left the south gate.

Wang Qingdao smiled as he walked forward: "King Kong, give up, even if you can resist it for ten minutes, you can't resist it for an hour."

"Hua Xia, those who are acquainted quickly get out! Let the Han Fei Empire enter this imperial city, maybe we will reward you with a monster spawning area in the future!"

King Kong gritted his teeth and roared: "The land of small bullets covets the China Region? It's ridiculous! Zeus, the Golden Kingdom, if you want to enter the imperial city of Panguzhou, first step on Lao Tzu's body!"

"I don't know what it is! The paladin charged, the archer was remote, the magician bombed me! Charge!" Wang Qing Dao shouted coldly.



Tens of thousands of Paladins charged, and the archers behind them flew into the sky, the magician’s skills exploded, and the sky of King Kong instantly became dark. At this moment, King Kong didn’t know how long he could hold on, but he understood that all The people in the Hall of the Gods knew that Su Mu could not let them fight on their own, because from the pavilion of the gods to the beginning of the hall of the gods to the present, Ying, never gave up anyone!

Boom! !

Rumble! !

Boom boom boom boom! !

Bang! Bang! Bang!


The Paladin slammed into King Kong and banged against the gate with a bang. The muscles of King Kong's whole body were shiny. He slowly raised his head and looked at the crowded Paladin with a sneer: "Fuck it!"

"Destiny collision!"

boom! ! !

Humming, Humming!

Turn eight for a period of Berserker's destiny skills, destiny collision!

Instantly knocked all the Paladins into flight, and rushed directly out of the moat.

Broad axe with a halo, skills sweeping...


Boom! !

In an instant, hundreds of members of the Global Alliance were killed and repelled...

At the same time, the members of God's Domain on Wall Mountain instantly released their long-range skills.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom! !


In the sky, the cobblestones of the construction fortifications rushed into the team of the Global Alliance with flames instantly...

Wang Qing Dao sneered and said, "How long can it last?"

"Chong for me! Kill King Kong, nearly a million gold coins!" Kimchi and Eggplant pointed across the sword.


It was like an earthquake in an instant, and the charge of more than tens of millions of people unfolded instantly...Panguzhou area is dangerous...

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