Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2597: Stubborn girl

Rumble! !

A huge formation fell from the sky, just like when Su Mu was sinking Wadao, the power and deterrence of the formation dealt a heavy blow to the players’ hearts, even though the members of God's Domain are all holding hands, but When seeing the formation fall, there is still a kind of fear that is difficult to erase. This is a psychological shadow that humans cannot eradicate.

The people in the Hall of the Gods all raised their heads and looked at the sky, watching the ruinous formation quickly fall.

At this moment, even the players of the Global Alliance all raised their heads and looked at the formation in the air. This scene is not something that anyone can see, even the players in the three continents including Panguzhou area are all looking at it. The dizziness in the direction of Huangtianzhou District...

The whole scene, the end of the world!

"It's over!"

"Everything is over!"


Boom boom boom boom! !

It's like a lightning, but it's more like a physical attack. The scene is indescribable. Players can only watch the lightning smash through the sky from a high altitude. It feels like the sky is about to be torn apart. same……

boom! ! !

Hum! ! !

Shrouded in white light, with a hum, a huge round golden rune formation appeared in the sky, and the whole formation instantly enveloped the sky above the formation called by the Global Alliance. At this moment, everyone cried out again.

Because at this time, someone suddenly appeared in the sky!

A person that everyone ignores!

In a white dress with long black hair reaching up to her ankles, she with long hair fluttering, appeared in the air like a fairy descending to the earth, and holding the yellow rune formation high in the sky with both hands, she directly withstood all the lightning attacks from the formation. .

"Nine Emperors!"

"It's Mr. Two!"

"Nine Emperors!"

"Nine Emperors!"

Everyone ignored the existence of the nine emperors, because the nine emperors did not appear since the beginning of the war, and because the nine emperors only appeared during the last reunification of China, so subconsciously, the players ignored her existence. Now the sudden appearance of the Nine Emperors made the players of God's Domain suddenly think that Su Mu's god, Lieyang, seemed to be transferred by the Nine Emperors!

Although the last **** Zun Lieyang bombed the main city of China, he avoided destroying the Huangtianzhou area. The battle is still vividly visible, but now that the figure of the Nine Emperors is seen, everyone suddenly thinks that she is a God Realm formation. Mage, and he is the God Realm Array Mage who can transfer Su Mu's deity Lieyang!

The members of God's Domain are excited, and all the players in China are boiling!

If the Nine Emperors can transfer this formation, then the Huangtianzhou area will not be destroyed...

However, unexpectedly, the body of the Nine Emperors was suddenly suppressed at this time, and the master of the Global Alliance also smiled.

This is a formation created by dozens of Supreme Gods, how can a player be able to contend? This is like the Chaos Array summoned by Su Mu with ten goddesses, an array that players cannot defend!

So the appearance of the Nine Emperors surprised the players, but then they became worried. The body of the Nine Emperors was directly shot down, and it sank quickly!


Another white figure rose into the sky!

What shocked everyone again was that this white figure came directly to the side of the Nine Emperors, and then suddenly supported a golden rune formation with both hands!

"Zhuge Muyue!"

"Another God Realm Array Mage!"


The two fairies merged in the air, and the two girls looked at each other, and then nodded one after another.

Rumble! ! !

The formation suddenly rose tens of meters towards the sky, and the players were madly surprised!

At this time, the people of the Global Alliance frowned slightly, seeing Zhuge Muyue and the Nine Emperors resisting the formations, everyone looked back at the dozens of supreme gods who had released the formations.

Rumble! !

The energy delivery unfolded again.

Boom! !

The formation is down again!

Puff puff! !

Boom! ! !

The Nine Emperors and Zhuge Muyue were suppressed again, and they were slowly descending, and they soon came to a position less than 100 meters above the Huangtianzhou area.

The players of God's Domain finally have to admit that the power of dozens of supreme gods is far beyond what two players can contend. At this time, the Nine Emperors and Zhuge Muyue are just the end of the battle.

However, the two girls never gave up. They madly released the rune formation to resist the fall of the formation, but the strength of the formation in the air was too strong, causing them to continue to fall...


Boom boom boom! !

Thunder and lightning penetrated the rune and directly hit the Nine Emperors and Zhuge Muyue, leaving a trace of blood in the two of them...

At this time, the four ghosts couldn't help but roar: "Nine Emperors! Zhuge! Forget it! Come down!"


Boom! !

Thunder strikes them two again, instantly kills and instantly resurrects. For the Divine Realm Array Mage, resurrection is the most basic array setting.

However, they still did not give up...


Click! Click!

The white light rose again, died again, and the two were resurrected again. The resurrection array was brought to its fullest, even surpassing the players' understanding of resurrection.



It's death again!

It's resurrection again!

After death and resurrection, the two girls were already sweating profusely, and the long hair that was bombarded by thunder and lightning was already disheveled, and the white dresses even began to turn black...

The two of them slowly descended to a height of 50 meters in the Huangtianzhou District with their formation.

Death has become one that appears every second now, and the two girls have fallen dozens of levels in these tens of seconds...

However, the formation in the air continues, and continues...


Click! Click! !

"Enough! Nine Emperors are enough! Don't defend!" The Four Ghosts shouted loudly.

Kuang Lan also shouted frantically at this time: "Number two! Forget it! Don't defend! Let them bomb! Let them bomb!"

"Nine Emperors!"


The Nine Emperors and Zhuge Muyue were still unmoved in the air, still defending stubbornly.

And when they saw this scene, the people of the Global Alliance were finally relieved that this formation is not something that players can defend. It is already certain that these two gods formation mages are just adding and dropping their ranks!



Click! Click!

The white light of death and resurrection flashed one after another, and the levels of the Nine Emperors and Zhuge Muyue had been countlessly dropped...

The eyes of countless members of God's Domain began to fog up, these two girls, what are they going to do? Obviously it is a formation that cannot be defended, why do you still drop frequently and never give up?


"Enough nine emperors!"

"Zhuge! Forget it..."

The girls have already started sobbing, but still can't see the relaxed expressions on the faces of the Nine Emperors and Zhuge Muyue. This means that they will continue to the last second and not give up!

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