Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2599: Return of Xia Feng



Boom boom boom! !



The formation in the sky began to decline rapidly, the Nine Emperors and Zhuge Muyue frowned suddenly, and those dozens of supreme gods were sending energy again!

The two girls looked at each other helplessly, it was already at the limit, and their abilities could not be compared to a dozen Supreme Gods.

Therefore, the two girls looked at each other, and then reluctantly wanted to give up...

boom! ! !

Another layer of golden formation runes appeared on their heads. The two girls were shocked, and then they saw a player with ID called Feitian Yinghen rushing over, once again resisting the whereabouts of the formation. !


The formation in the sky has once again increased by ten meters!

The two girls were taken aback.

Feitian Yinghen came to them and smiled moved: "My name is Feitian Yinghen, I am a friend of Brother Su, from a century of reincarnation!"

The Nine Emperors and Zhuge Muyue looked at each other after hearing this, and then said in surprise: "A hundred years of reincarnation? So..."

"Wow haha! How can I be missing from this kind of war?!"


At the resurrection point in Huangtianzhou District, a crack appeared in an instant, followed by Xia Feng's arrogant figure, and hundreds of thousands of people continued to emerge from behind...

Zhuge Muyue and the Nine Emperors smiled slightly, this lunatic finally appeared.

The war continues, the formations are constantly being raised and lowered, and the people of the Global Alliance are also extremely nervous at this time.

And just when Kuanglan was attacked by global masters.

boom! !

A blood-red sword aura fell, and Xia Feng's figure appeared directly in front of Kuang Lan: "Sister Lan, long time no see!"

"Xia Feng? Why is your kid here?"

Xia Feng laughed and said, "I persuaded the Goddess Shuilan to let my brother call me back. Then something happened and I didn't come back. When I saw my brother yesterday, he didn't agree, but today, Goddess Shuilan The one hundred years of reincarnation who went personally called me! Haha!"

"I don't care how you came back, please give it to my mother!"

"Good old lady!"



"Wow haha!!"

boom! ! !

Open the mountain! !

Rumble! !

A series of sword auras crashed down, and Xia Feng, a madman, was crazier than any madman in the Hall of Gods. It was like a wild lion rushing into the flock.

"Blood Devouring Mad Knife!!"

Hum! ! !

boom! ! !

A blood-red sword aura instantly hit Jin Minhao in the Golden Kingdom, the latter was suddenly repelled, and Xia Feng suddenly came to him before he had any preparation.

"Little white face, fighting is a man's business, you guys who are neither men nor women, just forget it?"


boom! ! !



"Head Xia Feng?!"

"Xia Feng?!"

"Haha Xia Feng!"

The people in the Hall of Gods couldn't help screaming after seeing Xia Feng.

The boy Xia Feng nodded wildly and said: "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.



The charge of the King of Northern Russia came to the opposite of Xia Feng in an instant, and a face Xia Feng was knocked away tens of meters, but the kid bounced up suddenly, then jumped wildly, and then crashed down!

There was a bang.

The surrounding area of ​​Xia Feng instantly turned into an open space, and the King of Northern Obei was also instantly knocked off.

"Tell you! Brother is preparing a super plan! Stick to today's war! No matter what! Stick to today's offline!!" Xia Feng suddenly shouted.

The people in the Hall of the Gods couldn't help being startled, as expected.

It is impossible for Ying to give up the war like this, it is impossible for him not to go online because he can't win, and it is impossible for him to ignore China because of his anger with Su Tianwen!

The appearance of Xia Feng is the best proof.

At this time, Xia Feng appeared. It was Su Mu’s dispatch without asking. Although the number of people is no longer the biggest problem for the current war, even if it is summoning tens of millions of people, it is not an opponent of the Global Alliance, but Su Mu’s requirements are now. Is persistence!

Keep the game offline today!

Kuanglan, a thought became a demon, Xinyedao and others frantically raised their weapons and shouted at this time: "Brothers! News from the boss! Hold on until the game is offline today!"

"Tomorrow the old meeting will give them a super surprise! Brothers! Hold on!" Xia Feng shouted.

"Ho **** ho ho!!"

"Ho **** ho ho!!"




A huge white light suddenly appeared behind Xia Feng, and then a huge Buddha statue resembling a stone statue appeared.

With a bang, the Buddha statue suddenly fell, and hundreds of people were killed.

At the same time, Qiu Shuishui also came to Xia Feng at this time and said, "Xia Feng, go and protect Linglong."

Xia Feng was taken aback, and then nodded gratefully to Qiu Shui, "Qiu Shui, tell you a secret, in fact, my brother, he really likes you! Haha!"

Seeing Xia Feng disappear in the same place instantly, Qiu Shui Yihan's face was slightly red, this kid is always not big or small.

But now, the morale of the entire God's Domain has instantly improved.



"go away!"

Linglong struggled to retreat, but there were too many people in the Global Alliance, so she didn't even know how to fight this war!


The mortal Xia Feng suddenly fell by Linglong's side, and said with a smile: "I'm stepping on colorful clouds to marry you!"

Linglong's eyes were moist, and Xia Feng had disappeared for a long time. Suddenly seeing Xia Feng's figure at this moment, Linglong walked forward without speaking at all!

Suddenly he lifted his foot and kicked Xia Feng's butt.

With a snap, Xia Feng was a dog to cultivate the land, but he bounced up to Linglong's side with a big laugh, and took Linglong's hand and said, "I'm sorry, I am also helpless. Will I tell you about this later? "

Linglong nodded with moist eyes: "Just come back..."


boom! ! !

The crowd rushed over in clusters, and Xia Feng took her exquisite little hand and jumped around in the crowd, all kinds of kills, almost everywhere Xia Feng's crazy laughter and swearing curses came!

"God's Domain! How long can I jump?!" Jace suddenly shouted.

Hum! ! ! !

The formation in the sky, falling instantly!

For a moment, everyone forgot about the war, because the sky's formation suddenly fell...

The Nine Emperors, Zhuge Muyue, and even Feitian Yinghen were completely unable to resist!

Rumble! !

Click! Click!

The huge thunder and lightning smashed down and hit the moat with a smash. In an instant, the surrounding members of God's Domain were instantly killed by a thousand people!

At this moment, the battlefield seemed to be quiet, because no one went to fight anymore, and the gloomy formation in the sky had fallen...

Jace snorted: "Play! End!!"


Boom! !

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