Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2670: If anyone commits me

"Ding! Player'Shadow' shares his personal attribute level with you, do you want to check it?"

Uninvited, he suddenly got the system's prompt. He couldn't help but raised his head and looked at Su Mu, while Su Mu looked at him with a smile on his face and said, "You don't mean that I will never be able to catch up with the level here. Huh? My God's Domain can't dominate here? Are you naive or am I bragging? Huh..."

Uninvited hesitate to choose to view the properties.


God's Domain Guild

Eight turn two

Level: 999

Occupation: Not viewable

Property: Not viewable

When he uninvited to see that level, his pupils shrank instantly, and then suddenly enlarged!

An unparalleled shock erupted from the uninvited eyes. He was completely sluggish in place, even forgetting that he was still nailed to the city wall now, because the uninvited was completely at the level of Su Mu. Scared silly!

As we all know, the level of reincarnation on the first level is 499 after the top, and the level of reincarnation on the second level is 599. It is no exception. Even the most famous **** on the second floor, "Looking at the Sky Blue Beyond", is at the level of 599, because there is no eight to ten stages. You can't enter the three-tier reincarnation, so what level did you see uninvited at this time?

In the legend, there is only the top level in the seventh reincarnation, the highest level in the whole reincarnation in the legend!

How can this be?

Not to mention how many experience points this requires, it can be achieved even in the second-level reincarnation, and it is very clear that Su Mu came to the second-level world yesterday, so it is obvious that he is in the first-level reincarnation. It was upgraded, but... before that, when he was fighting with Su Mu, how many levels was he? At that time, uninvited, vaguely remember that it seemed to be around 420!

But how many days have passed since then? Is he full or full? !

Uninvited is totally unable to accept this fact, but looking at the disdainful smile on Su Mu’s face, I have to believe it, because the shared attributes can’t go wrong, so this Su Mu has truly reached the fullness of reincarnation. Level 999!

"Do you know why I can suppress your formation? In my eyes, this formation is simply pediatrics, level suppression, attribute restraint, including the understanding of reincarnation, you are too small..." Su Mu held the spear , And then suddenly pulled out from the uninvited chest!


Uninvited, I fell directly at the foot of the city wall, and then heard Su Mu's voice again saying: "Since you have slaughtered my God Realm, today, give a tooth for a tooth!"





Boom! !



Huh! Huh! Huh!

Su Mu’s ghosts and ghosts generally shuttled across the city wall. No one could catch Su Mu’s figure, including some archers who began to release the Falcon’s Eye, but Su Mu’s figure was still not found, but the scene, just saw the constant white light rising. People from the Zhantian Trade Union were constantly dying on the spot, and Su Mu...just a stream of air flying through the crowd...




Boom boom boom! ! !

There is no enchanting range of skills, and some are all Su Mu's body skills and ordinary offensive skills. No one can resist the attributes of the Divine Venerable Illusion Sword, and no one can catch up with Su Mu's figure. The entire Zhan Tian Guild can watch The only people who came to Su Mu's figure were uninvited and waiting for a few masters, but now, uninvited had been hit by Su Mu and completely lost the will to fight.

He slumped on the ground, completely lost the motivation to stop Su Mu, what else was he blocking? Level 999, even though it was Su Mu in the second stage of the eighth turn, but the level had already crushed everything.

So at this time, the onlookers were horrified and inexplicable. All the people in the Zhan Tian Guild were dull. The players who were not killed by Su Mu all stood and watched, because they didn’t know how to help, even at this time. Their boss has been completely sluggish, no one commanded and let the people of Zhantian Union know why...

"He... how many people did he kill?" Some of the onlookers finally reacted after a few minutes...

Some players around him shook their heads, staring at the positions of those Zhantian guild members who appeared white light, because only by looking at the white light could they know where Su Mu was, but they still couldn’t find Su Mu, just a stubborn gangster. The shadow flickers...

"Yes, there are hundreds, right?"

"Well, who the **** is this person?"

"Uninvited him, is this stupid? Why don't you direct the battle?"

"I'm afraid I have lost the idea of ​​fighting..."


Bauhinia, standing still in place at this moment, she didn't know what Su Mu had given Uninvited to see, but Uninvited, his current state must be something that hit him incomparably.

"Sister...Su Ta...Is he still a human?" Bauhinia suddenly turned his head, looking at Dark Night Rose as if frightened.

Dark Night Rose kept looking at Su Mu's position and said, "Sister, you said, this Su, is he a second-tier reincarnation person? How could he be so powerful?"

Bauhinia shook his head and said: "I don't know...but...he must be a player in the second-tier reincarnation, otherwise he would not be able to appear here. Moreover, the God's Domain Guild is indeed a guild in the reincarnation of the earth. The news has just come from the Centennial Reincarnation and Negative Annual Reincarnation. Being able to enter the reincarnation of the earth over there can confirm this matter, but the specific news of Su has not yet come..."




Su Mu's figure fell directly in front of the uninvited person, who was shocked suddenly, then raised his head to look at Su Mu who was smiling.

"Uninvited, today is a small collision between us, you killed 500 people, I slaughtered you 1,000 people!" Su Mu said.

Uninvited, looked at Su Mu in surprise, and slaughtered a thousand people in the Zhantian Union in just a few minutes? Are you special!

Although angry, shocked, shocked, but uninvited is not a word.

And Su Mu, turned to look at the members of the Zhantian Union who had just come over from the field, and then started walking north with a smile on his face.

People from the Zhantian Trade Union watched Su Mu walking over, everyone's face was covered with the same expression, that was timidity!

Su Mu sneered. In an instant, the members standing right in front of him quickly dispersed, and then watched Su Mu slowly walk into the crowd...

However, what shocked all the onlookers was that none of the members of the Zhantian Union wanted to do it, so they watched their brothers slaughtered thousands of people, and let them leave?

Smart people would think that it was an unsolicited order, but more people would directly shock the deterrence that Su Mu brought to the Zhantian Union, causing these people to lose even the desire to do something...

I kept waiting for Su Mu to walk out of the crowd, then stopped and shouted: "If people don't offend me, I won't offend people. If people offend me...he..."

Su Mu didn't say the next few words, and then quickly spread the blade wings and flew into the air, leaving only the horrifying ‘taste’ that lingered for a long time...

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