Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2707: Three Corpses

Su Mu's skills instantly attacked the body of the empress who was standing intact.

Nine attacks came down, but she was directly blocked by the female emperor, but the female emperor who was hung in the air was saved at this time!

Su Mu stood up, then pulled up the empress who fell on the ground: "Is it all right?"

The Empress shook her head, but her throat still held her neck uncomfortably.

But the empress who was standing opposite smiled slightly: "It's interesting..."

In the moment just now, I still want to thank Long Xueji. Although Long Xueji made a strenuous blow, for a supreme god, that skill could only cause a small amount of damage and was not fatal, but the female emperor who was hung in the air It was just a skill that knocked Long Xueji into the air, and at the moment when Long Xueji was knocked into the air, Su Mu only saw a hundred thousand damage value on Long Xueji's head.

This proves that the female emperor hanging in the air did not intend to kill Long Xueji at all, so she is not real, who is real?

The four people present understood this question instantly, so the intact empress would naturally not pretend that she was Su Mu's empress.

Long Xueji walked back slowly, and said: "One defensive skill has done me a hundred thousand damage..."

Su Mu really wanted to tell her that if the empress wanted to kill her, it would only happen in an instant, and the skill of 100,000 damage was still the least damage the empress could do. After all, the current female emperor is already in the supreme heyday.

"What the **** is going on with her?" Su Mu asked after identifying who was the real and who was the fake.

At this time, Long Xueji didn't know what game item she took out, and then directly stuck it on the empress's neck, and a mark similar to a scorpion tattoo appeared.

Long Xueji said: "This is our ancestral heritage, an ethereal mark. Although the game can only play a small role, it is enough for us to distinguish the true and false empresses."

"Then you didn't use it just now?"

"I didn't expect it just now."

"You didn't expect you to be so smart?" Su Mu deeply suspected Long Xueji was deliberate.

Long Xueji stared at Su Mu and said, "Zhedi, do you want to lift the bar at this time?"


The female emperor coughed, and then looked at the female emperor opposite and explained to Su Mu: "Mu Mu, do you know the Three Corpses Proof?"

"Three corpses?" Su Mu was startled when he heard the words. This was the first time Su Mu heard of this term.

As the empress nodded, Long Xueji stood on the side in surprise and said: "Is there really a three-corpse testimony?"

The female emperor nodded, and she said: "The so-called Three Corpses Proof is the limit of our cultivation before becoming the supreme god. Without the evil body and soul, she is..."

The female emperor on the opposite side returned to her original form with a scream, no longer in the same attire as the female emperor, she still became that ragged appearance, her thighs and abdomen were completely exposed, her expression became evil, and she looked at the female emperor with a smile The three of them didn't seem to intend to disturb them at this time.

Long Xueji took a step forward, then looked at the evil empress and said, "In other words, she is you, and you are her!"

The empress nodded.

"No wonder you just said that she is you and you are her. It turns out that there are really three corpses."

Su Mu was still a little confused.

The Empress explained at this time: "Mu Mu, you only need to know that she is the evil body of the Empress. After I preached, this evil body would have been involved in the void, but I didn’t expect it would appear Here, if nothing happens, it should be the ghost of the dark element again!"

It's the dark element again! How capable is this dark element? After going through so many things, it seems that all things are related to the dark element, which makes Su Mu shocked beyond words!

The female emperor continued to explain: "My evil body was severed during the heyday of the year. Therefore, her fighting power is completely above mine, and other goddesses must not involve my evil body, otherwise it will cause their evil body. Body breath, if the evil body of other goddesses appears, then we are completely finished..."

Only then did Su Mu understand why the goddess of water blue left quickly, and he was not allowed to summon other goddesses.

Because they are all goddesses of enlightenment, all goddesses have their own evil body, but because they are not in a space, or they may have completely disappeared in the universe, but now the evil body of the empress appears, so She was also afraid of accidents.

And now, Su Mu did not ask: "If this is the case, who can kill her?!"

The empress shook her head.

The female emperor in the heyday is almost unmatched, because she becomes the favorite of Su Mu’s power to be weakened, and now this evil female emperor is obviously the fighting power of the wild boss, so it is almost impossible to kill her. Unless it is other goddess who has not become Su Mu's favorite!

"You guys, are you finished? Haha..." The evil empress stared at Su Mu and smiled.

The three Su Mu looked at her straightforwardly, but at this moment, there is really no way to do it?

The empress slowly recovered at this time. She looked at the evil empress opposite and said, "How did you come here?"

"Oh, Empress, you cut off your soul and your body. Do you still care about me at this time? You betrayed your soul. What qualifications do you have to control how I came? Today, Should I make up for the mistake of 10,000 years ago? As long as I occupy your body, that is the real empress, isn't it?" The evil empress giggled and looked calm.

At this time, Su Mu also understood one thing. The evil empress and the empress were originally one person and one thought, but they were separated and cut off the evil body and soul. Now they meet. As long as they fit together, they are the real one. Empress, but there is one thing, once they are combined, they will either become the evil empress or Su Mu's empress, but now it seems that the former is obviously more likely.

Therefore, Su Mu must prevent the evil female emperor from occupying the female emperor’s body, otherwise Su Mu would have lost the female emperor...

However, after watching the battle just now, there is no doubt that Su Mu has no time to release the pressure of the holy light. Five seconds is completely impossible for a fierce battle with the goddess, let alone five seconds, I am afraid it is even Su Mu couldn't win a second.

The most important thing is that, in the current situation, Su Mu has no chance to intervene at all. It is impossible to kill the evil empress even with a skill such as God Venerable Lieyang. This is beyond doubt.

Therefore, Su Mu could only whisper: "How can I kill her?"

The female emperor was startled.

And the evil empress suddenly laughed at this moment and said, "Are you going to kill me? Doesn't that mean killing her? We are one, you think you can solve it by killing me?"


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