Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2794: Take a photo

"The first time I discovered this goddess was a person who returned to the Falling Guild, so I heard from them that when the goddess appeared, it seemed that someone used hunting skills, that is, the hunter of the **** pet. But it didn't succeed, and then the goddess became An independent existence stays in the forest and sea. No one knows who this person is, and the witness doesn’t know where it is now... I know so much, please let me go..."

The cute demon stared at Su Mu after speaking, but at this time Su Mu seemed to be in a daze. Although his hands were placed in the two most private positions of the cute demon, the cute demon realized that there was no desire in Su Mu's eyes. , This is different from all the men she has seen. Even if you are a veteran of flowers, there should be basic physiological phenomena of men?

Especially the beautiful and **** girl like Little Demon, with fair and smooth skin, how many men can hold it?

However, it is clear that the cute demon did not see desire in Su Mu's eyes, and was completely using this method to persecute himself. This made the cute demon unconsciously lose a little bit more, although it was only a loss of mood, it was also Influencing the judgment of the cute little demon.

Why does this person ask Zihan Alone Drunk? Why did you suddenly ask the goddess that just appeared in Forest Sea?

Some people say that this goddess was a certain person's favorite before, but was cut off by the favorite hunter. Could it be him?

It’s not that the cute little demon judges like a god, but because the cute little demon had to think like this after seeing Su Mu’s phantom sword. People with this type of weapon must have a favorite of gods, and he cares so much. At this time, so anyone will think of this.

Su Mu glanced at the adorable little demon and said, "According to what you mean, there should be many people who are constantly watching this goddess, right?"

The cute little demon was startled, then shook his head and said: "The forest sea is a forbidden area, not anyone can enter, unless it is some studios, large teams and guilds, so people who can see with their own eyes are not There will be too many, but the pet hunters near Huangye City are estimated to be there in the next few days."

She twisted her body, but she rubbed Su Mu's hands again. Little Demon's face turned red again but she didn't dare to let Su Mu loose her, so Little Demon could only wait...

And Su Mu’s most worrying thing is here. It’s not clear what harm is caused to Lieyu by the proximity of the pet hunter, but it can be basically judged now that it is indeed the player that caused Lieyu to cut the connection with the tower of the gods, but why did this player cut off the contact? Disappeared? Is he incapable of subduing Lie Yu? Or is it intentional?

There is still a problem that bothers Su Mu. Goddess Lieyu has cut off contact with God's Domain Tower, which means that the memory of Su Mu has disappeared. So if Su Mu goes to Goddess Lieyu now, he will be the same as ordinary players and wants to conquer Lieyu again. Goddess, I am afraid there will be another fierce battle!

According to the information collected in the past two days, the shield around Goddess Lieyu should have been activated instantly before she cut contact with Su Mu. Only after Su Mu approached Goddess Lieyu would she wake up. At that time, she would be exceptionally extraordinary. It's a fierce battle.

Su Mu frowned, then slowly let go of the cute little demon.

Little Demon Meng breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Su Mu carefully, not daring to make big moves, fearing that Su Mu would cover his body with those big hands again.

However, at this moment Su Mu turned around and switched out of the system screen with his back to the cute little demon.



"Ah, what are you doing?!" The cute little demon didn't react at first. After taking a few consecutive pictures in the camera mode, she covered her face with her hand and panicked...

Because the cute little demon at this time has untidy clothes on top and bottom, with large areas of chest skin exposed, and two long white legs are also exposed, it feels like he has just finished bad things and has no time to arrange his clothes. ...

If this kind of photo is spread, the cute little demon's innocence will be completely ‘stained’!

Su Mu smiled and looked at the cute little demon and said: "Remember, you didn't see any weapons today, and you don't know any attributes. If the attributes of this sword are made public, then these pictures will also be made public. ..."

The cute little demon bit her red lips and stared at Su Mu with a look of resentment, but he was helpless.

"Let go of my companion!" she said.

Su Mu nodded, and then unlocked Wanyu's abilities. In an instant, Hu Lai and I fell directly from the air, and they fell directly to the ground.

The cute little demon tidied up his clothes and quickly stepped forward to support them. Then he looked in the direction of Su Mu vigilantly. It was just that the cute little demon horrified that Su Mu's figure had long since disappeared, and there seemed to be nothing in the entire alley. Like this person...

"Ah, it hurts... I wiped it, what the **** was that place just now?"

"Yao Yao, what's wrong with you? What are you looking at? What about that person?"

The cute little demon shook his head, then stood up and looked at them and said, "No one is allowed to reveal anything today!"

"Eh? Did you mean that person just now? Can't say, we seem to have missed for the first time..." Hu Lai rubbed his legs.

However, Little Demon Meng was very interested in Su Mu at this time, especially the attributes of Su Mu’s long sword were so shocking, and this person actually cared about the two people behind Zihan Dudrunk, and also Concerned about the goddess in the forest sea, is he going to subdue this goddess?

The three of them left the alley, and the Little Demon didn't have any loss except for the feeling that he had been teased by the gangster. It just felt that this person was weird...

At this time, Huang Yecheng, Area A returned to the main hall of Meteorite Guild headquarters.

Zi Xiaoyun looked at a middle-aged man in front of him and said, "We can't let the man next to Zitong participate in our patriarch selection! This person is very powerful and too mysterious!"

The middle-aged man standing in front of the hall turned his head to look at Zi Xiaoyun and said, "Are you sure that person is very strong?"

"Although it is eighth-turn three-stage, but the combat power is definitely above eighth-turn five-stage, Liu Ye's eighth-turn three is instantly killed by this person. It is conceivable that the **** of Zitong will not easily give up the position of patriarch of!"

Zi Xiaoyun thought viciously, if he made Zitong the patriarch of the Zi family, then his whole plan would be ruined, but now there is an advantage that grandpa doesn’t like Zitong very much, so now he only needs Just restrain the person next to Zitong from attending the meeting of the Zi family.

The middle-aged man turned around and said, "I see. Go and prepare. The family meeting of the Zi family will open tomorrow. Get ready."

"It's father." Zi Xiaoyun slowly withdrew...



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