Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3010: Ancient Demon Refining Pot

The goddess Yona flew down quickly at this time, and then hovered in front of Su Mu and said: "Master, this monster is made from an ancient artifact. No surprise, ordinary attacks are ineffective."

Su Mu frowned slightly, then looked at the giant lava monster and said, "What ancient artifact?"

"I don't know." The goddess Wona shook her head and said: "But what is certain is that this thing is definitely not a boss. It should be the same as when the master took Fuxi Qin. No surprise, the elements should also be immune. , Sister Su Yan, is your attack effective?"

The Su Yan goddess looked back at Su Mu and both, then shook her head and frowned: "There is only an effect, no damage, and it seems that it can absorb damage."

"That's right." Goddess Yona looked at the huge magma monster and said: "You have to find a way to kill him, just like the huge sandman at the beginning."


There was a huge roar again, and heat waves came one after another. Now the goddess of water blue has gone to the seventh world, so Su Mu can’t find a water system skill, and even if he finds a water system element, he may not be able to. Deal damage to this fire monster.

Kunlun mirror, Fuxiqin, and Shennongding didn't seem to have special lethality. Su Mu took out Fuxiqin and took a look. This thing hasn't been used since getting it.

"You, who can use it?" Su Mu looked at the two goddesses around him.

Both of them shook their heads, at least they have to know a little rhythm with this weapon, right?

Su Mu is stunned, how do you use this thing?

"You can summon Lie Yu to try." Su Yan said.

Su Mu was startled, Lie Yu could still play the piano?

"Lie Yu!"

With the appearance of the white Lieyu, Heyang is a little better, the three of the fire are completely confused. On the way, it seems that they have been playing soy sauce except for leading the way. Is this the full-level player they said? This is the ninth rank rookie they mocked?

At this time, the fire can no longer describe his feelings. How many goddesses does Nima have not summoned? The most terrible thing is that every goddess is so overwhelmed by the country, it's not too happy, right?

"Fuxiqin..." Goddess Lieyu looked at Fuxiqin in Su Mu's hand, and then reached out and stroked it in her hand.

As the faint tone came, the goddess Lieyu hung up with a smile and said: "This piano has not been played for a long time..."

Roar! ! !


A magma struck in an instant, and the goddess Su Yan raised her hand and was shot down by a flash of lightning. Then she saw the goddess Lieyu slowly turned around, then sat in the air, and then put Fuxiqin on her legs. Go up, spread your hands slightly, and then look at the lava monster in front of you and smile slightly...


A sound wave instantly hit the Fuxi Qin, and as a moving music came, the sound wave directly hit the lava behemoth like a wind blade.


Bang! !

Only saw the lava beast retreat quickly, and then a million-level damage value appeared on the top of his head.

Seeing this Su Mu also breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he could kill it, it didn't matter how long it took.

At this time, the goddess Lieyu in the sky raised a gas shield, so the attack of the lava behemoth was completely ineffective, and the goddess Su Yan assisted in controlling the boss paralysis effect, so the next time was a series of rhythm transmissions. Come, and waves of sonic attacks landed on the body of the lava behemoth, and as the damage value appeared, the blood of the boss became less and less.

Ding Ding~

Bang bang...


At this time, the blood of the boss has fallen to less than one-third, and at this time, only saw the boss jump up suddenly, and then suddenly lowered his head in the air, that is, a large amount of quickly flowed out of the upward container. magma……

Zi Zi Zi~~

Zi Zi Zi~~

The shield of Goddess Lieyu emitted white smoke, and then quickly cracked.

When the magma completely surrounded the goddess Lieyu, Su Mu and Heyang were taken aback with a bang and the shield disappeared.

But then she saw the goddess Lieyu appear next to Su Mu, still holding Fuxiqin in her hands.

"Protoss, help me control the boss, this last blood is the hardest to fight." Goddess Lie Yu sat in the air again.

Su Mu nodded, and then said to Heyang: "Help, intercept this boss!"

Heyang nodded, and then signaled to attack Lihuo and others.


Because there is the thunder and lightning of Su Yan Goddess, everyone does not have to worry about falling. At this time, they will not fall into the magma if the face is not dead, so there is no need to worry about it.

The flames of the raging fire, the control of Flying Branch, and Sophie's space constraints, Heyang's strong attack and Su Mu joined forces, everyone directly stopped the boss in the middle of the road, and crazy release skills to prevent the boss from charging forward...

Ho Ho Ho! !

Rumble! !

The magma began to rise, and the whole mountain became a sea of ​​magma.

With Fuxiqin’s rapid attack, the goddess Wona directly shrouded the area into darkness at this time, and the time and space magic of the goddess Lieyu quickly fixed the attributes of the boss's blood return. The whole process was smooth and flowing, without the slightest stutter. Every step is perfect.

boom! !


The death of this boss was much faster than Su Mu had expected. According to the scene of Su Mu fighting the Nasha people, this time it was not too simple.

However, with the death of the boss, the magma on the ground did not disappear.

Goddess Lie Yu glanced at Su Mu and said, "God, your soul refining furnace."

Su Mu was stunned, and then I remembered that during the cycle of time, Su Mu had obtained a soul-refining furnace, but he hadn't used it much after returning to the cycle of time. Feelings were the prototype of the ancient artifact?

Holding the black soul refining furnace in his hand, Su Mu and the others saw that the body of the behemoth began to slowly melt, and then quickly formed a series of flames into the soul refining furnace.

Not only that, the soul refining furnace at this time began to slowly degenerate, and the black on his body slowly fell off, followed by turning into an old copper color, and the appearance also slowly changed.

Several goddesses showed happy expressions, and there was one more ancient artifact, and it was still a very important ancient demon refining pot.

The demon refining pot in his hand slowly formed, and Su Mu couldn't wait to open it and glanced at it.

Ancient Demon Refining Pot

Grade: Antiquity

Attributes:? ?

skill:? ?

Special effects:? ?

Introduction: One of the ten ancient artifacts. It is said that when the ten artifacts are collected, terrible things will happen.

"No? Fuck!" Su Mu's eyes widened directly. This thing seemed to be completely intact. It was different from Kunlun Mirror and was released in stages, but it didn't have any attributes. How to use it? Or is it that this thing is just a decoration, and it can only be effective after the collection of the ten ancient artifacts?

"How come there are attributes?" Su Mu looked at the goddess Lie Yu and the others.

Lie Yu frowned slightly, then stretched out his hand to take the demon refining pot: "Let me see..."

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