Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3048: I want princess hug

"Ling'er be careful!"

As the green light exploded, Su Mu couldn't help but unfolded his blade and flew up quickly.

"Wan domain!"

"Ding! Wanyu is absolutely petrified!"

Kaz Kaz~

In an instant, the two goddesses became petrified, and Su Mu frowned slightly, and then looked at the two petrified goddesses.

"Lie Yu."

Because the battle is basically over, it's fine to summon other goddesses, so the only thing Su Mu can do now is let Lie Yu appear.

Moreover, as long as the wood spirit of the evil body does not revive and sees Lie Yu, there will be no guidance.

Goddess Lieyu looked at Su Mu with a little surprise. Although the two goddesses were petrified, it is still very dangerous to summon herself at this time. If the evil body of Goddess Lieyu is attracted, then the two evil entities will definitely not be able to deal with it. of.

"Don't worry, you carefully go back in time and pull out Ling'er's body. When I release Wanyu, I start from the back. That is to say, the evil body was petrified first, and the time difference is less than zero and one second. You have to control this time." This is the only way Su Mu can do and can think of.

The evil wood spirit had no plans to be subdued, so when Linger absorbed her, a moth came out again.

Goddess Lieyu understood Su Mu's words, so she slowly released the time backwards, but this tight time backwards made Goddess Lieyu sweat, because as long as the time backwards exceed zero and one second, it will be evil. The Wood Spirit Goddess will also be revived.


Ling'er's body slowly returned to its normal state.

Then Su Mu hurriedly said: "Okay, Lie Yu, go back to the God's Domain Tower."

Goddess Lieyu nodded quickly, and then quickly disappeared in place.

The recovered Wood Spirit goddess pursed her mouth: "It's still so unbehaved! Not as good as Ling'er!"

Su Mu smiled, and finally there was no Yaozi. He looked at the wood spirit goddess in the sky and said: "But this is how Linger you are, right? Do you remember the first fight with me?"

Ling'er laughed. Of course she remembered that incident. At that time, Shui Lan and the Empress were both large-scale killing skills, and the Wood Spirit Goddess actually wanted to use the stump skills to kill all the members of the Datang World for a thousand years.

The extreme evil of Linger at that time made Su Mu shudder, and Su Mu couldn't imagine that if the members of the entire Datang World were suddenly hit in the bottom by a wooden stake, what kind of style would it be to jump around the world?

Now that I think about it, I feel a bit cold.

"Hahaha, Brother Su remember that incident?"

"Of course I remember, that was the first time Ling'er participated in a battle with me, right?"

"Yes, it seems like yesterday, so fast..."


At this time, Su He and Mu Ling didn't even mention the matter of absorbing evil bodies, because they all knew that once they were promoted to the perfect supreme, then it was a separation, so at this time, neither Su Mu nor the Mu Ling goddess wanted to separate so quickly.

Because they all know that the separation this time, the next meeting is unknown...

So, calm down...

After a long time...

"Ling'er, absorb her."


Su Mu returned to the mountain, and then looked at the wood spirit goddess in the sky to absorb the evil body.

In an instant, the changes in appearance appeared, Ling'er's attire was even more stunning than before, the imprint on her forehead was also shining brightly, and the entire Wood Spirit Goddess was completely new.

Perfect supreme!

After the promotion, the wood spirit goddess was full of the sacred and solemn aura. At this moment, she was smiling, and then looked at Su Mu below.

Another difference.

Su Mu slowly floated up, and then took Ling'er's little hand, and the two flew straight to the sky.

At this time, Heyang and Cheng Zhuang knew that Mu Ling had to confess some of his own memories and parting with Su Mu. This time the separation might never meet again...

Like when the other two goddesses broke up, the Wood Spirit goddess took Su Mu directly to the sky with no one to disturb, except for the white clouds, which was the blue sky.

Su Mu waved his wings in the air, then pulled Mu Ling and said, "Is my memory all restored?"

"Well, it's really the same as the evil body said, except for the life source, there is no skill that can kill Ling'er..." The Wood Spirit goddess smiled.

Su Mu nodded and stopped asking. Every goddess has his own thoughts and secrets. They will naturally say things they want to tell themselves, and Su Mu who doesn't want to say will not ask.

"Brother Su..." Ling'er suddenly raised her head and looked at Su Mu and shouted.

Su Mu also turned his head to look at her.

"Can Brother Su meet Ling'er's request?" Her innocent tone made Su Mu feel that his heart was about to melt.

So Su Mu naturally nodded.

"Ling'er wants Princess Su to hug..." Goddess Mu Ling laughed, then lowered her head.

Su Mu was also taken aback. The little girl was always a little girl. This request was too simple.

Therefore, a princess hugged the wood spirit goddess directly, and Su Mu quickly soared with his blade wings...

The Wood Spirit Goddess chuckled, and Su Mu was flying fast. Although the Wood Spirit Goddess could fly by herself, it was totally different from this kind of flying.

While the Feimu Spirit Goddess said: "Actually, after Perfect Supreme, Brother Su will not be so simple to summon us again when he sees us again. We are no longer controlled by the Gods Domain Tower, Brother Su..."

"Well, I know, it's worthwhile for you to be free, and it's not a problem to be called to and summoned by me all the time."

"Then Brother Su knows who resurrected you?" Ling'er asked suddenly.

Su Mu nodded and glanced at her. Goddess Shuilan and Goddess Tu Li said nothing about this matter, but Mu Ling suddenly asked himself something that made Su Mu a little at a loss.

Ling'er smiled and said: "This matter is actually very simple. Although Ling'er knows, I can't say that Brother Su will know about it in the future. Also, Ling'er knows something about the dark elements now. We knew what was going to happen when the reincarnation descended and the earth was established.

Su Mu did not speak, but continued to fly.

Ling'er suddenly said: "The true identity of the dark element, Brother Su, you should have thought of who it is."

Su Mu nodded.

Ling'er continued: "Then Brother Su still wants to go to the God Zone World?"

"go with!"

"Then Brother Su did it?"

Su Mu shook his head. Su Mu himself didn't know about this.

"The dark element is the last element, but it's not the last boss of the reincarnation. The last boss is the one who resurrected Brother Su, and ta... is..."

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