Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3053: Unspeakable torture

Ke Zhen, who was bleeding with her mouth, sneered at this time, and then slowly raised her head to look at Su Mu: "Do you think the Dragon Soul group members will be forced to confess by you?"

Su Mu also sneered, then looked back at Dead Moon, and asked, "Did you tell him the same when this woman tortured you?"

Zhuge Muyue smiled bitterly, when are they still so skinny? Of course she wouldn't tell any secrets about Huaxia, so there was no need for Su Mu to ask about it.

But at this time, Su Mu was wearing a weird smile, and then walked to Zhuge Muyue's side, holding her face in a low voice: "You wait here for two minutes, I'll be back when I go out."

Zhuge Muyue nodded, then slowly closed her eyes to rest.

Su Mu came to the corridor, and then saw Long Xueji turning over the members of the Dragon Soul Group lying on the ground in the corridor. Su Mu stood at the door and said, "Have you found anything weird?"

Long Xueji held a piece of kit in her hand and said, "Does this count?"

Su Mu's black line, but suddenly thought of something that happened many years ago, so he walked directly to Long Xueji's front and said: "This thing might still be worthy of merit."

"What? Can you not be responsible?"

"Falling!" Su Mu knew that when talking to Long Xueji, she would be arrogant. Your sister, a pregnant woman, can make her speak out.

After that, Su Mu walked into the small room and looked around. Since this is the place where Zhuge Muyue was tortured, there are naturally supplies for daily use. It is impossible for the Dragon Soul group to keep people from guarding the Dead Moon. The strength, if no one is specially guarded, it will definitely escape easily.

So, Su Mu found a refrigerator, and it was actually a very old refrigerator, like the one in the 1980s. Su Mu was shocked. There are such old antiques here.

Opening the refrigerator door, a cool air blew, Su Mu glanced at the refrigerating room, and sure enough there was frost. The refrigerators of that era had no defrosting function.

Su Mu directly packed the frost and snow in the condom, then walked to Ke Zhen carrying the condom full of snow, and smiled: "This seems to be the criminal law invented by you Wadao? How about it? Would you like to try it? ?"

Ke Zhen was completely stunned. She stared at Su Mu and shook her head involuntarily: "You~ You will be condemned by heaven if you do this!"

"Long Xueji!"

"Hey here!"

With Su Mu's loud shout, Long Xueji hurriedly walked out from the door, naturally curious about the set of Long Xueji that Su Mu was going to leave, what use was that thing besides doing it?

However, he did not expect that Su Mu was full of ice and snow, which made Long Xueji also very curious.

Su Mu handed the sleeve full of ice and snow to Long Xueji and said, "Go, put this thing into the hole you can imagine!"

Long Xueji held the cold condom in her hand, and then there was a chill, your sister's Su Mu, what holes can you imagine? Isn't that... I rely on!

"Su Mu, you abnormal!" Long Xueji couldn't help cursing.

Su Mu walked to Zhuge Muyue's side, and then slowly picked up her upper body to warm up. He looked back at Long Xueji and said, "Don't ink."

Long Xueji also knew that the Wadao people must have some ulterior secrets, so since Su Mu had thought of a way to extract a confession, Long Xueji would not be polite, but she was a bit perverted in the face of this method, but Facing the Wadao people, what kind of perverted and unchanging do they say?

"Hehe~ How does it feel if this stuff is stuffed in?" Long Xueji smirked, but Ke Zhen's eyes widened and she couldn't imagine what would happen soon...


Su Mu turned his back to Long Xueji and only heard the sound of his pants being torn...


A scream came, Ke Zhen's voice filled the entire small house, and hiss screamed.

In just a few seconds, Ke Zhen was sweating profusely, and her whole body was trembling. It is estimated that only she can experience that feeling...

"I... I said..." Ke Zhen trembled, her lips turned purple, and then she murmured two words.

Long Xueji stood up, then looked at the ice and snow set that had melted one-fifth of the ice and said: "Then you say it quickly, I will put some snow..."

Kezhen: "..."

Su Mu hugged Zhuge Muyue at this time and said lightly: "You can simply give you one, or I will let you melt the snow in the entire refrigerator!"

Su Mu had heard of this kind of criminal law when he was in Remnant Soul, and it was extremely cruel. It could be said to be the greatest harm to women. Su Mu couldn’t know that kind of feeling, but he had seen women who were subjected to that kind of criminal law. Even driven crazy.

Although Ke Zhen was a professionally trained person in the Dragon Soul group, Su Mu knew that in the face of this criminal law, no woman could bear it.

"We...our people have entered the seventh-layer world and want to stop...your actions. In reality...we have no connection except Dead Moon..." Ke Zhen stared at Su Mu's back.

Su Mu nodded and said, "Long Xueji, continue."


"No! I said it~No~~Ah!! It's Cen! Cen ordered us to figure out the identity of the dead moon, and your current location. Cen wants to kill you and find out your side Where are the people on the seventh floor!!! Let me go! Give me a good time! Shadow of the remnant soul!!!"

Su Mu still didn't turn around, but continued faintly: "Long Xueji, there is coolant in the corridor outside, you can try."

"Damn! Su Mu, are you abnormal? Coolant? What about Nima..."

"If you let you go..."

Long Xueji nodded and stood up, then smiled at Ke Zhen: "Is that stuff more exciting?"

At this time, Kezhen was sweaty, her lips turned purple, and then she shook her head desperately, "I said! I said everything!"

Su Mu turned around and stared at Ke Zhen without evasiveness: "Say one less word, I will turn your lower body into ice cubes, and slowly become ice cubes!"

Facing the chill radiating from Su Mu, even Long Xueji, who was standing on the side, felt a chill. This Su Mu, would you like to be so cruel?

But seeing Zhuge Muyue's appearance, Long Xueji felt that Su Mu was already very kind now. If it weren't for this woman, Su Mu would have killed her...

Ke Zhen slowly lowered her head and said word by word: "Our people have found out... the identity of the dark element, but we are not sure if it is her... if the identity of the dark element is confirmed, we will change. Very passive...So, we have to find the dark element before you, and conquer it, and in reality, controlling the remnant soul can only be done against Dead Moon..."

"Who is the Dark Element?" Su Mu's eyes widened. Wadao actually knew the identity of the Dark Element?

"You... come here, I only tell you one person..." Ke Zhen slowly raised her head, then stared at Su Mu.

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