Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3090: I heard you fell in love with my woman




"Hit my woman!"


"It's not a pity to die!"


Bang bang!

The fists kept falling, Shiraki Hiro could still struggle a few times at the beginning, but he passed out directly behind him, his entire head was hit into the ground, but Su Mu still did not let go.

The moment he saw Hiroki Shiraki no longer move, the raised fist shook again.

This feeling is like dizziness and dizziness, because you will see that Su Mu's fist has countless ghost images, and then it falls quickly!


The blood water shot up completely!


The scene was quiet to the point of scalp tingling.

Everyone was quiet and even heard their own breathing clearly, but at this time no one dared to move or even gasped.

Shiraki Hiro’s oppression made them cautious, and now a strong person came, which made them totally unacceptable, and they couldn’t even imagine that anyone could kill Shiraki Hiro, and it was an instant kill! There was no reaction time for Shiraki Hiro at all, and he still used violence to control violence. It was completely impossible for Shiraki Hiro to change his hands. This was the most terrifying place.

If it is a firearm, or using other things to hit Shiroki Hiro, it would be better to say, but now, it is completely head-on to kill Shiraki Hiro, how can this not be shocking?

Yan Xiaochun didn't know how to describe her feelings and feelings now.

She had already said before coming. You can’t go head-to-head, and Su Mu agreed well, but after he came here, he was like a different person. The chill that radiated from his body was horrifying. This is how many people have been killed. This kind of aura?

Yan Xiaochun knows that only by killing people, killing a lot of people, and accumulating over the years can there be such an aura. Otherwise, it is impossible for people to feel that the surrounding air is cold. This feeling Yan Xiaochun feels all over his body. Shaking...

And only Zhou Wenling, who was in her arms, was smiling and relaxed at this time, even watching Su Mu's performance with the mentality of an audience...

At this moment, the group was shocked, no one spoke and no one moved. Although Su Mu's aura made them chill, after all, Su Mu was with Zhou Wenling, so some were just shocked.

But some people are different, such as those who follow Shiraki Hiero, such as... Li Buzeng!

At this time, Li never stood still, and then he saw his legs trembling, the kind of trembling that could be clearly seen, even...seeing the dampness on his pants...

At this time, Su Mu slowly stood up, and then looked at Li Buzeng!

He squatted on the ground with a puff, and clearly saw the yellow liquid flowing out of his pants, his whole head was sweating and shaking, and he was so nervous that he had no strength to crawl back...

A person cannot control his body when he is extremely scared.

Shiraki Hiro’s death shocked him too much. He had seen Shiraki Hiro’s body block bullets, but now he died so simply, even without the strength to fight back, how could this not shock him?

Is this Su Mu still a human? Such a small figure actually beat Shiraki Hiro into this? He never dreamed that one day Shiraki Hiro would die, and his death would still be so miserable...

In his impression, Shiraki Hiro was an invincible existence. At first, Zhou Yaojing used a mortar in the Garden of Eden to attack Shiraki Hiro. In the end, although it did not completely hit, it splashed on Shiraki Hiro. Everyone around It was blown up, but this Shiraki Hiro was all right, so he knew from that moment that there was absolutely nothing wrong with following Shiraki Hiro in this doom.

No one can be this Shiraki Hiro’s opponent, because there is no game data here, and some are in the real world. Death means complete death. But now that he sees his backer fall and meets a more terrifying person, this makes Li Buzeng couldn't accept it...

"No... don't... don't kill me..." Finally, Li Wuzeng reacted when Su Mu slowly walked over.

He began to back away, slowly back...

Waiting for him to lean against the wall and unable to retreat, he almost slumped on the ground with a tremor, unable to control himself to stand up...

Everyone looked at Li Buzeng, very happy. Sometimes it was like this. The little devil was difficult to deal with. It was not so much controlled by Shiraki Bilu, it was more appropriate to be tortured by Li Buzeng.

How many women have been harmed? How many men were killed? The tortured people here are almost mentally broken!

So at this moment, after everyone reacted, everyone was expecting that Su Mu could blow his head with a punch, even this was not enough to eliminate their hatred!

It is also because the current Su Mu shocked them too much, so no one dared to speak, but everyone's expression was able to explain everything.

Su Mu walked forward step by step, and then stood in front of Li Buzeng. Seeing this guy trembling and peeing on his pants, Su Mu smiled disdainfully. How did this kind of person survive until now? In this doomsday, how can you survive without the courage? On what? By flattering Shiraki Hiro?

It's ridiculous!

"I like my woman?" Su Mu said lightly.

"Ah? No, no, no!" Li waved his hand quickly without hearing the words, and kept saying no, no...

But Su Mu sneered, then turned around and looked at Zhou Wenling and shouted, "Fairy Zhou! There are eight hundred men who like you in this doomsday without a thousand? How many is this person in your heart?"

At this time, Zhou Wenling had stood up with Yan Xiaochun, she sneered, and then stepped forward slowly on Yan Xiaochun’s shoulders. Countless people began to give way, whether it was Zhou Wenling’s previous position here or Su Mu. In relation to Zhou Wenling, this'Garden of Eden' Zhou Wenling has absolute deterrence.

I only saw her coming behind Su Mu, looking at Li Buzeng coldly and saying, "Killing him hardly understands my hatred!"

Su Mu nodded, then turned to look at Li Buzeng: "Then don't kill him..."

"Huh? Good, good...Thank you..."


Su Mu suddenly raised his foot, and then crashed between Li Buzeng's legs!


"Ah!!!" With a pig-killing cry, coupled with the fear before, Li Wuzeng's eyes were dull and bloodshot...

A scream spread throughout the prison compound. Everyone frowned slightly, but they felt very happy, and even felt that this was not enough, it was too cheap, Li Nezeng...

Su Mu smiled and looked at Li Buzeng: "Don't worry, it's not over yet..."

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