Entering the Xiangyang Palace, he alighted and spoke, but did not stop as he hurried home: "Has the Madam been born yet?"

The personal guard who came forward hurriedly replied, "I don't know, the midwife has already entered …"

He did not bother to speak as he rushed inside. From a distance, he heard his wife's miserable wails and her heart-wrenching cries. He was terrified. Sweating profusely, he ran over, "Sister Shi Qi, Sister Shi Qi …"

At the door, Sis GaoSi stopped him, surprised and happy. "Yue Xiang Gong, you're back! "You can't go in there …"

"How is it? Sister Shi Qi, she …? "

"There's a midwife. She'll be fine in a while."

"But, Sister Shi Qi, she …"

"I'm fine."

He remembered, without waiting for Sis GaoSi to ask, he said, "Zhang Xian will be back a few days late to settle some matters later."

When the Sis GaoSi heard that her husband was safe and sound, she was naturally happy.

Just then, a few mournful cries came from inside the house. Yue Pengju listened to his wife's miserable cries, and he was not without worry, he only said: "Women giving birth, are all like this …"

He was still worried. Inside, his wife's screams were getting weaker and weaker, but he still entered the door anxiously, as there was only a thin curtain separating them. "Sister Shi Qi, don't be afraid, I'm back …"

Just as he was about to faint, such a gentle and firm voice sounded beside his ear. Hua Rong's anxious emotions loosened and she felt a burst of tearing pain again, but before he could even cry out, he heard a loud and clear cry.

Hua Rong almost fainted, but the baby that had just arrived in this world was crying even harder with her eyes closed, wanting to use her sobs to tell everyone not to look at her.

When Yue Pengju rushed in, Liuma had already cut the umbilical cord and hugged the child. "Congratulations Yue Xiang Gong, Madam has given birth to a big fat boy …"

Yue Pengju looked at his son's wrinkled face and quickly sat on the side of the bed to hold his wife's hand. Her head was covered with sweat, her face was as white as gold paper, and her lips were pale white.

"Sister Shi Qi, Sister Shi Qi …" What's the matter with you? "

After a long while, Hua Rong finally opened her eyes. His hands had gained some strength as she grabbed his husband's hands and laughed weakly.

"Of course I have to come back at such a time. Sister Shi Qi, you've worked hard. "

"Pengju, it hurts …"

He asked anxiously, "Does it still hurt?"

"No more now …" She smiled and listened to the crying. "I want to see the baby."

Liuma immediately carried the child over and said joyfully: "Madam, look at this beautiful child. His arms and legs are so sturdy, even more so than all of the children I've delivered before …"

Because it was June, and the weather was too hot, they could only wear a red, fat carp apron that Hua Rong had personally embroidered. A big carp wrapped itself around the baby's fat and fat belly, and only had a thin, soft swaddling cover. The baby's forehead seemed to be covered by a layer of hair. She closed her eyes and cried. His face was wrinkled like a mouse that had not been stretched out yet. Hua Rong reached out and caressed his son's face, then laughed: "Such an ugly little thing …"

Yue Pengju took his son and carried him in his arms. He scrutinized him a few times, and then carefully caressed his son's wet eyes. What a strange, soft life. He felt a soft feeling in his heart, a sudden burst of love. He held his son's soft body in his arms, the bone in his bones, the blood in his blood, as if it were the continuation of his body and his wife's body. Although he had won many battles, he had never been as excited as he was now. For a moment, he was unable to speak and could only gently touch the child's eyelashes. He could tell that the child's eyelashes were the same as his wife's.

This discovery made him even more surprised. "Sister Shi Qi, look at me, look at you …"

Hua Rong laughed: "Peng Ju, what's the name of this child good?"

"I see this child as a tiger, so let's call him tiger."

"Tiger head?" Hua Rong had gone through countless of hardships to get this child, so she naturally cherished him very much.

The Little Tiger seemed to be dissatisfied with his name, but it could not be helped. It cried twice more, moved its arms a bit, signalled a protest, and fell asleep.

Liuma gently carried the child to the small cradle at the side and brought the child to the outside room to be taken care of. The room quieted down. Hua Rong wanted to sit up, so she extended his hand and pressed her down, and anxiously said: "Sister Shi Qi, quickly lie down well." She also didn't have the strength to sit up. Yue Pengju held her hand tightly, and extended a hand to wipe the sweat on her forehead. Then, he asked gently: "Sister Shi Qi, what do you want to eat? "I'll go get it for you …"

"Heh, the Liuma will naturally arrange it. Peng Ju, you still haven't eaten after rushing back, right? "

Only then did Yue Pengju remember that after sprinting for more than half a day, he had not eaten anything yet, and with his wife's reminder, he immediately felt famished and hungry. Just as he was about to speak, he smelled a fragrant aroma. Sis GaoSi personally carried food with him: a warm chicken soup, a red sugar egg suitable for maternity, as well as a big bowl of Red Braised Meat and two big bowls of vegetables. She even specially prepared a bowl of cold sour plum soup for Yue Pengju.

Yue Pengju quickly said: "Thank you, Sis GaoSi."

Sis GaoSi was beaming with joy. "This servant is truly happy, congratulations to Yue Xiang Gong and Madam."

She had to take good care of Hua Rong these past few days, especially when Yue Pengju was not home. She ate and lived with the Yue Clan. She was sincerely grateful to Sis GaoSi: "It's all thanks to Sis GaoSi …"

"What did the Madam say? In the future, Tiger Head and his children will also have a companion. "

With a few words of concern, she closed the door carefully without disturbing the two.

Yue Pengju then personally supported his wife and helped her eat first. Hua Rong shook his head: "You eat first, I'm not hungry, I'll eat later."

"Sister Shi Qi, you worked so hard, how could you not be hungry?"

"I'm really not hungry. I don't have any appetite right now. Peng Gao, you eat first."

Yue Pengju was extremely hungry, so he did not reject anymore. He immediately picked up the bowl and ate his fill quickly, then forcefully picked up the bowl and fed his wife many things.

Hua Rong leaned on the headboard, and asked the question that she was anxious to know. Yue Pengju told her about his battle with the gold soldier, especially the matter of saving Zhang Xian and killing him. Yue Pengju found out from the captive and seized command medallion that Xia Han was Jin Wushu's niece. When Hua Rong heard this, she sighed and said, "If that's the case, then wouldn't the enmity between us and the Fourth Prince be deeper and deeper into it?"

With Qin Gui and his wife working together in the Fourth Prince, the situation in the future would definitely become more difficult. However, Yue Pengju was not willing to discuss this matter in front of her wife, in case she was going to be anxious right after birth. He could only say happily: "Sister Shi Qi, this victory is the beginning of the Northern Chasm.

Huang Long was the important birthplace of the female nobleman, and also Jin Wushu's real "old home." Hua Rong saw that his husband was filled with lofty sentiments, and with the addition of the triumphant return this time, his worried feelings were diluted, leaving behind only joy. Only then did Yue Pengju get onto the bed and gently hold his, gently stroking her hair. The two of them had been separated for a long time, and now they had gotten back at each other again.

Just as Yue Pengju and his wife were immersed in the joy of having loved their son, Liu Qi received an order from the imperial government to retreat and not chase after the gold soldier. A few days later, Yu Peng and Zhang Jun, who had contacted Liu Guang, came back with news, saying that the two of them were not willing to fight together. Liu Guang was timid and afraid of battle. Even though his words were stuttering, there was no gap between him and Yue Pengju. However, on Zhang Jun's side, he was conserving his strength and mocking him. This kind of situation was within Yue Pengju's expectations. Although he was disappointed, this kind of disappointed emotion was diluted quite a bit by the birth of his beloved.

It was already dusk, and the weather was no longer as hot. Yue Pengju and his wife sat together outside for a while. He hugged his son as the Little Tiger woke up from its long slumber and looked at his mother in Abba with its small eyes. After twenty days of growth, the child was no longer ugly and did not look wrinkled anymore. There was a small mole on his left eyebrow. Yue Pengju could tell that he was overjoyed because there was a mole on the left side of her thick eyebrows.

Hearing her husband's discovery, Hua Rong also realized that the father and son pair's positions were exactly the same. Looking at her son, his facial features were exactly the same as a husband's, a perfect replica of Yue Pengju Jr. She had never felt this happy before, but looking at the sunset in the west, every single one of their husbands and sons, every single one of them was a gift from heaven.

Yue Pengju teased his son and laughed: "Tiger head, your uncle has never seen you before."


In these few days when his son was born, Hua Rong had been busy every day taking care of his son, something that she had not thought about for a long time, even the King Qin himself. Now that her husband mentioned this "uncle", he had an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Yue Pengju nodded and sighed: "It's such a pity about Wen Long, I really don't know how he is now. If he's here, then Tiger has an older brother as well. "

Hua Rong felt even worse. Ever since she was pregnant, she would embroider something for Xiao Luwenlong every time. Now that the child was already seven or eight years old, he should already have a little bit of a manly look, but unfortunately, she really didn't know when it would be if she could meet him again.

Not long after the child's full moon, Zhao Deji sent someone to deliver an extremely generous reward. At the same time, he handed over the written edict, telling Yue Pengju to continue his attack from the north.

It was one thing for there to be a reward, but the husband and wife were both inspired by the Northern Faction's edict and were very excited. After the child's full month, Hua Rong started to resume her training. She was originally a martial artist, and with her foundation, coupled with the days of her husband by her side, taking care of herself, her mental state, and her daily life. She was very comfortable, so her body had recovered very well. When Yue Pengju returned, he accompanied her on her horse.

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