Slave to the Darkness

134 134 Drink Mine, Cedric's or Touble Your Guardian

Yuki looked up and nodded her head. "I will stay here. It feels like the room is slightly spinning. I think that you pushed me too hard by opening my eyes."

"Just rest until I return. I should not be all that long." Cedric kissed her once again before getting up and leaving the room.

Yuki laid there for a moment. She opened her eyes and could see the magic in the air and closed her eyes and her sight went back to normal once she opened her eyes again. 'This is going to be my new normal. It makes me a bit light-headed but maybe it will be good so that I can see other magic. Cedric is a stunning golden yellow colour. I did not think that it would be this colour. I wonder what colour I have?" She shook her head and closed her eyes. This time when she opened her eyes she held up her hand and made her hand invisible. She glowed slightly green.

Cedric was at the door listening to her and he smiled. 'This was not the ideal way for her to discover that but the runes are acting up. I wonder what is making them act up on me.' Cedric held out his hand and the golden yellow rune was spinning and landed on the top of his hand.

Claude got up and saw Cedric and the rune. "They're acting up. Does that mean they are reacting?"

"I am not certain but let's go to the table. I think that there is a connection between everyone that has them. As far as I have been told there are four subcategories and one main. Both Yuki and I are from the subcategory. You are a part of her clan. So you might be forcing her rune to respond." Cedric sat back down at the table and his skin started to glow in all sorts of places.

"The elements are trying to reach out to you." Claude watched and stopped eating. "This is one of the few times where I am rather concerned."

There was a knock at the door and Royce answered the door. "Hello, sir. How can I help you?"

"Just let me in Human. I know that the two of them are here. I will go straight to him." The man glared darkly.

"Very well. Shall I take your coat for you and will you be staying long, Sir?" Royce asked and backed away from the guy so that he may enter.

The guy tossed his coat and took off his boots. He went straight for the dining room and glanced at the bedroom. "Squirt, I can see that you found her. Just how long do you plan on waiting?"

Cedric ate the pasta salad and didn't turn around. "Tomorrow. I was going to give the memories tomorrow. She almost broke by the memories trying to force their way back into her mind. I will not allow her to break, Rex."

"I am glad that you remembered me. I will stay here in the usual room. I will not allow anything to happen to the two of you." Rex pulled a knife and touched it to his skin. "Drink the essence."

Cedric looked at Rex and sighed. He placed his lips on the wound and felt the purple liquid enter his mouth and the runes faded. He stopped drinking and slumped forward.

Rex caught him and carried him under his arm, "I will place this one back to bed. While I am there I will check on the young miss... Do I have permission, Guardian?"

"Guardian… it has been a while since I have been called that. Do what you need to do, immoral one." Claude glanced over and stared Rex in the eyes.

"I can see that we are in agreement. I will not do anything that does not need to happen. She is just regaining what was lost. I will be selective with my words." Rex looked at Cedric and saw the runes disappear from sight. He left the room and went to the bedroom.

Claude let out the breath that he was holding. "Sorry about that Sephira. There is still something that you do not know. Yuki may be my adopted sister but she does not remember everything that has happened in the past. I am what is called her guardian. I am to watch over her and make sure that she does not do something that could cause damage to the world. As the future Queen of the night world her actions are important. I am meant to guard and guide her. The guy you saw is even harder to explain."

Sephira sat up and patted Claude on the back. "It will be okay. I know that you are concerned over this. You do not need to tell me everything right now. A little bit at a time is okay. For now I understand that Cedric was covered in yellow runes and that you are connected to this in some way. Tell me more when the timing is right." She placed her head on his shoulder.

Rex went into the bedroom and saw Yuki sitting in the bed and was staring at the wall. "Hey little devil." He laid Cedric next to her.

"I am not a little devil." Yuki pouted and stared at the man that had entered the room.

"You are my little devil. You need to drink something other than blood. Do you remember what you need to drink?" Rex sat there waiting to see what would happen.

"Something other than blood." Yuki stared at the one place on the wall. "I can't remember but I can tell that my body wants it. I was given the magic sight back. Cedric glows a golden yellow but I glow green? Is there something wrong with me? Is that why our colours do not match?"

"There is nothing wrong with you little devil. If you can see the colour then you must need the essence. You have options. You can drink mine, Cedrics, or trouble your guardian."

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