Slave to the Darkness

146 146 The Wedding Waltz

"For our first contest, we will be picking pairs from this box. The ladies will grab from the star box and the males will grab from the circle box." The announcer carried the boxes to the front of the line and went to the end allowing contestants to draw the slips of papers. Yuki took the last paper as well as Cedric and their numbers lined up so that they were both number one. She smiled but did not say anything.

"Alright, here's how this will go. Each pair will dance to a song of their own choice but I warn you that you will only have the amount to practice so the first group must choose their song fast and go get changed based on their song choice. So who is group one?"

Yuki looked at Cedric and walked over to the announcer handing him her number then went to the dressing room. There were no words shared between Cedric and herself; she went straight to the back and started to get changed. She knocked on the dressing room door. She walked in and there was a lady waiting.

"Oh, you unlucky soul. Going first is going to be rough. I'll do what I can to help. What outfit do you need?" She looked at Yuki with pity.

"A dancing wedding dress. I am not worried as my partner is my real-life partner. I feel like I am rather lucky." Yuki started to take off her shoes and the woman scurried to the dresses.

"Oh! That is indeed lucky. I have three styles. There is short to the knees, to the ankles, or dragging on the ground. Which do you prefer?" The lady quickly pulled out the three dresses.

"The one that goes to the ankles will be perfect. It is not every day that I get to dance and this is about what I am used to dancing in." Yuki stood up and the lady undid her dress. "I think that my hair needs to be put up do you think that I will have enough time?"

"Plenty of time. I will help you as you are so sincere." The lady helps Yuki into the dress and does the backup and starts to style Yuki's hair up while Yuki adds a little makeup.

Cedric handed his paper to the announcer. "Just give her a moment to change and we will dance to the wedding dance waltz." Cedric went to the back and found the change room and he changed into the tux that was in the room and he changed into nice shoes and slicked his hair back then went back to the stage and waited for her.

Yuki finished getting her hair done and then the girl helped her into her shoes then led her to the starting point. She looked at the music guy and as the music started she waltzed on to the stage and did a little spin. She did a small bow to the audience.

Cedric moved behind her with his hands behind his back. He moved around her until they were facing each other where he placed his hand on her waist and the two spun together smiling happily. Then they switched arms and went the opposite way. Cedric then separated and watched her spin her, caught her and started leading her on the dance floor. He spun her out then the two switched hands and Yuki stretched out and came back in the two spun in a circle with their hands on each other and then Cedric caught Yuki and she dipped towards the stranger and was brought back up. It was like they had done this together a thousand times.

Karen was backstage watching throwing a hissy fit. She drew number seven so she was the closing act but when she saw that bitch paired with her soon to be man, she got pissed off.

Yuki was smiling the whole time and trusted Cedric completely. As he shows her off around the stage then spins her and this time she places her hand on his as it is in the air so that he can walk around her as she spins like a ballerina.

Cedric grabs her hand and now they look like a figure eight and he stares deeply into her eyes and they move clockwise. Then he stops spinning but spins her out and she reaches out then touches his hand. After she touches his hand the second time he spins her the opposite way and like before she reaches out and touches his hand then reaches out once more. He spins her once more than picks her up and spins with her in his arms. Then he lets her down and the two go back to a standard waltz. Near the end, he lifts her up and holds her by the hips.

Yuki leans back with her hands over her head. As the song comes to an end. She feels Cedric slide her down and she whispers in his ear. "I trust you fully, Dear." She bows to the crowd with Cedric.

Cedric spun her one last time off the stage as the cheers were ongoing. He went with her to the change room and kissed her on the lips.

The lady in the room cleared her throat. "I am terribly sorry to interrupt but I will forgive you two since you outdid yourselves with that dance. I will forgive you for using the dressing room as a getaway."

Yuki turned and smiled, "so you were able to come and see our dance. How was it for you?"

"That was simply amazing in every single way. It was so beautiful that I wanted to cry. I never thought that I would see such perfect dancing but that blew me away. Now I understand why you chose what you did and sit down. I will let down your hair and style for the next event. This way we will have the advantage with time.

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