Slave to the Darkness

157 157 Mussels, Clams, and Oysters

"In the beginning, I decided that I would escape but the more I fought the stricter things became for me. I told you that I killed people. It was that reason that I was left in my cell all alone. I think that the original owner knew that I was not a human and that's why I got separated from the rest. I wasn't scared because if I really wanted to I could've left at any point in time but I had no memories of my past and I knew that Granny was dead so there was nothing that could be done. With nowhere to go, I stayed put." Yuki looked into Cedric's eyes.

Cedric got up and carried her to the hot tub. "There is going to be a temperature difference but I think that you will like this." He stepped in and sat down and pressed a button and the jets started up.

Yuki giggled and felt the water blast out on her leg. "You are right I like this." She thinks for a moment, "I would like to go back to the woods and see if there is something that could be a clue about me. That is if you do not mind?"

"I think that can be done. I am not sure of where you were with this Granny of yours stayed but I am sure we will find it. You will however need to lead the way. I do want to bring you to your rightful house but that is not possible right now. There are too many outside forces that want to kill you and I will not have you dying on me." Cedric swept a loose hair behind her ear.

Yuki smiled and rested her head on his chest. "Why don't we get Claude to go to the castle?"

"A castle is a good description of that place. We can try that if you want but that might not work as far as I could tell there are only two that can go in and out of that place but maybe if we allow it he will be able to go back inside?" Cedric thinks about it and looks at the sky while hugging her.

"All we can do is try. I mean since you got in, you and I both should be able to allow our guardians into that place." Yuki hugs him back. "What do you want to do for the rest of the evening, Dear?"

"Tyler should be heading inland now so if you want we can take the small boat out and go check on all of our traps. I am not worried about people stealing from our traps but I do worry that they might break them. They are tricky to open and that is usually how we catch them." Cedric doesn't move from his hold on her.

"Oooo, that sounds like fun. I want to catch the thief. I mean how dare they steal our food or even Liam's food. I hope that he took enough to feed his family. He seemed a bit worried that you arrived." Yuki frets a little.

"That boy took enough. When I opened the first few cages I noticed that they were less full and that most of the shrimp were gone. That is why I opened so many traps." Cedric stands up and continues to carry Yuki around. "This is our engagement getaway. We are officially engaged once more. You will get back the proposal memory but there are a few more things that you need to remember first."

Yuki held on but trusted Cedric and she smiled from his words. "I am only waiting for that memory as you gave me a beautiful proposal but the fact that we have done this twice is interesting. I love you, Cedric and I know that you will guide us in the right direction. I am curious, am I different now from before?"

Cedric walked across the boat and used his magic to transport a new cooler to the boat. "You are a little different but that is to be expected. You were a princess that everyone loved and cared for. I know that once your memories return, you will not change as the differences will not be that drastic. You are just a little less guarded right now but in the past, you were always on guard. That is to say, you are more carefree now." He lets her down and hops into the boat then holds out his hand to her.

"More guarded… I think I understand what you mean but I was opening up to you so you were the one that I loved the most." Yuki took his hand and hopped over. She settled in the seat and watched as he lowered the boat down.

"Yup, just more on guard and you opened up to me telling me things that you wanted to see, things that you wanted to do, and things you really wanted to try. With you being a princess I was not able to take you out on any outing dates but now I can fulfil all the requests that you wanted." Cedric turned on the motor and it was rather quiet. "Let's be quiet and see if we can hear the poachers."

Yuki nodded her head as they got closer to the traps Cedric turned off the motor and started to paddle. ~You are strong Cedric. I did not know that you could paddle as well as use the motor.~

~You know for a moment I forgot we could talk telepathically. Sometimes I can be forgetful.~ Cedric stopped the boat and grabbed the first trap and emptied it into the cooler.

Yuki watched how Cedric opened the trap and was amazed. ~There are new creatures in this bunch!! Will they turn red as well?~

Cedric sets the trap back in the water and paddles towards the next trap. ~Not these ones. It took everything I had to not laugh at your reaction. I will cook these up tomorrow if we get enough. I know that Claude will drool over them. These traps are on the bottom of the ocean thus it is easier for them to wash up into the cages and this is a great spot for mussels, clams, and oysters.~

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