The maid fled the room and Claude came into the room. "That is not any way to treat the workers, little sis. Just drink the essence for me and you will feel better. You can't keep fighting it. It is getting more and more painful for me." Claude sat down on the bed and reached over.

"Don't touch me please, Big brother. I do not want to attack you. I drain you so much that you look like you are going to collapse. I do not want to keep doing that to you." Yuki's little eyes had tears flowing down her cheeks and she was holding onto the blanket. "It's so hard to resist."

Claude looked down at her sadly, "If you will not drink willingly then I will force you too." He sliced his arm and held it up to her lips. "Drink it and end your suffering."

Yuki's little body trembled and finally caved. She bit and drank the essence deeply.

Luna stepped into the room and saw that she was finally drinking the essence and sighed. "Claude, thank you. I do not know what we would do without you here. One day you will find a girl that means so much to you that you will not know what to do. For now, thank you for taking care of Yuki. I know that she does not know what exactly is going on but she will learn and you were at your limit."

"It was so painful. I could not allow her to keep fighting it and the build-up inside of me was at its limit. I sliced my arm and that is why she stopped fighting. The smell was tantalizing and there was no way for her to resist." Claude watched as Yuki drank all the essence that she needed and then let go of his arm. She licked it and it was healed. "Feeling better?"

"I hate you. You forced me to drink and cause you harm." Yuki started bawling.

Luna walked over to Yuki and picked her up. "Did you know that if you do not drink from your guardian it causes them vast amounts of pain. Rejecting them slowly kills them. You need to drink when you are suffering."

Yuki's tears slowly stop falling, "is it true big brother?"

Claude lets out a sigh, "Mother, it is necessary to tell her. I didn't want to worry her. That is the main reason I never told her. I do suffer greatly. The essence builds up inside my body and it is painful so if you do not drink it, I suffer. So promise me that when you need it you will ask and I will give you what you need." He reached out and patted Yuki on the head.

"Mama, I will not worry you anymore. Big Brother, I did not know that I was making you suffer. I will make sure that if I need it I will seek you out." Yuki reached her little hands out.

"I know that you will, Amaris." Claude took Yuki and gave her a hug.

Yuki's vision goes back to normal and she is looking up at the three people above her. "Childhood memory. It is not connected to Cedric but to big brother. Sorry to cause concern. I will be okay." She slowly sits up and she is hit with the need for essence. She doesn't give Claude the chance to cut his arm and she bites in drinking the essence.

"Ah, I think I know which memory you saw now. When she was young she refused to drink the essence from me but between Luna and me, we were able to guide her. Long story short she may not hesitate to attack me from now on." Claude felt relief and waited for her to finish.

Yuki stopped drinking his essence and licked the spot she bit into "I am sorry for causing you pain, Claude. I did not know that by fighting the pull it would cause you pain. It would've forced you to repeat what you did in our past." She looked at Cedric and held out her arms to him.

Cedric bent over and lifted her up, "Are you feeling better now and shall we go collect the tasty morsels in the cages? I know that you were excited to see them yesterday and wanted to open the cages."

"We just got here but you are right, food is a huge priority. Sephira, you can either stay on the sip and come with me. I want you to be safe." Claude had wrapped his arms around her and was now hugging her from behind.

"Yuki, I am relieved that you are okay. I was worried that you were not going to wake up." Sephira grabbed one of Yuki's hands and was smiling.

"Thank you, Sephira. I am glad that you are here with us and now part of our family. I am sorry that I attacked Claude in front of you." Yuki smiled and patted Sephira's hand.

"No, it is alright. I think I know what Claude was going through but I am still new at this. I of course understand that you are the same as Cedric. I will go with Claude to see what we will be eating. I will help cook as I am a decent cook." Sephira let go of Yuki's hand and hugged Claude. "I know that you want to keep me safe but you are sometimes ridiculous."

"Oh, Claude take a few new tarps with you. There has been poaching going on and I don't know how many traps might have gotten broken." Cedric glances at Claude and watches as he froze.

"Did someone dare to actually steal from you? So that is what was up with the newspaper. Will they strike again?" Claude's eyes gleam as he thinks about what he will do.

"Ah, no. They are in custody after trying to attack me on the ship." Yuki says this and looks at Sephira and Claude.

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