Slave to the Darkness

177 177 Blood Wine

Sephira looks completely lost and watches what was going on. 'I do not get it but if the guys say something it's going to happen, I guess, I will just sit back and wait for it to start.' She eats the shrimp that are offered to her.

Yuki took the glass and sipped it slowly. "This is way better...hic." She giggles and her face starts to go red.

Cedric watched as her face became more flushed. "Sephira, when blood is added and the person who's blood is used has been drinking, the vampire will get drunk. Yuki how does it taste?"

"It is veeery good. Did Serina drink? Is that why I goots drunk off her blooood?" Yuki looked up at him and her gaze was sill steady despite her words becoming jumbled.

"It is possible. I did not ask her but she probably did. You will feel really relaxed a bit. Drink more and I will make you as many glasses as you like." Cedric chuckle and watched Yuki sip the blood wine.

"But then you will neeed to… hic, hurt yourself." Yuki frowned but sipped on the glass and held it like it was a treasure.

Sephira watches and chuckles, "Okay, this is too cute. I can not believe that this is happening. I definitely did not know that was a thing. Will she be okay?"

"Yeah, it will be fine. She has been drunk off blood a few times. I have witnessed it a few times. She was sober and drinking the wine and she needed blood. It was requested that I give her my blood as I am her guardian and my blood reset the bond between her and Cedric. I drank a little too much but I of course did as I was requested. Sorry, Cedric."

"No, it is alright. We did not have a choice in the past. Your blood was the one sure way to break the bond. Now that will not work but as her guardian, she will still be able to drink your blood. Sephira, it gets better. She will get pretty drunk and embarrassed that tomorrow she will not want to face any of us." Cedric chuckles and pulls Yuki closer to his side.

"Yuki looked at Cedric, "You are doing this to me soooo that I do not overthink?" She moved closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder blade.

"Yes, that is why I am doing this, but it also was nice to see you drunk last night. I wanted it to be on my terms and I did not liked that you got shocked out of your drunkenness before we could do anything. I have promises that I need to keep. To the beauty that is mine." Cedric kissed the top of her head and drank more wine.

"I already know that you will outdrink me. I am a lightweight compared to you. It is insane. You can drink ten bottles to yourself and act like you drank nothing. I drink six and I am trashed." Claude frowned and continued to eat and feed Sephira until all the shrimp were gone.

"What!? we ate all of that but it feels like we just started?!" Sephira was looking at all the empty bowls. "Thank you for an amazing lunch. Yuki how do you feel?"

"Mmmmm, my head is a little fuzzy but it is not a bad feeling. I think that I enjoyed the wine a lot. It is better with blood mixed in." Yuki looked at Cedric and finished the glass. "Just wine for this glass. I doooo not want you to give me all that blood yet."

Cedric chuckles and fills her class with just the wine. "I know that you enjoy your blood wine. It has been a while since I have done this…" Cedric sighed and shook his head. "You will get that memory back soon enough."

"Mmmmm, I am sure that evvverything will come back to me at some pooooint." Yuki took the wine glass and drank the contents more. "Cedric, drink more. I want to relax all day today. No, big major plans juuust theeee four of us!"

Cedric chuckles and pours himself the rest of the wine in the glass. "To you Sweetie." He downs the liquid and holds a mouthful in his mouth and bites his tongue. He leans over and kisses Yuki and transfers the blood wine from his mouth, to her mouth.

Claude chuckles and holds Sephira close by his side. He leans down to her ear, "this is what I was talking about. Cedric will give her a little bit of blood wine and she will collapse from the alcohol. The more he drinks the harder it will become." He nipped her ear and held her close.

"So in other words she is just going to get worse? Is it safe?" Sephira worries and looks at Cedric and then up at Claude.

"I'lllll be fine Seffie!~" Yuki giggles and smiles up at Cedric, "You are crafty but do not think that I will let you get away with this. I want to juuust drink wine but you need more! He he. Your glaaaasss is empty!~" Yuki looks up at him and smiles.

"If it was not safe I would not do it to her but she may feel embarrassed tomorrow that is the only side effect." Cedric opens the third bottle and pours more in his glass. "Yuki you liked the blood mixed in right?"

Claude chuckles, "Sephira, look at Yuki you can see that she is happy and that is all that matters." He leans closer to her ear, "this is also in case we accidentally slip up and tell her something that she should not know. I want you to understand that this is very stressful for us and if she does not remember and we can not force this. Luna did not want to burden me by having to reset the bond as these two were drawn to each other. Each time I had to reset the bond it was painful for everyone involved."

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