"The only way to get away from the bastard. I know that is why when you left I would hold on as long as I could but this was all before the memory loss. After the memory loss, you were like an empty shell. I can talk about this as it does not tie in with the memories." Claude started to stuff the fish with herbs and lemons.

Sephira went back to Claude's side and started to prepare the pot to boil the crabs. "Do we have a preference on how the crabs are cooked?"

"I will leave it to the chefs. I do not know how to cook. Cedric, sorry for being so clumsy. I will try to be more careful. I want to hear about the past that I do not know about." Yuki rested on his chest.

Cedric held her closely, "Okay, I will tell you everything that you do not know. Two hundred years is a long time. I will say that I found it strange that I did not have all my memories intact and it was Claude that tipped me off."

"I couldn't help it. I didn't know that the memory wipe had happened but I was glad that you did not forget me. Sorry, Little Sis but if Cedric forgot me it would be hard to explain somethings. I tried tracking you down. I also became a commissioned bodyguard exclusively for Cedric." Claude smiled and got some fish into the oven. Some were on the grill while there were two in a pan-frying.

Cedric lifted Yuki up and took her to the couch. "I will tell you everything that you want to know that I can tell you about. It is true that I hired Claude. He did not give me much of a choice." He shook his head and pulled her up and held her close.

Yuki rested her head on his shoulder and displaced a hand over his heart. "Okay, I want to know. It is a part of you and I did not get to be there for you."

"It's not like there was much that you could do. It always felt like something was missing from my life. It was boring and unentertaining. Claude screamed at me each time that I killed a girl. Maybe killing them was a bit extreme but at the time it filled the emptiness. Such emptiness that sometimes I didn't think that I would be able to feel again. I closed off my heart and took to killing the ones that got on my nerves. There were some that tried to play me. Those were the ones that I enjoyed killing the most." Cedric had his arms wrapped around her waist.

"Yuki, do not be fooled by him. It took me years to clean up some of his messes but there comes a time in your life where everything feels meaningless and with those feelings that where he was in his life. It took me a while to convince him to move. We had to move so that people would not get suspicious of us not ageing. Once supernaturals were known by humans we were able to return home but there are not a lot of humans that know about us. The hunters are the ones that cover up the incidents." Claude looked over at the couch.

"I will say that I stopped killing normal humans. I did not want to rock the boat with the hunters and started buying slaves. Some were less than desirable but they were bought for a cheap price. Well, that is most were. You were my most expensive purchase. I am glad that I am the one that brought you. I had heard that if I said no you were going to be sold to the next guy." Cedric wraps his arms around her waist. "I would've never known that I already found my better half if I didn't buy slaves."

Sephira listens and thinks about what she knows about the slave trade. "That is a tricky business and the owners can be shady as fuck. I am a little surprised that you went to one."

"When one's desires are strong then one must fulfill them and think about it two hundred years of killing. I killed not because I wanted to but because I couldn't control myself. There were a few supernatural partners I left alive. I have already told then that was it and that it had been fun. I am completely devoted to Yuki." Cedric looked up at Yuki as she laid on top of him.

"I can not comment on this as I was not there to see it but I can say that the slaves suffer a lot. I watched them go through hell in the beginning but that changed after I killed others for their blood. Also, as long as for Cedric, I do not care too much about the women of his past. That is unless they come snooping around. I have never seen a hunter so I do not know much about them." Yuki glanced up at Cedric smiling.

Claude shook his head and turned around to continue cooking. "Little Sis, I am really glad that you came back."

Sephira saw the blush on Claude's face and held in her giggle and smiles cheekily. "I too am glad that you came back because of you I lived and now I found the man of my dreams."

"Claude, you can stop being embarrassed. It is not like you did not know where I was but you are right it is good to be where I belong but I did not forget that the three of you hid something from me and I will figure it out." Yuki looked into Cedric's eyes.

"You will find out when the timing is right and now is not the time. I can tell you that there were twenty partners I left alive so that means that there are eighteen more that you have not met. So I might need to kill those ladies for your safety." Cedric changes the topic.

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