Slave to the Darkness

186 186 Death to You

"But the fear is intoxicating and delicious. I only get this when I hunt someone unwilling. It is very tasty." Yuki pressed her nails into the skin deeper.

Cedric walked over and grabbed the back of Yuki's hair, pulling her head back and kissing her deeply. "End him and I will reward you. You want the fear while hunting. I will let you have your way but this one is getting too much attention and I do not appreciate it." He lets her go and steps back.

"No, don't do it! I'll keep feeding you fear." The man panicked and even though the fear peeked he would no longer be able to give the vampire what she wanted.

Yuki looks at Cedric. "I understand." Yuki sinks her nails the rest of the way and pulls out his heart. She crashed it and the blood ran down her arm. She turned to Cedric, "Master."

"Good Girl. I will reward you. He is not dead yet but he will be in a moment." Cedric went to the fireplace and got a fire started. "Do you have the essentials that you want Naomi?"

"The only things I really want are already in my car." Naomi looked at the body and shudders.

Yuki threw the heart remains in the fire then went to Naomi and cupped her cheeks. "Do not be afraid and do not give into him. I do not want you suffering because of him." She gets blood on Naomi's cheek then licks it off. "Sorry for freaking you out." She walked to the body and snapped his neck and went to the garage and came back with an axe.

Cedric chuckles and watches Yuki leave and come back. He walked over to Naomi. "Are you afraid of her now? This is a side of her that you have not seen before. It is better if you do not interfere." Cedric goes and sits down on the couch. "You messed with the wrong girl." He looks at the supernatural with disgust.

Yuki skips into the room and holds the axe up. "This is nice and sharp." She lifted it up and cut off the guys head. She leaves the axe in the wood and lifts up the head.

"The one sure way to kill a supernatural that has used magic to keep alive and that is to burn the remains. Once the cells are broken down it is hard to recover. Also, if a vampire is the attacking individual, they can drain the blood and that will be unable to restore." Cedric watches Yuki as she cuts the guys head off as if it was nothing.

Naomi wants and nods her head. "I think that I understand. I was worried but thanks to Big Brother's description I understand better."

Yuki held up the guy's head and then tossed it in the fire. "Cedric, are you saying that I need to drink this asshole's blood to keep him from coming back?"

"Big Sister, I will do it. He was my stalker and as much as neither of us wants to I have not fed for a while." Naomi comes forward and her fangs come through. She grabbed an arm and sunk her fangs in.

Yuki jumped into Cedric's arms and looked at him. "That was fun."

Cedric caught her with ease. "It sure looked like you had fun. As you can guess Naomi is a vampire but nothing bad will come if you decide to stay in touch. She has always wanted to keep in touch." He kissed her neck.

"Mmmmmm, I want to keep in touch. She is not a bad girl and I would feel bad to cut her out right now." She rests her head on his shoulder giving him access to her neck.

"So tempting but you are the weaker one. I will not take your essence. I will however cover you with my kiss marks." Cedric adds more marks to her neck before setting her down.

Naomi finished draining the blood and was watching the two with hearts in her eyes. "I am so satisfied that you two are still together after all this time. I was worried when Big Brother didn't know who you were or even who I was."

Cedric smiled and looked over at Naomi. "I feel bad for forcing you into giving in to my desires. Now that I know who you are." Cedric pats her on the head.

Naomi cries and looks up at Yuki and hugs her. "Now all I need is for Big Sister to remember me. I know that it will take time. Big Brother do not trouble yourself over the past. It is all in the past and I am a lower being. I am not worthy of being praised or sticking by your sides. I am here whenever you need me."

Yuki looks at Naomi and thinks and a headache starts to hit. She bites the inside of her cheek to repress the memory. She sighs when the memory is no longer trying to break free.

Cedric touches Yuki's cheek and sees the struggle. "Okay, no more mention of this until the memory is recovered." He looks at Naomi and sees her nod her head in understanding. "Yuki, I will use my powers to set this place on fire so I want you and Nao to go to the car."

"Okay," Yuki holds out her bloodied hand to Naomi. Once she has hold of it, the two walk out to the car. "I am sorry that I am troubling you by not remembering. I will let you know that I feel close to you."

Naomi opens the back seat and climbs in. "All I can ask is that you drink my blood again later. I know that you formed a blood bond with Big Brother but I know that you can still drink other beings' blood. I want to be close to you again so please allow me to stay near you. I promise that I will not get in the way."

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