Slave to the Darkness

Chapter 234 - 234 Shopping Almost Complete

"I do not mind. The price of a sweet treat is well worth it. I am not a wolf but that does not mean that I do not have a sweet tooth." Yuki giggled and the lady rang the tub ice cream in.

The lady laughed and saw Cedric walk up. "You have found a good partner. I have a coffee ice cream for you too if you want."

"Yeah, I will take that. Cedric wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. "That is a lot of ice cream. I hope that you will like it."

"I was getting this and was going to ask you to take it back to our place. I was going to order a bowl to eat. I do not know when we will be back." Yuki smirked at Cedric.

"You are right but a whole tub is a lot." Cedric laughs and swipes his card. He sighs and takes the tub of ice cream to the house. He sees Royce and hands him the tub of ice cream. "Can you put this in the freezer for Yuki, Royce?"

"Yes, I will do that for you. I am happy that You two are getting along well. If there is anything else that you need just let me know and I will do my best to lead a helping hand. He took the ice cream away and placed it in the food freezer in the bas.e.m.e.nt. He looked at his pocket watch and opened the door beside the freezer and looked at the freezing man. "I do say, you are looking a little chilled. Would you care to talk now?"

"You Bastard eat shit…" The door was promptly closed.

Cedric chuckled and went back to the cafeteria. He saw Yuki sitting at a table holding his crepe and eating ice cream. Slowly he crept up to her and took a bite of the crepe. "I'm back, Love.

"Mmmmm, welcome back. Will you take the crepe and eat it now or would you prefer if I fed it to you?" Yuki ate some of the caramel apple ice cream that she ordered after he left. She looked happy eating it and even fed a bite to Cedric.

Cedric opened his mouth eating the ice cream and made an it's so sweet face then watched as she got into a giggle fit. He took the crepe and started to eat it as he walked to the food place and picked up his order. Then he sat down next to her. "You can laugh now but when I have you underneath me will you still be laughing?" Cedric starts smirking and kisses her cheek.

Yuki stopped her giggle fit and looked at him blushing. "I do not regret giggling. I still think that your reaction was funny. I thought you wouldn't mind the caramel apple flavour. It is quite nice and also very enjoyable I thought. You are not one for sweet things though. I will remember that for next time. I love you and that is all that really matters. I think that it is interesting that we have such different tastes. So what are you eating?" Yuki looks at his food in fascination.

"This is something to counteract all the sweet food. It is very spicy and I am quite enjoying it." Cedric lifted the spoon up to Yuki's lips. "It's a spicy curry on coconut rice with some naan bread."

Yuki opened her mouth and took the curry into her mouth and quickly went back to her ice cream. "That is so insanely spicy! How can you eat that? Can they actually sell it that spicy? That is almost lethal. I do not even understand how you can eat it." She places the ice cream on her tongue and glares at him.

Cedric laughs and eats it with no issues. "Just be glad that it did not taste like sand. They can sell this but I think I am one of the few that actually finished the meal. As yeah it is very spicy. The naan bread on the other hand is very good. I think that you would like it. He tore off a piece and held it out to her.

Yuki looked at the bread kind of afraid but against her better judgement she took the piece and placed it in her mouth. "Oh! That is good. Thank you, for at least showing me that it is all not bad. So you like spicy food. I did not know that about you. What I mean by that is that I do not know that you preferred spicy food to sweet food."

"It is okay that you did not know. We have the rest of our lives to learn more about each other. I will order you something from there when we come back that way you can try the food but I will not make yours like mine. You do not need extremely hot food." Cedric continued to eat the meal happily.

Yuki ate the rest of her ice cream and watched Cedric eat. "You are amazing. You do not even flinch from how spicy the curry is. I commend you." She giggled as he did a half-ass bow to her. "So all that is left is going to the bookstore and then we will be able to go home correct?"

"If by home, you mean the ship then yes. If you mean the house then no. We are still on vacation." Cedric got up and placed the garbage that was on the tray in the trash and the tray on the counter. He held out his hand to her and waited for her to come to him. "Do you want me to kiss you here? Or I can do something worse than that to you. I could take you here. It is not like the workers here have not seen it all before."

Yuki picked up her bag and followed Cedric. "Back to the ship is not a bad idea at all. I would like that very much. I will ummm pass on you doing things with an audience." She looks up at him and notices his smirk.

Come with me to the bookstore. You are not used to the Sunlight yet. I thought that you might want something other than my tyranslating books to read." He took her hand and led her to the bookstore.

Maggie popped up at that moment. "You took a while to eat. The doors are going to be opening soon. I think that you might run into others and I will not be around as I have other duties that I must attend to."

"It is okay. I know how to handle myself and if you think that I am bad then she is a thousand times worse. I am nothing compared to her and that is being nice. I would not just say this as you should know by now." Cedric looked down at MAggie.

"Yes, I am aware of that fact. Frightening what she would be able to do if there was no one to stop here. Liliana, it was a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you. She held out her hand and gave Yuki Cedric's credit card and left them to go where they needed to.

Yuki took the card and went to Cedric's side. She went to hand the card back to him.

"Nah you can keep it and get what you want at the bookstore. It is my copy but your copy is on the ship in your purse. I know that you will not go overboard and even if you did, you have the same amount of wealth as me. It is just back in your castle." Cedric pushed the card back to her c.h.e.s.t."

Yuki looked at the card then back up at Cedric. "Okay, I will hold onto your card until we are all done shopping. Will you lead the way to the bookstore?"

Cedric held out his hand and waited for her to place her hand in his before he started leading the way. "Is there something that you would like to read?"

"As cliche as it may seem, Vampire books. It's absolutely hilarious the things humans come up with. I will buy a bunch so that I can laugh. The warlock ones are hilarious or don't even get me started on the werewolves." Yuki starts giggling as they enter the store.

Cedric lets her hand go. "Okay, I am going to get what I need, you feel free to get some reading materials." He took one last look at her and went to the front desk.

Yuki chuckled and picked up a basket. She went to the horror section and then wandered around until she found a book about all supernaturals she added all books from the series. She looked around and found more books and added them to the basket until the basket was full. She turned and found more books. She didn't bother with the approaching person as the mall was now open.

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