Slave to the Darkness

Chapter 264 - 264

Cedric opened the door and looked ta the girls in bed. "What a pleasant sight to see. Yuki did I not give you enough blood?" Looking at the two his eyes flash ebony as he steps into the room with Adam.

Adam's eyes flash angrily, "what are you doing?"

Yuki flashes behind Adam and pins him quickly to the wall. "Here is the deal fire demon. Nao is mine and will always be mine. If you flash your anger at me, I will take it as an attack. Nao knows the laws of vampires so you -better get educated before I have to do something to you." She backs away from him and teleports to Cedric. ~As a warning if I can subdue Cedric I can and will subdue you.~

Adam calmed down and looked at Yuki. ~Sorry, I do not know what is going on with me. I never meant to show you my anger. Please forgive me.~ Adam Bowed to Yuki and then stood up leaving the room.

~Adam, there is a lot that you do not know but if you think that those girls are you mate you will need to play the games by the rules. Yuki is the top of the food chain over everyone, that includes myself for the time being.~ Cedric grabbed Yuki and gave her a hug and kiss on the lips.

Naomi jumped off the bed and grabbed Adam's arm as he left the room. "There is something that I have to tell you. Will you stay here for a moment? We can all go and eat together after I finish."

Yuki teleports Cedric to the dining room and gently pushes him into a chair before she sits on Cedric's l.a.p. "A little push in the direction is the right thing to do. I would not be doing this if I thought that it would be bad for them." Yuki licked the last bit of blood on her lips and leaned and kissed Cedric's cheek. "Are you jealous that I drank her blood?"

"No…" Cedric wrapped his arms around her waist. "If I was you would know it by now, but you should know that there is not a lot that can threaten me. His hands slide up her back and one slides to her neck and pulls her close to him. "Are you still thirsty?" he tilts his head away from her, exposing his neck to her.

Iris and Rose walk into the room and Rose almost drops the plate that she was carrying. Thankfully Royce caught it in time. He places the plate on the table and looks at Rose who was shivering. "What are you so afraid of?"

Yuki looked over her shoulder and then back at Cedric's neck and sunk her fangs in drinking his blood. She took only drinks seven gulps of blood before she licks the wound shut and looks at the maids and Royce. "There is nothing to fear from me unless you keep seeping the fear out then I will partake on your blood. I will not drink enough to turn you. Besides, there will be enough bloodshed soon enough."

"Please pardon Rose, Madam. She was attacked before she came to the slave action, so there is some fear still in her but if you need to attack someone I will offer you my blood." Iris bowed to Yuki then pulled Rose from the room.

"Are you curious about vampirism, Royce? I know that you are willing to become one of us." Yuki looked back at Cedric smirking. ~Shall I take a little blood?~

~Do as you please. It is not like I would be able to stop you anymore.~ Cedric pecked her cheek before she left his l.a.p. "Royce, stay calm."

Yuki appeared next to him and used the fear in the air. She leaned forward and moved her finger. "Offer yourself to me." She compelled him and watched as Royce kneeled down and exposed his neck. Yuki sunk her fangs in and took a little blood and a memory hit her.

~Memory Begin~

'If only the Master would return home. I know that I am young and foolish… I also just took over for my father. I cannot believe that I said something like that to my Master.' Royce stood by the door and opened it finding that his new master was a t the door. He stepped aside and held the door open. He watched as Cedric coldly came in.

"Do not apologize. I know that you are not used to this. Your family has never steered em wrong before. I know that you are just trying to help me." Cedric stopped walking away and turned to the young butler looking completely heartbroken. "I do not know what to do with this cursed body, so I can't keep a girl nearby without killing her in the process. My demon has killed enough and worn out so many and that is why I have a schedule that I have to fill at all times." Cedric smiled weakly and there was a deep sadness that could be seen in the expression.

Abigail came around the corner with a cart of food and wine. "Welcome back Master. I have your dinner ready and the girl on call for the night tried to cancel, so I have her tied up in Guest room three. Claude brought her to the manor and said that she came to him for safety." She pushed the cart into the office.

'Seeing how he is reacting, this is not what he wants either.' Royce bowed and closed the front door. "I understand now. I am sorry Master. It will not happen again. Just know that I did not want to upset you nor did I mean any harm."

"It is alright. Can you go and prepare my guest for feasting. I will not be able to let that one live anymore. I can't let this secret to get out at all costs." Cedric turned dismissing Royce to his next tasks and going into the office for a meal.

Abigail closed the office doors and walked with Royce to the bedroom. "You do need to be careful. You could've died, but I think since you are still here you got lucky. The Master has lots that he likes done. I will guide you. Come with me to the guest room." She leads the way to the room and sees the girl sleeping gagged on the bed. She started to untie the ropes.

Royce helped Abigail untie the girl and grabbed a cloth and wiped her face that had dirt on it. "So what is she?"

"That is something that I do not know. I remind to not ask questions." Abigail started to take off the girl's clothing and tossed them in a pile and then pulled out a red s.e.xy night ware. She slipped it on the girl and sighed. "It is a shame. We will have to find more girls to help sedate our master."

"So this is normal for the Master? I thought that he was a supernatural, but I did not know everything. Father died before he could take over and Grandfather never disclosed anything." Royce looked at Abigail after making sure the girl was set. He brushed the girls hair and started to style it in a style that the master would be able to grab a hold of it easily.

"My, my you have some good skills." Cedric stepped into the room and looked at the girl. "Abigail, you are dismissed. Royce, I want you to watch from the couch. I show all my new butlers what I am and it just so happens that you will get to see it on your first day." Cedric dropped the human look and showed Royce his demon look. He walked to the girl that had woken up. She started thrashing on the bed against the arm restraints. "My poor little lamb. You tried to flee, and you went to the one person that you thought would help you, but that was a bust as Claude works for me in the long run." He climbed other the girl and his clothing caught on fire burning off his body. "Shall we have some fun?"

Unable to look away Royce watched as his new Master f.u.c.k.e.d the girl and listened to her screams and begging for mercy. Hew watched at the girl became lifeless, and he looked at Cedric in shock. "Did I do something wrong Master?"

"You did something right. If I could get you to style the hair like that I would appreciate it. I can be very picky, and you just helped em get what I wanted from the girl more easily. Does this form answer your questions?" Cedric stood up and clothes started to appear on his body and he walked towards Royce.

"Yes, Master Cedric. I was really curious on what you could be. As you know my Grandfather served you almost all his life. I am grateful that I am now working for you. I can tell that I am in the right place. Would you rather me call you Sir or Master?" Royce had his head bowed out of respect.

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