Slave to the Darkness

Chapter 267 - 267

"No, it sounds like a punishment that I do not deserve." Yuki pouts and looks at Cedric through the mirror. "Are you by any chance doing this to punish me?" She stares at him through the mirror.

"Punish you? For what do I need to punish my Princess for? I merely want you to d.e.s.i.r.e no one else but me." Cedric stares back at her through the mirror and licks his lips. "The one that you will be meeting this morning is called Kira. She calls me Handsome and is one of the ones that I would like to keep around. She doesn't have anything that would do us harm." He stepped to the side and held out his hand.

Yuki takes his hand and gets up. "I feel like you are going to use me a lot today, but I don't mind. I will do as you want me to. I will try to not get too upset over the name. As long as she doesn't't cling to you, I won't mind."

Cedric spins her in a circle and admires his work. "You look perfect there is nothing to worry about. I am pleased only with you. A nickname is nothing now that we have a connection like no other." He spun her and started to dance with her in the room and watched as she started to smile. "That is the look that suits you best. Smiling for me happily."

There was a knock at the door and Iris opened the door. "There is a guest that has arrived. Royce is gilding her to the sitting room. I was asked to let you know." She bowed at the couple that was dancing in the room and was mesmerized by the sight.

Cedric stopped their dance and placed his hand on the small of her back. "Thank you, Iris. I will bring Yuki there. You can go back to your other duties now." He walked past her leading Yuki to the sitting room.

Yuki gave a small wave to Iris and went with Cedric. Her hair was blonde and eyes turned blue as they walked down the hall. "I hope that this is okay? We do not want my identity to get out." She walked profoundly down the hall with Cedric.

Cedric licked his lips and nodded his head before entering the room. He looked at Kira who was sitting on the couch already drinking some tea. "You arrived just one time like always, Kira."

"You were the one that called me here, Handsome." Kira stood up and went to Yuki instead of Cedric. "You are too divine for a beast like him. Would you like to join me instead. You are like an angel."

Cedric's eyebrow twitches in annoyance as he moves Yuki behind himself. "You keep your paws to yourself, Kira. I will not give you, my girl."

Yuki giggle sand looks out from Cedric's back. "A fox demon. I do like her." Yuki stepped out and bowed to Kira, "it is a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to met you Kira. I am Lilliana, but you have it a bit backwards. He is more mine than I am his."

"Lilliana, that is not your real disguise name. I can tell that you are in a different form from how you naturally look. I do not mind I will keep this a secret. On the phone I told you that I had something to talk to you about and Since you are here Lilliana I will tell you too. I have a vision. A vision that involves one of my members and a hunter. You two will guide her on the path that she takes. As she is the bearer that we will have been waiting for. It seems that it won't happen for over a thousand years from now. She will need the guidance of the Bearers of Earth," She looks at Yuki, "and the bearer of wind." Now she looks at Cedric.

"Tenshi, that is enough. I understand and as it is my duty I will do as you have requested. Yuki, there is -no point on hiding your identity now. She already knows who you are from that vision." Cedric held out his hand.

Kira picked up a book and handed it to Cedric. "I wrote everything in that book while I was in the vision. Do not worry about me spilling the details. I am well aware of who you are and that is one of the reasons I teased Cedric. Yuki, I would like to be your friend for the next one hundred years. That is if you will have me?"

Yuki looked at Cedric who was holding the book and watched himself nod. "If you are okay with a vampire like me then I will have you as a friend. Do you know my true name then."

Nodding Kira looked at Yuki, "Amaris, I promise that I will not do anything to bring you harm. I am, but a lowly demon compared to you and my true name is Tenshi. Feel free to ask the oaf next to you to give you my contact details." She holds her hand out to shake Yuki's hand.

Yuki got up and walked and sat next to Kira and gave her a hug. "Thank you and I will. I do as you have requested. You are newly mated?" Yuki looks around Kira in surprise as she could sense the bond on her.

"Congratulations, Tenshi. I told you that the right guy would come around for you. I am grateful for all your help over the years." Cedric looks up in shock but smiles.

"Ah, yes. That is true. I have a vision of him, while I was on the run for a hunter. He was human, and we just finally got into the details of my life. He has vowed to protect me and my family. How do I even begin to describe him. He looks cruel but is gentle, that is until you cross him the wrong way. I told him that I was summoned, and he knows about our deal. Is it okay if I go and grab him?" Kira stands up and is only five feet tall.

"You will go and get him whether I say yes or no." Cedric shakes his head and watches Kira leave the room. "I think you can understand why I kept this one around now." Cedric looks at the door waiting for the guy to walk through the door.

Kira come back with a man that was way taller than her, but also he looked like he belonged to a gang. "Cedric, Yuki this is Axel. Axel I know that you worried, but I am perfectly safe here. No one would dare to hurt me."

Axel grunts and sits on the couch that Yuki was sitting on and pulled Kira into his l.a.p. "I only let you come here because you said that you had to. I do not like you being ordered around you are the queen of your people. There is not many that can order you around some why him?"

"Sorry about this. Axel, I told you that there are very few people well Cedric and Yuki are the one that are above me in status." Kira touches his cheek that was clean-shaven.

"You are new to this world. Only a week into this life. I am the one with the highest rank in the room. I am Yuki and Cedric is actually my mate. After a long time we have become one. I would like to become your friend if you will let me. I will also protect Kira when she comes here for a visit." Yuki holds out her hand while smiling.

Axel stares at the hand and his fox ears pop out. Kira hops out of Axel's l.a.p and drops her transformation. "Might as well be in our natural states since we are all in the same boat." Her chocolate brown hair had ears on the top of her head and a chocolate brown fluffy tail appeared.

Yuki jumps up and her transformation drops she looks excited. "They look so soft! May I touch them?" Yuki saw Kira nod her head, so she reached her hand out and rubbed Kira's ears. As she gently touched Kira's ears she started melting towards the ground. "Your ears are your weak point that is so adorable."

Kira shivered in delight from the "Yes, they are my weakness. Axel you don't need to be so on edge." She stood up and hugged Axel.

Cedric got up and picked up Yuki and sat back down with her in his l.a.p. "As you can see we will not harm you and you both are welcome to come and see Yuki. Oh, Kira the wedding will be happening at the palace. Do you want to come?" He snuggled Yuki and licked her neck.

Turning towards Cedric Kira starts chuckling, "I am surprised that you were keeping your hands off of her this whole time, but you must ow have your l.u.s.t under control now that the memories have started to return." She looked at Yuki and saw her withering.

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